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Spot on, with Georgia you also get a school for research(a weak area for your empire), same with Persia. Also Persia is more dangerous than Russia as only trade port in Persian sea is at their mercy. For russia I wait till they take Crimea and then attack crimea, somehow after that they keep at bay for you to focus on other things for lot of turns to come. Won't talk more as you may loose fun and may be your strategy is better. Please let me know how it works out? Cheers.

I wasn't able to stop Russia from taking Crimea as I waited 1 turn too late in sending my army unit in Crimea. But as soon as Russia took Crimea I assaulted the city and crushed Russians and now Crimea is part of the Ottoman empire.

I'm also trying to take Georgia, but wtf they have so many units at full force when I try to attack. My assassin already took out their General already in Tbilisi.
Busy playing Distant Worlds Universe, The best Empire building space strategy games ever ...

I know, I have r9 280x. As an Indian would say buttery smooth graphics. Have to invest a lot in psu and ups too.

how much do they cost in India ?
bought the witcher 3 but didn't want to play past the first hour as was missing too much of the storyline, so I went back to witcher 2 again after rage quitting earlier because of the tough learning curve and difficult combat mechanics but boy is it worth it.. great game, looks like I'll be busy for the next couple months with this amazing game.

highly recommended to anyone looking for a serious RPG
Spot on, with Georgia you also get a school for research(a weak area for your empire), same with Persia. Also Persia is more dangerous than Russia as only trade port in Persian sea is at their mercy. For russia I wait till they take Crimea and then attack crimea, somehow after that they keep at bay for you to focus on other things for lot of turns to come. Won't talk more as you may loose fun and may be your strategy is better. Please let me know how it works out? Cheers.

This is Georgia...Turn 5?

This is Georgia...Turn 5?

I recruited 6 israelis in Istanbul, hopped them on the boat and dropped them in Armenia(around 5 turns). Meanwhile also recruited some horse/camel cavalry in Mesopotamia and sent them to Armenia by foot. This is because initially you can't recruit quality units in Armenia. 5 turns is ok but make sure you win in the first attack.
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