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Venezuela to Spend $480Mln on Russian Sukhoi Jet Upgrade

Blue Marlin

Jul 7, 2015
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Venezuela will allocate $480 million to upgrade its Russian-made Sukhoi fighter jets, Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino Lopez said.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Last month, Maduro announced that Venezuela would purchase at least 12 Sukhoi fighter jets from Russia.

"The president [Nicolas Maduro] just authorized [the payment] of $480 million so that the service life of our Sukhoi planes… so they could continue to fulfill or give protection to the Venezuelan airspace," the minister said on Thursday.

Russia’s military cooperation with Latin American nations, including Venezuela, started to take off in 2014 with deals on high-tech arms sales and the construction of naval facilities.

Venezuela is expected to become the second largest importer of Russian weapons and military equipment between 2012 and 2015, with purchasing contracts worth $3.2 billion, according to the Center for Analysis of World Arms Trade.
The current 24 aircraft were delivered on Aug 3, 2008.


Oct 30, 2015

Venezuela's President Maduro Says He Won't Hand Over Revolution - Bloomberg Business

"Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro warned that he wouldn’t let a defeat in December congressional elections derail his government even as his socialist party faces the possibility of losing control of the national assembly for the first time in 16 years.

While the embattled leader said he would accept the results of the election, whatever the outcome, he’s not willing to “surrender the revolution.”

“I would govern with the people, always with the people and the civil-military union,” Maduro said late Thursday on state television, in response to a question on how he would govern in the event the opposition takes control of congress. “In such a scenario, Venezuela would enter one of the most turbulent and poignant stages of its political life.”

Triple-digit inflation, the worst economic contraction in the world this year and record shortages of food and medicine are undercutting support for both Maduro and his party. Candidates for Venezuela’s opposition alliance and independents are expected to get 66.3 percent of votes in the December election, according to September poll by Caracas-based Venezuelan Institute of Data Analysis, known as IVAD.

Given Maduro’s latest comments, “People are naive if they think there is a legislative way out of the current situation,” said Carl Meacham, Director of the Americas program at Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. “It’s increasingly unlikely that Maduro would leave through an electoral process. This country stopped being a democracy years ago.”

Maduro in July signaled that he won’t allow international observers to monitor the election. Brazil’s electoral court TSE said earlier this month that it wouldn’t join a Unasur mission to observe the election citing delays in an accord with Venezuela’s electoral body.

“The revolution will not be surrendered ever,” Maduro said. “With the constitution in hand, we will push Venezuela’s independence forward, whatever the costs, in any way.”"

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this fool is just itching to go to war with someone :flame:these aren't to protect Venezuela from Uncle Sam up North!! these are for false flag war with Colombia or even Guyana. He's already laid the foundation to cause a major incident to draw attention from Venezuela internal problems.

and hypothetically speaking if the U.S was going to invade and remove this dictator those planes wouldn't even get off the ground :butcher:
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