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Vietnam Defence Forum

Reports from Hanoi: VN halts drilling in its EEZ after China "threatened to attack VN bases in Spratly's."

Repsol executives were told by Hanoi that China had threatened to attack Vietnamese bases in the Spratly Islands if the drilling did not stop.

VN blinked.

The balance of power is very clear and VN knows it. As I said many times here, those islands are indefensible, China can take them any time it wants and there is nothing that VN can do to stop them. VN can retaliate but that would bring chinese retaliation to the Vietnamese mainland. That's the reality on the ground.

China had already threatened PH with war if they explored for oil. Now PH will be next to back down.

The chinese are not playing water wars any more, now they issue hard core threats.
There is only one power that can stop this behavior.
Its time for VN to rethink the concept of no alliances.
Its time for some people in Hanoi to stop thinking about Beijing as their "comrades".

Indonesia better take note of this. The Malaka Strait will be their next objective after they consolidate their control of SCS. Not now, but later........
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Reports from Hanoi: VN halts drilling in its EEZ after China "threatened to attack VN bases in Spratly's."

Repsol executives were told by Hanoi that China had threatened to attack Vietnamese bases in the Spratly Islands if the drilling did not stop.

VN blinked.

The balance of power is very clear and VN knows it. As I said many times here, those islands are indefensible, China can take them any time it wants and there is nothing that VN can do to stop them. VN can retaliate but that would bring chinese retaliation to the Vietnamese mainland. That's the reality on the ground.

China had already threatened PH with war if they explored for oil. Now PH will be next to back down.

The chinese are not playing water wars any more, now they issue hard core threats.
There is only one power that can stop this behavior.
Its time for VN to rethink the concept of no alliances.
Its time for some people in Hanoi to stop thinking about Beijing as their "comrades".

Indonesia better take note of this. The Malaka Strait will be their next objective after they consolidate their control of SCS. Not now, but later........
Ok that's a new game if they threaten with war. No more water cannons. Ok we blink and rethink. However the Chinese should understand they shouldn't overplay their cards. I have long promoted we seek a security guarantee from a military partner.

Ok that's a new game if they threaten with war. No more water cannons. Ok we blink and rethink. However the Chinese should understand they shouldn't overplay their cards. I have long promoted we seek a security guarantee from a military partner.


Is in the chinese nature at this time to overplay, they are doing the same with India right now. They are intoxicated with power and think they can get away with anything. Maybe it'll work for them or not, it really depends on other players. USA has been trying to get cooperation from China on North Korea, so it has gone easy on China in SCS until now, but probably not for long. We'll have to see.

The reality in a chinese centric world is that unless you are powerful enough or you have security guarantees from a big power, you have to understand where your place is and accept that they call the shots and you are either subservient to them to some degree or you become a client state as the worst outcome.

Until now VN has been able to jokey around and play middle ground, but that's not working anymore and as the chinese get more powerful, it will only get worse. Only a "real" alliance can change that situation (assuming the other party will agree to such alliance). If USA were to decide to forcefully intervene in SCS and stop chinese behavior, even using force if needed, which is a possibility, then VN can still play the middle ground, but only in such situation, otherwise, accommodation.
Is in the chinese nature at this time to overplay, they are doing the same with India right now. They are intoxicated with power and think they can get away with anything. Maybe it'll work for them or not, it really depends on other players. USA has been trying to get cooperation from China on North Korea, so it has gone easy on China in SCS until now, but probably not for long. We'll have to see.

The reality in a chinese centric world is that unless you are powerful enough or you have security guarantees from a big power, you have to understand where your place is and accept that they call the shots and you are either subservient to them to some degree or you become a client state as the worst outcome.

Until now VN has been able to jokey around and play middle ground, but that's not working anymore and as the chinese get more powerful, it will only get worse. Only a "real" alliance can change that situation (assuming the other party will agree to such alliance). If USA were to decide to forcefully intervene in SCS and stop chinese behavior, even using force if needed, which is a possibility, then VN can still play the middle ground, but only in such situation, otherwise, accommodation.
The Chinese believe themselves being a superpower after launching one aircraft carrier and one missile destroyer. I don't say we should do the same as our people have thousand years old habit to follow our Chinese brothers whatever they do including bad habit.

Co To Island in the gulf of Tonkin, previously just a paradise for sharks now buildings and infrastructure. We will do in hundreds other islands.



Land Platforms
Vietnam confirms order of Russian T-90 tanks
Jon Grevatt - IHS Jane's Defence Industry
24 July 2017


A Russian T-90S MBT fitted with Shtora defensive aids suite. Source: Uralvagonzavod

Vietnam has ordered 64 T-90S/SK main battle tanks (MBTs) from Russia, state-run news agencies in Hanoi confirmed on 21 July.

The reports, which cited comments from Russian defence officials who were speaking at a press conference at the MAKS-2017 aerospace exhibition in Moscow, said that the acquisition will be funded by credit provided by Moscow.

Jane’s first reported in early July that Russian tank manufacturer UralVagonZavod revealed in its annual report that it had secured an order from Vietnam for the T-90S/SK MBTs. The T-90S is the basic export model, while the 'K' postfix is a reference to command versions.

The value of the T-90 deal was not disclosed but is thought to be about USD250 million. The investment represents the first major order of new MBTs that the Vietnam People’s Army (VPA) has secured for many years. Investment over the past decade and more has been firmly focused on modernising the Vietnamese navy and air force.

