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US very concerned about successful Iranian rocket launch

Why IRGC didn't use simorgh and used Qased if the rocket has no problem ?
Because the simorgh has not had a single successful flight and the reason for this is purely down to the lack of flight testing ie launches,to sort out the 2nd and 3rd stage problems.The smart thing for the isa would`ve been to flight test the 2nd and 3rd stages separately using the safir to work out the bugs but sadly this was not done.
Ultimately the real problem here was the virtual abandonment of the civilian space program thru deliberate neglect.

And it's disappointing to see these poster don't even know, US have technology to shot rockets in mid air.
BATMAN,that comment is so fvcking RETARDED that even Superman and Wonder Woman are laughing at you!:sarcastic:

"We`re laughing at you BATMAN,hahaha!"
@WebMaster @AgNoStiC MuSliM this an international mod!

The post is completely within forum rules. With the kind of clowns that are currently ruling the U.S., from Trump to Pompeo and others, I was actually too soft on the issue. If the post hurts you or your feelings, you can simply ignore it and pass on.
lets just say the second stage itself is a problem. someone on twitter mentioned it and i should agree with them. our engineers apparently forgot to change the engines nozzle for the vacuum operations. just compare simorgh 2nd stage to something that works. i don't think those engines are going to work, even if we launch the damn thing a 1000 times...

simorgh 2nd stage

falcon9 2nd stage

apollo 11 engines:
I'm screeming that there is problem with second stage and nobody believe me
but Simorgh is not 3 stage its 2 stage why you are repeating wikipedia nonsense . the first sub orbital launch was succesful because the second stage did not tested in it . then in second launch , the second stage failed . in third launch second stage only worked for 20 second and as a result Payam satellite was lost , in 4th test the second stage burned as long as it should but somehow failed to provide enough trust and as a result Zafar-1 failed to achieve stable orbit and also lost . you see every time second stage had problem and thats why Qased have another second stage which is smaller and can carry smaler payload until we figure out the problem with simorgh second stage and fix it.

tell me how much of budget at the time of previous government were actually given to them. also how much was ahmadinejad oil revenue and how much was previous and later government oil revenue ?

at last you call me a moron for stating fact about the simorgh .
what I must call you who think Simorgh is a three stage rocket and invent stories about what was poblem with it while it is actully a two stage rocket

Fair enough. I was surprised to read on Wikipedia that Simorgh was a 3-stage missile, but then I thought I was wrong and Wikipedia was right. Regardless of that, my question remains valid. I said let's take it for granted that the problem was with the Simorgh SLV. OK? It's assumed to be true now.

Why did Rouhani shut down our space activities for the first 5 years of his administration? And why couldn't they fix the issue or move on to a new design after 7 years?! Simorgh was first unveiled during Ahmadinejad's presidency. They had 7 years to fix it or come up with a new SLV which wasn't impossible to do considering the variety of missiles that we have had at our disposal in the last 10 years.

You are deliberately ignoring the fact that the JCPOA was signed to improve the country's economy. So, the excuse that Rouhani didn't have enough revenues after he signed the JCPOA and bragged about it for years is not valid. That aside, Iran was under 4 rounds of UN Security Council resolutions since 2009, affecting the country's economy in the last 3 years of Ahmadinejad's presidency much worse than US unilateral sanctions. And Rouhani received billions of dollars of Iran's blocked money after the Geneva convention and the JCPOA. Again, let's ignore all of this. Even at the worst economic situation I am sure that Iran has enough money to allocate more than just 5 million dollars to its space program. Our football teams and federation spend more than 4.6 million dollars a year. Heck, Marc Wilmots cost us 3 million Euros a year. What are you trying to defend?

