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Video shows awful police brutality in India

LOL... and the Indian members attacking China. First, address the problem at hand. You prove nothing by attacking another country's police brutality. All you're doing is letting your own country destroy itself.
Also, Shatterpoint, as pointed out by Janon, is an Indian.
LOL at the Indian posters in this thread.

LOL at yourself.

Nobody attacked China particularly, they were just pointing out police brutality is present all over the world in many countries.
LOL... and the Indian members attacking China. First, address the problem at hand. You prove nothing by attacking another country's police brutality. All you're doing is letting your own country destroy itself.
Also, Shatterpoint, as pointed out by Janon, is an Indian.
LOL at the Indian posters in this thread.

If it was a real Frenchman or Chinese who posted this thread,, the reaction would be the same. The point is that police brutality happens in many places, whether in democracies or dictatorships or theocracies. So when a poster questions India's democratic credentials with a report about police brutality, the obvious response is to show similar behaviour in other countries. If a poster simply puts up a report about police brutality, without questioning democracy or religion, then yes, it is the issue that ought to be discussed, instead of pointing out brutality in other places. If I start a thread about police brutality in Pakistan, and then make that a commentary about islam, how do you think Pakistani or muslim members would react? Obviously, by putting videos of brutality in India or non muslim countries.

Hate to drag in another country here, But Police brutality in the United States?

Democracy and police brutality don't go hand in hand unfortunately.

LAPD's brutality in the past would put Indian police to shame.
LOL at yourself.

Nobody attacked China particularly, they were just pointing out police brutality is present all over the world in many countries.
Did you even attempt to read the thread in the beginning?
Now do give us details of what happened to the man who defiantly stopped a column of Tanks in Tiananmen Square in 1989. :)
Now do you want to LOL at yourself?
LAPD's brutality in the past would put Indian police to shame.

I heard New Orleans has a terrible murder rate (one of the highest in U.S.)

And the police is notorious for brutality and corruption.

Am I wrong :unsure:
Oh, I think that's quite plain. A simple look at his posting history will tell you that. His first few hundred posts were all singing India's praises to the skies, in a nauseatingly cheerleading manner. Once his false flagging was called out, he did a complete U-turn, and began posting anything to denigrate India as a sort of overcompensation, and to keep up the illusion that he is not Indian. Suddenly he woke up to the 'realization' that India is full of rapists and police brutality. He even began narrating harrowing stories of his relative (sometimes cousin, sometimes wife, sometimes daughter) who were harassed on their tour to India.

The trouble with false flaggers is that other members then start abusing the country who's false flag he sports, instead of discussing the issue.

I actually have a more benign interpretation.

I thought he was a patriotic Indian who wanted to make Indians appreciate the positives of India by pretending to be an outsider awed by India. A foreigner's praise is always worth more than self-promotion..

His criticisms of India were always balanced with praise, like -- you Indians don't take care of your beautiful country and fill it with trash in the streets. Again, a patriot chastising his fellow countrymen.

All that's entertaining, but not really bad as such. I only got annoyed when he used the Frenchman routine to start denigrating other countries vis-a-vis India.
I heard New Orleans has a terrible murder rate (one of the highest in U.S.)

And the police is notorious for brutality and corruption.

Am I wrong :unsure:

Corruption, yes definitely. Also racism, with blacks being discriminated against. But by and large, from what I have seen in the US, the police (especially in large cities, and the state and federal troopers) are extremely educated and trained. Even the fellows who go on the beat patrols have at least a two year college education, if not a four year one. That helps immensely - contrast that with the subcontinent.

Anyway, police brutaliity happens everywhere, to varying degrees. Starting a thread on one incident is really pointless, just as starting a thread on an incident of rape or murder or other crime. Unless there is scope to discuss the issue in a larger context, all that will happen is each country's people throwing mud at the other.

In this case, the OP's intention is quite plain. To pretend to be a non Indian.

I actually have a more benign interpretation.

I thought he was a patriotic Indian who wanted to make Indians appreciate the positives of India by pretending to be an outsider awed by India. A foreigner's praise is always worth more than self-promotion..

His criticisms of India were always balanced with praise, like -- you Indians don't take care of your beautiful country and fill it with trash in the streets. Again, a patriot chastising his fellow countrymen.

All that's entertaining, but not really bad as such. I only got annoyed when he used the Frenchman routine to start denigrating other countries vis-a-vis India.

Yes, I think that was his original intention as well. But ever since he was exposed as being an Indian, his posts have been merely abusive of India, not in the "half praise half mild criticism" variety.
If it was a real Frenchman or Chinese who posted this thread,, the reaction would be the same. The point is that police brutality happens in many places, whether in democracies or dictatorships or theocracies. So when a poster questions India's democratic credentials with a report about police brutality, the obvious response is to show similar behaviour in other countries. If a poster simply puts up a report about police brutality, without questioning democracy or religion, then yes, it is the issue that ought to be discussed, instead of pointing out brutality in other places. If I start a thread about police brutality in Pakistan, and then make that a commentary about islam, how do you think Pakistani or muslim members would react? Obviously, by putting videos of brutality in India or non muslim countries.

LAPD's brutality in the past would put Indian police to shame.
Just that, Tienanmen incident has nothing to do with police brutality.
LOL... and the Indian members attacking China. First, address the problem at hand. You prove nothing by attacking another country's police brutality. All you're doing is letting your own country destroy itself.
Also, Shatterpoint, as pointed out by Janon, is an Indian.
LOL at the Indian posters in this thread.

Maybe he is a strange mixture of Chinese-Indian-Australian-French?
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