In addition to the MBTs, the reports said Vietnam is also positioned to procure from Russia four S-400 Triumf missile systems to boost surface-to-air missile capability and MiG-35 multirole combat aircraft to replace the Vietnam People’s Air Force’s (VPAF’s) MiG-21 fighters, which are now thought to have been retired.

The number of Su-35s that the VPAF is looking to procure was not revealed, although the service previously operated more than 30 MiG-21s and is known to require significant additional numbers of fighter aircraft to enhance air combat capability.

To support these purchases and others, the state news agencies in Hanoi reported that Russia’s defence industry is looking to expand its presence in Vietnam.
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Wow VN is so brave now by obeying China's direct order :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Means little. It's just a tactical halt and the drilling can continue by tomorrow. I had expected you have learned a bit from history. We are not a country you can intimidate. Not that we are forced to take extreme measures, everybody will lose at the end of the day. You don't want to put China's fate on the poker table for nothing, do you?
Well China used to believe they are the king of Ancient World until.........you know..........England and Japan swing by and say hi. And back in WW2, Chinese praise their troops and leaders for trying to avoid confrontation in face of enemy provokes, well guess who is the side that keep provoking others now, fantasizing "You must be taking China order so that is why you back down" :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:.

Every Chinese roam around treating everyone around them as some sort servants or lesser subjects. Well i say "What goes around comes around" , maybe not now, not tomorrow or even the next decade. But when it does, i will be there watching and humbling "Burn, baby burn":)

In another practical matter, the coast guard start equipping camouflage net as a standard issue to small and medium boat. Good for hiding, scouting or even dropping navy divers into "contesting water"



Well China used to believe they are the king of Ancient World until.........you know..........England and Japan swing by and say hi. And back in WW2, Chinese praise their troops and leaders for trying to avoid confrontation in face of enemy provokes, well guess who is the side that keep provoking others now, fantasizing "You must be taking China order so that is why you back down" :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:.

And lets not even talk about what the Mongols did to the chinese.

Today, 2 J-10 fighter jets buzzed an American plane, good, keep going like that, when the Americans have enough...................
Land Platforms
Vietnam confirms order of Russian T-90 tanks
Jon Grevatt - IHS Jane's Defence Industry
24 July 2017


A Russian T-90S MBT fitted with Shtora defensive aids suite. Source: Uralvagonzavod

Vietnam has ordered 64 T-90S/SK main battle tanks (MBTs) from Russia, state-run news agencies in Hanoi confirmed on 21 July.

The reports, which cited comments from Russian defence officials who were speaking at a press conference at the MAKS-2017 aerospace exhibition in Moscow, said that the acquisition will be funded by credit provided by Moscow.

Jane’s first reported in early July that Russian tank manufacturer UralVagonZavod revealed in its annual report that it had secured an order from Vietnam for the T-90S/SK MBTs. The T-90S is the basic export model, while the 'K' postfix is a reference to command versions.

The value of the T-90 deal was not disclosed but is thought to be about USD250 million. The investment represents the first major order of new MBTs that the Vietnam People’s Army (VPA) has secured for many years. Investment over the past decade and more has been firmly focused on modernising the Vietnamese navy and air force.

In addition to the MBTs, the reports said Vietnam is also positioned to procure from Russia four S-400 Triumf missile systems to boost surface-to-air missile capability and MiG-35 multirole combat aircraft to replace the Vietnam People’s Air Force’s (VPAF’s) MiG-21 fighters, which are now thought to have been retired.

The number of Su-35s that the VPAF is looking to procure was not revealed, although the service previously operated more than 30 MiG-21s and is known to require significant additional numbers of fighter aircraft to enhance air combat capability.

To support these purchases and others, the state news agencies in Hanoi reported that Russia’s defence industry is looking to expand its presence in Vietnam.

Well, that's 3.9 million per tank, that sounds right, but for 4.5 million I think the T-90MS offers a lot more capability. Oh well, have to start somewhere.

The 4 S-400 was already expected, but I think the article has a typo when it first said Mig-35 and later SU-35. As I understand, it should be the SU-35. What do you think @Aqsuperman ?

The MIG-35 just came out, too soon to be selected and since its basically A MIG-29 on steroids and the MIG-29Ks that India is receiving have a lot of problems, I don't think VN would be rushing to select that aircraft. On the other hand, I've seen very reliable intel about the selection of the SU-35 from Russian sources.
I personally think that the Su-35 is probably what the author mean too. The VPAF and lots of other airforces have been eyeing the bird for year and its already operational while Mig-35 prospect is kind of weak up until recently and only 1 foreign airforce beside Russia want to buy them. So yeah, my vote on the Su-35. Need to keep up to our "lovely neighbor" in the region too, right ? :)
I personally think that the Su-35 is probably what the author mean too. The VPAF and lots of other airforces have been eyeing the bird for year and its already operational while Mig-35 prospect is kind of weak up until recently and only 1 foreign airforce beside Russia want to buy them. So yeah, my vote on the Su-35. Need to keep up to our "lovely neighbor" in the region too, right ? :)

Absolutely. Yes, that's what I thought too. I imagine that it will be a batch of 12 SU-35s to start.

I used to hear a lot about the SU-30SM too, but now I'm not sure anymore if that one will come as a complement to the SU-35. There was some interest on the SU-34 at one point, but I think its over now. The navy was also interested in the MIG-29K until not long ago, but the problems of that aircraft in India I think took care of that. Have you heard anything recently about any of these options?
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