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US unhappy with India's S-400 air defence system deal with Russia, warns of this action

Indians biggest pitch was to the Americans and the west we will take China on .... lol

now Americans are not letting go of this idea hehehe ..... Russians , french , USA all breathing hard on India to buy there’s as Indians are known liars who promise to all same things
American r arrogant. They have the attitude of being on top and share with no one. They believe the Indian will not survive without them but US can survive alone. The American are not pragmatic and will always have the master and u r slave mentality.

They believe they can force India to buy made in USA weapon only especially India r facing standoff with China. The American make their move well. You think India will abandon US weapon now and face stand off with China depending on Russia to support them?
#1 India is using China card to get latest American tech. nothing else, all LAC is hyped nothing else but, to get American aid, tech. ( They get BECA, Drones, PI, skip sanction all under this fake china umbrella of LAC )

#2 US need India more than India need US: US cant overtake china without Indian help. if India ditch quad, quad will collapse next day and SCS US dream too. India is acting as anti china consolidator for SCS, look at how quickly Australia is coming against China, and Indian and Australians are in friend together today. India get Srilanka and Maldives back from China with US help, US helped India to dominate Bangladesh.

#2 India can maintain peace with China as they had done in past too, with acceptance of little China dominance. but current LAC hype is beneficial for India to get free cake ( as mention in point #2) from US.
You never rely one country for technology ........ Stupid and risky

Imagine you fall out with china.......... THATS you lot finished

YOUR AT THE MERCY completely
India will either kneel in front of Xi or Trump/Biden. Whatever choice, Modi will need to kneel. :enjoy:

He will end up doing both. He knelt willingly to Trump and became his pawn for antagonizing China, but because he completely miscalculated China's strength and resolve, he is ending up being forced to kneel to China as well, through blunder.
What this guy smoke ?


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When you side with the US, they expect total obedience. When you buy their weapons, you can only use it against US approved nations. If not, they will ban spare parts.

India is one country that will be very obedient puppy to the US. India prefer that role.
So the US wanted us to kick India’s *** on feb 27 :). It makes sense pakistan kicks india, india buys tons of American weapons helping the American economy. China kicks india‘s ***, india breaks into smaller countries. Some of them pay heavily to the west to buy weapons and turn into satellites like japan or Siuth Korea

US should sanction India and continue to sanction H1B vias and put more tarriffs on Indian goods

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