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Video shows army personnel shooting unarmed man in Kashmir.

Alhamdollilah ...

well done the man had a grenade in his hadn . He deserved the bullet . pakistanis won't obviously see it but then who cares .
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And who the f#$#$k you are to decide wheather he was a terrorist or a innocent . IA is out there fighting these animals for years if they were so interested in killing innocent then there wouldn't have been a singal kashmiri left in j/k.:blah:

Who the f99999k r u to bark tht he was a terrorist?

Indeed the 2000+ bodies in mass graves were also terrorists... right?

Human rights groups all condemn india and her pathetic brutes...
Where was the grenade, oh let me guess planted latter. Ok yes Godzilla says he was a terrorist, so we should all say that he was one.
Funny thing is tht these pathetic indian liars r claiming this after the video surfaced .... this probably happened sometime ago..

Pakistani? armed with grenade? HAHA

Even a d*ckless monkey can see tht he "IF" he had a grenade.... he would have exploded it .... instead of waiting for sometime... before getting shot by indian brutes.

Hmm... you saw it .
I am glad we agree..after all Pakistani insurgency has been going on for more than two decades now ..and tens of thousands of militants have been killed in past 22 yrs...they got to be buried somewhere.

All of them r locals.... Genius...

Or is tht tht thousands of local kashmiris go to Pakistan get training come back and r buried in mass graves while these r watching ur border:

First female Indian troops 'are prostitutes' - Telegraph

Maybe thts why.
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No most of the time indian OCCUPIERs just strip them naked,parade them and than shoot them.......... this one is a lil different... indian barbarians in a disputed land commiting their attrocities.. shooting an unarmed man stuck in debris................ thts indian ash-tyle.


Really you are trying to claim moral high ground here!!..Do tell what happened to the Pakistani army men who took a bunch of blindfolded men to the forest before shooting them??I am guessing nothing.

It is your hypocrisy, which is pathetic!!
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And the indians at it again when they cant defend drag in Pakistan. Bravo brave trolls.
I am glad we agree..after all Pakistani insurgency has been going on for more than two decades now ..and tens of thousands of militants have been killed in past 22 yrs...they got to be buried somewhere.

Even so, your half million army is incompetent to either control a few hundred Freedom fighters or dampen their spirits.

But then, your country has been well exposed in killing half buried souls and hiding evidence. Feel proud.... do you. !!
Even so, your half million army is incompetent to either control a few hundred Freedom fighters or dampen their spirits.

But then, your country has been well exposed in killing half buried souls and hiding evidence. Feel proud.... do you. !!

remember pakistani taliban ?
Who guessed you guys are the one claiming a grenade. Not us.

He had a grande that is why he was shot . anyone could see it if he wanted to . There was no other reason for the army to shoot someone they were trying to get out.
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