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Video Deticated to Pakistan Forces Modernization Project

thank you.......Asif Zardari, Altaf Hussain, Nawaz Sharif, Imran Khan !!!!!!! interesting choices to add but despite all our differences, corruption, hatred, etc etc etc WE ARE PAKISTANI and Pakistan will always be our goal

Pakistan zindabad
I thought PAF recieve 250 JF-17 in different Blocks, according to this Video PAF recieve 300 JF-17. The Attack Helicopter is not decide't until now and I think Tiger is to cost expensive for Pakistan Army, the Tiger Helicopter can not reach high Altitutes in Mountainius Areas in Pakistan.
Not a bad video but alot of false info plus several things about deals canclled !
I thought PAF recieve 250 JF-17 in different Blocks, according to this Video PAF recieve 300 JF-17. The Attack Helicopter is not decide't until now and I think Tiger is to cost expensive for Pakistan Army, the Tiger Helicopter can not reach high Altitutes in Mountainius Areas in Pakistan.

Well I think the real number is 300+ considering we can make as many units as our defence requires, the iniatial hurdle was Russian Engines but we have already - acquired Chinese permission for using Chinese engines.

Even the J10B numbers are well 36 now , but we know when need arises we can always get 10-20 more crafts easily

Lets not forget the J11 which we can get some to try out snce those are 100% chinese work likely for our Navy

I doubt Pakitsan will take the choppers to K2 missions but for every thing else, Rajhistan offence , or Afghanistan we should be fine - or mainly along the coastal lines to patrol the national borders.

300 is a initial rough sketchy estimate , I mean we do need a naval wing variant , and likely as we are going thru the serial production phase we will make some modifictions in order, I mean its not like we need to get approval from Congress lol

Oh how much we will miss those days when we had to get approval from someone sitting 1100 miles ....lol old memories
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Not a bad video but alot of false info plus several things about deals canclled !

Well 99.5% acuracy , but I do admit I did not include all the upgrades

a) I missed out the Chinese Subs negotiations that is going on
Type053 Frigates are almost a reality its a very beautiful ship

b) I did not cover the Missile program I wanted to but I think that
is already covered For our offensive capabilities, I mean in 8 min
we can strike any zone , in the radius it covers thatis one hell of a
a response

c) I forgot to mention we are getting 4-5 AWACs from Sweeden
I did not stated the numbers

d) I did not mentioned the MAJOR upgrade on our F16 program

e) I also did not mentioned the exaxt number of Subs we will get
from Germany and Subs

f) And our Cvil nuclear deal with France "Super power of old world" as someone once said include development of more nuclear reactors
and help in in removing nuclear waste etc and sharing of expertise

> The civil , nuclear plan , is tied in with merlin Subs and Tiger
helicopter project, since we already cooperate with France
with Mirage Project , and Mirage Rose 3 Upgrade , its a certain

"That is a significant development, and we have agreed that Pakistan should be treated like India. President Sarkozy said, and I quote him, 'What can be done for India, can be done for Pakistan.

g) And of course 2-4 billion in upgrades in our ammunition
we had with US war on terror partnership , to fight terrorist

h) And of course AlKhalid 2 , and JF17 Thunder Block2

I) And about M109A5 155 mm Self-Propelled Howitzer upgrades to existing system
200+ for our artiliry units -

J) And our MOU on space development work with China/Turkey etc

K) And of coruse the UAV capabilities of Pakistan we already started to use UAV

And More Mil Mi-17 from Russis for troops transport needs of Army wing

And Pakistan Special Forces
*** POF gun which can shoot around corners with out puting the solider in
harms way

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AZADPakistan plz can u tell me whats the name of soundtrack on background.?
Our next slogan:

We will make 5th generation Aircraft even if we have to eat grass.
Well I think the real number is 300+ considering we can make as many units as our defence requires, the iniatial hurdle was Russian Engines but we have already - acquired Chinese permission for using Chinese engines.

Even the J10B numbers are well 36 now , but we know when need arises we can always get 10-20 more crafts easily

Lets not forget the J11 which we can get some to try out snce those are 100% chinese work likely for our Navy

I doubt Pakitsan will take the choppers to K2 missions but for every thing else, Rajhistan offence , or Afghanistan we should be fine - or mainly along the coastal lines to patrol the national borders.

300 is a initial rough sketchy estimate , I mean we do need a naval wing variant , and likely as we are going thru the serial production phase we will make some modifictions in order, I mean its not like we need to get approval from Congress lol

Oh how much we will miss those days when we had to get approval from someone sitting 1100 miles ....lol old memories

I think 250 JF-17 in different Blocks are enough for PAF, it's better for PAF to invest money on fourth or fifth Generation Fighters to counter advanced Fighter puchases of IAF. J-10B is a good Move for PAF in my Opinion.

Attack Helicopters would be more needet to support Ground Forces than Patroling on Borders. T-129 with it's CIRIT would be a perfect Taliban Killer and with the use of MMW Radar, UMTAS and CIRIT T-129 would be a perfect Tank Killer.
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