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Vid Of Su-37 Going Nuts

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Oct 8, 2005
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Alright.In this web site you can read about SU-37 and watch it do some mounvers{you will see a number of mounvers on the right side.Just click on them and te vidoe will come up :) } It's preety good. SU-37 does a cobra, cobra with half loop etc. A good watch :youknowme:

My edit: Forget to add the link :rolleyes: Well here it is

"Pougatchev Cobra" with turn was awesome, what else can i say? It just has awesome maneuvers, the articles cited that even Rafale wasn't that much appreciated by French public.

Also the aircraft did the maneuvers with gear up or down! :victory:
wow man!
much much deadlier machine.....
I hope that it don't get in handz of india!
Originally posted by Owais@Oct 14 2005, 01:03 PM
wow man!
much much deadlier machine.....
I hope that it don't get in handz of india!
[post=778]Quoted post[/post]​
Only one was made but it too was crased i think.And this is a tech demonster.India is buying MKI's from ruissa and MKI's are no whereclose to SU-37.A SU-37 can actully beat a F-22 in a dog fight.SU-37 is far more mounverable then F-22. :evil:
wat r u saying??
su37 is far more mounverable then F-22??
Originally posted by Owais@Oct 16 2005, 02:09 PM
wat r u saying??
su37 is far more mounverable then F-22??
[post=869]Quoted post[/post]​

Yes the armericans say so them selves. :bunny: But the bad thing is that in a real fight, a F-22 would shoot down a SU-37 long before SU-37 even sees the F-22 :Ledsen_Gubbe: .But by any freakish chance that a F-22 gets in a dogfight with the SU-37, man the F-22 will get slaughtered. :surrender: .But then again it is the pilot that counts.And last i checked ruissa had very poorly trained pilots. So the ruissian pilots won't be able to take the SU-37 at it's best. :Ledsen_Gubbe:
O' common!
this is BVR age! :youknowme:
U don't need to b get involved in a dogfight when u have long and mediun range missiles! :o :surrender:
Originally posted by Owais@Oct 22 2005, 06:32 PM
O' common!
this is BVR age! :youknowme:
U don't need to b get involved in a dogfight when u have long and mediun range missiles! :o  :surrender:
[post=1132]Quoted post[/post]​

If the pilot remembers his capabilaties then he can use mounverabilty to his advantage.A BVR missile can be dodged quite easily.Let me show you how.A heat seeking missile goes at the speeds of up to mach 3-4.The most obevious way to counter it is to use flares.But a pilot can also dodge the missile by mounvering to the sides at the right second, and thus just missing the missile.The missile of course will turn back and try to attack the plane but by that time, the missiles fuel will be gone.So there is a easy way to use mounverabilty to your advanatge.

And it is also very hard to attack a mounverable plane with SAM's, since the plane could eaisly dodge it. :bunny:
Originally posted by Awais@Oct 12 2005, 02:11 AM
Alright.In this web site you can read about SU-37 and watch it do some mounvers{you will see a number of mounvers on the right side.Just click on them and te vidoe will come up :) } It's preety good. SU-37 does a cobra, cobra with half loop etc. A good watch :youknowme:

My edit: Forget to add the link :rolleyes: Well here it is

[post=676]Quoted post[/post]​
i can do a cobra in mig 3.

easy peace lemon squeezy, not easy to control though lol no TVC. (in sims) but for a cobra to be successfull you have to REALI slow down!. you cant do it out of the blue.

(by i im not biging my self up rather the opposite, im bigging up the plane!)
I am afraid to say this, but a su 35 in hands of Pakistani pilot would be as lethal as katana in hands of a samurai.....i wish they never get this...
Only one was made but it too was crased i think.And this is a tech demonster.India is buying MKI's from ruissa and MKI's are no whereclose to SU-37.A SU-37 can actully beat a F-22 in a dog fight.SU-37 is far more mounverable then F-22. :evil:

f-22 will blow the opponent out of sky far before a dog fight arises
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