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Usa General Confirms We will go into Pakistan for Insurgents.. Wow

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This general is planning gorilla style raids on Pak military check posts, houses of tribal loyal to Pak army.
Bastard is counting Pakistan as terrorist because they targeted Mulla Mansoor in Pakistan.
MOFO is not telling that covertly US army is aligned with Iran revolution guards, because MM was pushed into Pakistan from Iran.

Just wait and see just like with their past warnings they wont follow through; and I think your going a bit off the rails at the end there the IRGC and the US Army are definitely not friends, dont be so paranoid man.
:-) Point you missed in video General Said his focus is only inside Afghanistan :coffee:

  • The second point was there would be a diplomatic effort to figure out a way to find a resolution on matter of interest
  • Pakistani Parliment is in a deadlock and till next election we can't address some points till a new pariment comes to power
3rd Major point is Pakistan Armed forces have already engaged an operation against Terrorism or certain elements for last 2-3 years [Operation Rad-ul-fasad]
  • We have already relayed that certain element are hiding in Afghanistan. Pakistan might have to Launch a Massive Military offensive inside Afghanistan perhaps occupy it if needed till Taliban are kicked out may be with joint effort from our Diplomatic Allies

So the sensationalization of the video remark is unnecessary because it seems there is already an operation on going in Pakistan

We will have a tea discussion after that mission completes
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For all Pakistani members. Can someone explain how there is anything threatening in this interview? Because as far as I can hear, the Americans are going to be very focused inside Afghanistan. The only reason they will look towards Pakistan is if there is an egregious violation coming from inside Pakistan. And as opposed to the theatrical title of this thread by an Indian, he nowhere says explicitly that 'we will go inside Pakistan' blah blah
Time for one screw away ICBMs..
Seems like he was suggesting , we need to get rid of Taliban and Pakistan can certainly play a role by a Invasion of Afghanistan problem solved all trouble makers are sent to an island

Afghanistan as a country is just not going to work for very long , it might be workable as a provincial member of Pakistan provided they pay taxes but other then that future of Afghanistan looks quite shallow as a independent country that can't control it's terrorist

If country was not fixed in 30 years then best thing for it is to be dissolved an integrated as a province of Pakistan we will monitor it with Helicopter Gunship

Now at least that is how I understood the interview he said , Pakistan Needs to occupy Afghanistan and get rid of Taliban
Video is uploaded by another Pakistan obsessed Indian, but here is the best part, he or she calls them-selves " **** comedy club", "****" is a term used by westerners to insult Indians in other words when Caucasian Indians are using the words **** to insult us they are actually insulting themselves. Westerners use the term oxymoron to describe this kind of person

Oxymoron a figure of speech by which a locution produces an incongruous, seemingly self-contradictory effect, as in “cruel kindness” or “to make haste slowly.”
the northern alliance drug scum are more keen than the Americans to go into Pakistan
I think when they rise this question again then the Americans should say yea we will follow you if you go first inside Pakistan.

hypothetically similar question can be asked from a Pakistani general saying if the location of Mullah Fazlullah is confirmed would he consider sending SSG into Afghanistan to eliminate him? specially knowing that NDS has been exposed by Americans themselves in the past harboring TTP terrorists like Latif Ullah Mehsood. he would say yes he will consider it. and the Americans will understand and Kabul wont be able to protest.

but then again
such like of questioning from Afghan haseesh thugs is logically wrong. because its ignoring the fact that Taliban control large swathes of Afghanistan and see no need to go into Pakistan now. and they are able to launch attacks deep inside Afghanistan from areas that are not close to Pakistani border even.
so yea.. crossing into Pakistan wont stop or affect the Afghan taliban to continue launching attacks from within Afghanistan against Northern Alliance drug & thug cartel

Hello Irfan Saab,
hope you are in good spirits.

Good to see you posting after a while and as always was refreshing to see your post. While I do understand your frustrations with NDS and N.A and their hostility with Pakistan, the roots of this animosity directly links ISI be the at the helm of responsibility of the current situation.

I won't go into Massouds assassination or the hit on Abdul Haq but in the recent context of enabling Haqqani and Hekymetyaar assets and sheltering their leadership in consistently in Pakistan.