And that aside, Rouhani said it many times that we should sign JCPOA-2 to restrict our ballistic missiles to fulfill the promises of the JCPOA. And he repeated it many times even after Trump pulled out of the JCPOA and Europeans did nothing except lip service.
Because the simorgh has not had a single successful flight and the reason for this is purely down to the lack of flight testing ie launches,to sort out the 2nd and 3rd stage problems.The smart thing for the isa would`ve been to flight test the 2nd and 3rd stages separately using the safir to work out the bugs but sadly this was not done.
Ultimately the real problem here was the virtual abandonment of the civilian space program thru deliberate neglect.
Simorgh don't have any third stage . its a 2 stage missile . don't be fooled with wikipedia nonsense.
the second stage design won't provide enough trust and that's not ISA problem . don't knew who designed it , probably it's IRGC or DOD

And Rouhani received billions of dollars of Iran's blocked money after the Geneva convention and the JCPOA
how much exactly
That aside, Iran was under 4 rounds of UN Security Council resolutions since 2009, affecting the country's economy in the last 3 years of Ahmadinejad's presidency much worse than US unilateral sanctions.
when was the date central bank become sanctioned and Iran could not sell oil ?
And that aside, Rouhani said it many times that we should sign JCPOA-2 to restrict our ballistic missiles to fulfill the promises of the JCPOA.
we already restricted our missile program and its not under rouhani control
Simorgh don't have any third stage . its a 2 stage missile . don't be fooled with wikipedia nonsense.
the second stage design won't provide enough trust and that's not ISA problem . don't knew who designed it , probably it's IRGC or DOD

how much exactly

when was the date central bank become sanctioned and Iran could not sell oil ?

we already restricted our missile program and its not under rouhani control

No. That's not how it's going to be done. Either you will answer all of my questions in the exact order I asked them or I think this discussion is over and you have no answers to give, which is now evident because you've been hitting around the bush from the beginning although I gave you the benefit of the doubt and gave you several changes to answer them.

Obviously, you know that your answers make zero sense and your defending is absolutely ridiculous but you continue to do so. FYI, our central bank was first sanctioned during Ahmadinejad's presidency. http://www.naharnet.com/stories/en/25156

And a country whose football teams and football federation spend more than 4.6 million dollars a year should definitely allocate more money to space programs. Period. Discuss over.

And stop lying, we haven't restricted our missile program. And there's no problem with the Simorgh SLV. It's just that a bunch of Europhile clown reformist fools are in power now. Soon we will flush the toilet on you guys in 1400 and a new government that actually cares about national interests will take over.
Obviously, you know that your answers make zero sense and your defending is absolutely ridiculous but you continue to do so. FYI, our central bank was first sanctioned during Ahmadinejad's presidency. http://www.naharnet.com/stories/en/25156
Last year of his presidency and more importantly how much of the budget he usually allocated were actually get delivered
And a country whose football teams and football federation spend more than 4.6 million dollars a year should definitely allocate more money to space programs. Period. Discuss over.
there is no should . tell that to the fan who rip government if they don't bail out their favorite footbal team
And stop lying, we haven't restricted our missile program. And there's no problem with the Simorgh SLV. It's just that a bunch of Europhile clown reformist fools are in power now. Soon we will flush the toilet on you guys in 1400 and a new government that actually cares about national interests will take over.
there is problem with second stage otherwise IRGC would have used it not weaker Qassed . and those europhile clown reformist fools are not the ones who designed the missile
Last year of his presidency and more importantly how much of the budget he usually allocated were actually get delivered

there is no should . tell that to the fan who rip government if they don't bail out their favorite footbal team
there is problem with second stage otherwise IRGC would have used it not weaker Qassed . and those europhile clown reformist fools are not the ones who designed the missile

Keep spewing nonsense.

Simorgh SLV was completely designed from scratch by the ISA. It hasn't been provided to the ISA, but it has been manufactured by them. Prove it otherwise.
Simorgh SLV worked fine during Ahmadinejad's presidency but because a treasonous UK agent is in power, they make it fail on purpose. It works completely fine and because Rouhani has sabotaged it, the IRGC decided to use their own rocket which hasn't been manipulated to fail on purpose.

Ahmadinejad was under tougher sanctions (4 UNSC resolutions targeting all of financial institutions and our energy exports, enabling even tiny countries in Africa to stop our tankers and search them for any illegal item, not just US unilateral sanctions).

Rouhani has allocated only 5 million dollar which is basically nothing.Ahmadinejad allocated millions of dollars to our space program with a plausible success rate.

Anyone who defends Rouhani is a treasonous c*nt like him.

