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Vidhwanshak Anti Material Rifle.


Jun 26, 2010
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Vidhwanshak Anti Material Rifle.
An Indian multi caliber anti material rifle the Vidwanshak is designed for sniping , counter sniping, ordnance disposal, destroying enemy bunkers, lightly armoured vehicles, radar systems, communication equipment, parked aircraft, fuel storage facilities etc.
Vidhwansak AMR is one of few firearms to support 3 calibers with quick interchangeability (without completely disassembling and reworking the weapon). The Vidhwansak can be easily converted between the three calibers - 12.7 *108 mm, 14.5*114mm and 20*82 mm, by replacing the barrel, bolt, magazine and scope, which takes about 1 minute in the field, without the need for any specialized tools. With a 12X ballistic scope the rifle can aim well above 1800ms to beyond 2000ms. The rifle is magazine fed, and reloaded through manual bolt action.
Currently 400 of these rifles are put to use by BSF



Ammunition 12.7x108mm 14.5x114mm 20x 82mm
Pitch of Rifle 1: 390 mm 1 : 420 mm 1 : 560 mm
Sights 8 X 42 power telescopic sight with parallax adjustment
Muzzle Velocity 845 m/s 1,080 m/s 720 m/s
Range 1,800 m 1,800 m 1,300 m
Just checked some of the articles,it says that this rifle was heavy.so did the OFB solved this problem??
This weapon isn't the most mobile of systems. I know it can be carried in a backpack but that is still some serious weight to be hauling around, hence the RFI for lightweight anti-material rifles being issued some time back.
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