You would like to see NDS play to your tunes and hand over high level targets of TTP, whilst you have sheltered Mullah Omar, OBL till they met their fates. Even today you won't hand over Al Zawhiri to the ISAF. You expect co-op but when asked the same from your establishment, you would look away whistling. How is that fair?
the northern alliance drug scum are more keen than the Americans to go into Pakistan
I think when they rise this question again then the Americans should say yea we will follow you if you go first inside Pakistan.

hypothetically similar question can be asked from a Pakistani general saying if the location of Mullah Fazlullah is confirmed would he consider sending SSG into Afghanistan to eliminate him? specially knowing that NDS has been exposed by Americans themselves in the past harboring TTP terrorists like Latif Ullah Mehsood. he would say yes he will consider it. and the Americans will understand and Kabul wont be able to protest.

but then again
such like of questioning from Afghan haseesh thugs is logically wrong. because its ignoring the fact that Taliban control large swathes of Afghanistan and see no need to go into Pakistan now. and they are able to launch attacks deep inside Afghanistan from areas that are not close to Pakistani border even.
so yea.. crossing into Pakistan wont stop or affect the Afghan taliban to continue launching attacks from within Afghanistan against Northern Alliance drug & thug cartel
And, not to forget enormous support they are receiving from Russia/Iran etc. as per the US media. I am pretty sure that support is subjected to holding ground and expanding it further, not to hide inside Pak and getting exposed!!!!!
Much a do about nothing. These are tactics to play the media and certain alliances in order to manipulate the general sentiments and to keep the orders flowing into American defence manufacturing industries.

With a looming crisis with North Korea, troubles in South China sea and new sanctions on Iran, last thing the US needs is a hostile Pakistan which had the capability to hurt them deep inside Afghanistan.
Host seems to be Tajik. Tajiks are joining Taliban insurgency in the north as a result of Afghan Taliban's military strategy. Local commanding positions are given to Tajiks in their area of operations. Lets see where the "stalemate a.k.a if we don't win neither do you" takes us.
WOW tough Words FROM USA

THIS IS REAL.................Pakistani is in enormlous pressure NOW from Trump & USA

no more terrorists GOOD OR BAD

This is the work OF AJIT DOVAL & MODI

They have visited USA and got USA to bring in this new AGENDA in AFGHAN war

DOUBLING OF SPECIAL FORCES more drones AND USA to go beyond the AFGHAN border

THEY ARE looking to annihilate the SANCTURIES

how will [Pakistanis REACT TO THIS ????????????????????????????????

or ARE WE denying this GENERAL,s comments !!!!!!!!!!!!
come back here when they actually did it .
The USA has definitely changed ITS relationship WITH Pakistan.

No more F16
No more grant aid#
Do More , Do More demands

The way the USA generals openly declare we will cross the Pak Border to destroy sancutarys is like they have no respect for your borders at all.

I BLAME MODI and DOVAL for this huge step change in USA policy towards Pakistan.

PDF members are ridiculing this vedio..........BUT the GENERAL is the supereme commander in Afghanistan and he has clear GOALS and authority from USA leadership.

You can deny this BUT I believe it may ALREADY be happening .. WEWILL NEVER KNOW
My comment was a response to your excitement and undue credit you wanted to give to ajit and modi.
Rest after Trumps policy statements there is no readon Not to take even hallow threats seriously

Aaww blushes lol

Khair ha ajkal koi sunta nahi. Parhne ki hidayat door ki baat hai.

Sab set hai? Khariat kesi. Isse pehle amreeeka hamla kare haal ahwaal to poch lon

Caps lock ko sunny Leone samjha hai is sunny deol ne.

Bhai hosla karo.

Subah soraj nikal aega. Raat me ghabraye kion rehte ho?
hehehe han han pooch lain kheritat because amreeki dsay they will target elements in Peshawar too. ab yeh na ho main kisi daaarone hamlay main shaheed ho jaon.
Filhal satan kheraan hain agay ka Allah malik hay.
A jubilant news for an Indian .... the dream of Indians :rofl:.
Sorry if i am wrong people, but AFA my info is concerned the Afghan areas bordering Pakistan are not clear at all, therefore the general will have to use "STEALTH BLACK HAWKS" in order to what they call "clear the areas in Pakistan"? No?
that means no foot soldiers can cross over to Pakistan....making their options limited
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