Reformists will be flushed down the toilet in 2021 and they won't return to power until 2029. All problems with our SLVs will magically fade away in 2021.
Simorgh SLV was completely designed from scratch by the ISA. It hasn't been provided to the ISA, but it has been manufactured by them. Prove it otherwise.
you yourself said ISA have no money to design any thing and the first stage is based on Safir which is not a new design an modification of a system IRGC had aka Shahab-3
Simorgh SLV worked fine during Ahmadinejad's presidency but because a treasonous UK agent is in power, they make it fail on purpose. It works completely fine and because Rouhani has sabotaged it, the IRGC decided to use their own rocket which hasn't been manipulated to fail on purpose.
no it worked fine because they only used first stage . guess what first stage also worked fine at the time of Rouhani government. the problem lies in second stage
Ahmadinejad was under tougher sanctions (4 UNSC resolutions targeting all of financial institutions and our energy exports, enabling even tiny countries in Africa to stop our tankers and search them for any illegal item, not just US unilateral sanctions).
only in last year of his government
Rouhani has allocated only 5 million dollar which is basically nothing.Ahmadinejad allocated millions of dollars to our space program with a plausible success rate.
maybe there was no money by the way as I said what is allocated is not important its important if that amount is delivered or not
Anyone who defends Rouhani is a treasonous c*nt like him.
what ever. you are entitled to your idea .can't force you.
Reformists will be flushed down the toilet in 2021 and they won't return to power until 2029. All problems with our SLVs will magically fade away in 2021.
reformist were never in power since khatami and guess what they started iran space program and it was them who started Iran missile program and built missiles like Shahab and ghadr and Fateh and Sedjil.
I think US should concern about covid19 in US,hand is so so so long
Seriously are u guys retarted? Coz it seems its u ppl suffering from inferiority complex and trying to jump on anyone who disagrees with u even a bit? He replied to me and was not even something againt iran and u ppl start jumping. Seriously u guys are retarded, any word anything that doesnt go according to mullah propaganda and u guys gang up and make a mess. Behaving like rats, the way indians do.
@waz @AgNoStiC MuSliM please check the behavior of iranians here they seem to be propaganda mouthpieces, which is not allowed in the forum its useless to discuss anything with them and they will mess up everything. Please ban these propaganda paid posters and find genuine iranians.
Did you even bother reading his post?,I get the feeling that you didnt so I`ll repost it for you below,please take the time to read it....

And it's disappointing to see these poster don't even know, US have technology to shot rockets in mid air.
As you can hopefully see,its so mind numbingly retarded that it actually hurts ones brain to read it.:cuckoo::tsk:
Did you even bother reading his post?,I get the feeling that you didnt so I`ll repost it for you below,please take the time to read it....

He is a known troll ... Ignore him !
Did you even bother reading his post?,I get the feeling that you didnt so I`ll repost it for you below,please take the time to read it....

As you can hopefully see,its so mind numbingly retarded that it actually hurts ones brain to read it.:cuckoo::tsk:

why is it retarded please elaborate
why is it retarded please elaborate
Are you fvcking serious!?......did you read it!?
Well here it is.....and I quote:"And it's disappointing to see these poster don't even know, US have technology to shot rockets in mid air."
Now even allowing for BATMANS really retarded sounding poor grammar ie "US have technology to shot[sic] rockets in mid air.",hes basically implying that the posters seem to be ignorant of the us deployment in the region of the much hyped abm systems that date back all the waaaay to desert storm.I mean considering the enormous sums of money that the gcc-us-israel alliance has spent on these systems,not to mention the constant publicizing of them their deployments and their capabilities,tho in reality they dont seem to have performed as well as the hype,it would be very bizarre if said posters hadnt heard of them,now wouldnt it?.
To me its the virtual equivalent of somebody coming out with something like:"The us have these things called aeroplanes and apparently they can fly and they drop bombs on things and they make them go KA-BOOM!!",its basically at that level of retardedness,and frankly even by BATMANS really,really low standards I gotta say its pretty fvcking retarded even for him.
So thats why I genuinely hope that you`re really just having a little joke when you ask:"why is it retarded please elaborate?".;)
Anyway,I hope that answers your question.:smart:
Please avoid using inappropriate language and content. Thank you.
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