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Valentine gifts for Mumtaz Qadri

Healing of the Pakistani nation will start once the WOT ends. Right now, the Pakistani people are too blinded by the belief that 'outsiders' are waging a war against Islam/Prophet(S)/Muslims. But once the WOT ends & these 'outsiders' leave, they will realize that the biggest enemies of Islam are the Muslims themselves, the nation within.
Healing of the Pakistani nation will start once the WOT ends. Right now, the Pakistani people are too blinded by the belief that 'outsiders' are waging a war against Islam/Prophet(S)/Muslims. But once the WOT ends & these 'outsiders' leave, they will realize that the biggest enemies of Islam are the Muslims themselves, the nation within.

Is there any plan 'B'? Because WOT is never going to end.
Which man in their right mind, would give "flowers" to a guy... I mean, i am all for group hugs, but this.. This is a whole new level of Gay!

Its funny because in Pakistan if to guys are walking with one hand in either one's back pocket they will merely be called "garay dost" but if there is even a slightest rumor of a girl talking to a non-mehram guy you will see people frowning upon the girl.
You people have problem with Gay? Bigots ;)
Specially Indians,who always show themselves as metrosexual who have no problem with any trend.....

i am shocked

all of you anti gay .. rainbow haters in this thread should buy these tshirts

but sending valentine's card itself a kufr and blasphemy.
if this guy is ever released from jail...he will win the election....
After all Pakistan is run by peoplecwho murdered their own wife....
There is always room for another murderer in the government.
I don't think so that mumtaz qadri will recieve this gifts..because he is a pure muslim!
So sick minded people supporting a murderer whats new to it many mass murderer bush and modi even Hitler.

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