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Video Gamers report in!

Can confirm. Plagued with bugs, visibility issues, and ttk (weapon attachment balancing) issues.

The non skipable 40 second mvp voting system at the end of a game gets super annoying. It's just another animation they can monitize apart of bundles.

I hope battlefield lives up to the hype.
Been playing it for a couple hours, atm it’s really good, especially portal. no major bugs and pretty smooth on ps5
So I’ve been grinding bf2042 for the last few days, even bought it for my lil bro, and what a amazing game (besides the bugs and server issues which is expected in early access) I’m prob a handful of players who have completed two masteries in the game to T1, I’d assume not even 100 players have.

Tempted to get bf2042, but I don't think my video card (RTX 2060) can play it the way it's meant to be played.
You can easily play the game at 1080p, 60fps on ultra settings. (RT and DLSS OFF)
Tempted to get bf2042, but I don't think my video card (RTX 2060) can play it the way it's meant to be played.
I bought it for my brother and he plays it on pc with a rtx 2060, and he doesn’t even get 50 fps, depending on the map he gets 35-50 fps, beside portal where he gets around 60-65. Playing on the ps5 I have no issues. It’s prob a issue with the game I’m not sure, unless they’ve now patched these lag issues.

The World War 3 closed beta is happening on November 25. Get a new cinematic look at the upcoming tactical multiplayer first-person shooter, and also find out what content packs will be available.
Tempted to get bf2042, but I don't think my video card (RTX 2060) can play it the way it's meant to be played.
The reviews where pretty bad so I didn't get it. I think your rtx 2060 is more than enough. I have a gtx 1060.
The reviews where pretty bad so I didn't get it. I think your rtx 2060 is more than enough. I have a gtx 1060.
games good, reviews are low due to performance issues and some bugs and bloom, the game has amazing potential however, once these issues which can easily be solved and some that have already been solved and coming in upcoming updates, game will be miles ahead of recent fps games.

The World War 3 closed beta is happening on November 25. Get a new cinematic look at the upcoming tactical multiplayer first-person shooter, and also find out what content packs will be available.
Saw this game a few years back, it was decent but heard they removed it to rework on it again, saw big frys review, looks good.
games good, reviews are low due to performance issues and some bugs and bloom, the game has amazing potential however, once these issues which can easily be solved and some that have already been solved and coming in upcoming updates, game will be miles ahead of recent fps games.

Saw this game a few years back, it was decent but heard they removed it to rework on it again, saw big frys review, looks good.
I'm really excited about operation harsh doorstep. Its still in closed beta but it looks like it will be good from the youtube videos I've seen. Like Squad but better AI and mods
You can easily play the game at 1080p, 60fps on ultra settings. (RT and DLSS OFF)

I would be playing at 1080p.

would normally not want to turn off DLSS, but if I could get 60fps, that would definitely be more than acceptable
Been a long time but I've been playing some SRW30, the latest of the Super Robot Wars series:

Looking forward to Elden Ring.
Absolutely loving halo infinite's campaign. Xbox game pass for PC is an absolute steal.

US Special Forces attack targets in Peshawar, Pakistan. In what seemed to be a sniper mission at first but then turns into a mini-battle against insurgents.

Did any one played this game check out the guy eng acent

This game looks great to me
Any body playing this game can join me in ps 5

Plz let me know to plat together
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