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USS Milwaukee's role: Navy’s 10,000-pound bombs, and Florida “earthquakes”

@Penguin there's any possibility that IN might buy 11 more as they have need of such ships.
Not as far as I know, and not likely.

As of November 2011, the Defence Acquisition Council launched the Indian Navy Multi-Role Support Vessel programme. The Indian Navy has subsequently sent out an international RFP for up to 4 large landing helicopter docks. The contenders are expected to tie up with local shipyards for construction of the ships.

Current amphibious ops ships and craft: 1 amphibious transport dock, 9 Landing ship tanks, 10 landing craft Utility

I believe the number 11 relates to the total number of older ships and craft that need replacement > 1 LPD, 6 MkIII LCU, 4 Kumbhir class LST, 1 Magar class LST.

Just to tell you that every post has its answer however how much stupid it was.
If you have a problem with a little joking between Tay and myself, why don't you say so, big guy?
Personally, I don't care what you think of my post(s), especially since it wasn't addressing you.
If you don't like that post, why don't you ignore it or report it.

You have a nice day now, you hear.
If you have a problem with a little joking between Tay and myself, why don't you say so?
Personally, I don't care what you think of my post(s), especially since it wasn't addressing you.
If you don't like that post, why don't you ignore it or report it.

You have a nice day now, you hear.
It is a public forum and I am not infiltrating into your PM and have right to express my concerns or replying to any post in the same manner....
Have a nice day,
@Penguin How I can talk to mod. as I want to post a threat related to Apple iPhone 7.... It might carry some external links to it. Please let me know how?
Oh! Shocking!

;) Tay.

Yeah! (I suppose a new carrier class could also use support from a new AOR/AOE class ( http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/ship/aoe.htm ).

The first 6 of planned 17 units of T-AO-X class - followon to Henry Kaiser class - were awarded to GD and 2 are on order, namely T-AO 205 John Lewis and T-AO-206 Harvey Milk)


So I guess the next question is do we know of any other countries that do such extreme testing on their ships?
It is a public forum and I am not infiltrating into your PM and have right to express my concerns or replying to any post in the same manner....
Have a nice day,
You posted a picture. You didn't express concerns. I asked what your point was. I explained to you what was obvious (namely, Tay and I were joking about, so no post was directed at you.) If you feel my post was inappropriate, then you should report it. That is what that button on the lower left is for.

So I guess the next question is do we know of any other countries that do such extreme testing on their ships?

A US shock trial essentially involves the detonation of 10,000 pounds of plastic bonded explosives (PBX) explosive
charges - equivalent to seven tons of trinitrotoluene (TNT) - near the ship, along with a detailed analysis and evaluation of the effects. Shock trials also test how sailors will hold up under trauma of a detonation. To date, no sailor has ever been injured during a shock trial.

Submarine Shock Tests and surface ship Shock Trials are vital components of ship test and evaluation (T&E), and of
Live Fire Test and Evaluation (LFT&E) requirements. Ship Shock Tests/Trials, surrogate and component tests, the
Total Ship Survivability Trial (TSST), and associated analyses and simulations are key components of any alterna-
tive to full-up, system-level testing using munitions likely to be encountered in combat. Ship Shock Tests/Trials, al-
though conducted under conditions more benign than realistic threat conditions, provide insight into platform vulner-
abilities with respect to underwater proximity bursts, and produce significant decision-making data for corrective ac-

These articles suggest the Royal navy does shock testing, or at least requires it for parts. However, unclear if the RN does 'fujll ship shock trials'.

The UK MoD NES 814:1995 (Naval Engineering Standard) Requirements For Determining The Shock Strength Of Equipmentwas superceeded by DEFSTAN 02-814:2000 Requirements For Determining The Shock Strength Of Equipment

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