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US tries to tamp down tension

grey boy 2

Jul 23, 2009
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United States
US tries to tamp down tension - People's Daily Online February 03, 2010

Beijing makes it clear that it will have an appropriate response

Still smarting at Washington's $6.4 billion arms sale to Taipei four days after the announcement, Beijing reaffirmed yesterday that there will be measured retaliation even as senior US officials tried to douse the flames.

"The US insisted on selling arms to Taiwan regardless of Beijing's resolute opposition that will, inevitably, severely damage China's cooperation with the US on relevant key international and regional issues," said Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu.

"China will sanction companies involved in the arms sales," Ma said at a press briefing when asked whether the threat of sanctions was just empty talk. "We'll urge US companies involved to stop pushing for, and participating, in arms sales to Taiwan."

Ma did not specify the issues on which cooperation could be affected or which companies involved in the deal face sanctions. Boeing, United Technologies, Lockheed Martin and Raytheon are the companies which are selling arms or equipment to Taiwan.

However, he implied that the postponement of a bilateral human rights dialogue, originally scheduled for the end of the month, is a fallout of the arms sale.

Some US officials, apparently taken aback at China's strong response, are trying to downplay the row.

US Defense Secretary Robert Gates said he hoped Beijing's decision to curtail bilateral military contacts would be temporary, and that he still planned to visit China later this year.

"Stability is enhanced by contact between our militaries and a greater understanding of each other's strategies, so I hope that if there is a downturn, that it will be a temporary one and that we can get back to strengthening this relationship," Gates said.

US Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman said in Beijing yesterday that he joined Gates in hoping that it is a short downturn.

"I hope disagreement here and the postponement of military-military exchanges is only temporary, because the best we can do is to continue building trust and confidence," said the ambassador.

Stressing the two countries have their own and different core interests, Huntsman told China Daily that "the only way to make progress in this relationship is by a full debate of what the core interests are, why we have core interests, and how realistically we can proceed in respecting these core interests".

"We will move forward with all confidence and trust we need to get the important work of the region done," said Huntsman.

In its toughest response in three decades to US arms sales to Taiwan after the Obama administration notified Congress on Friday of its proposed deal, Beijing announced over the weekend that it would curtail military and security exchanges with Washington and warned of severe harm to bilateral ties and cooperation on international and regional issues.

It also threatened sanctions against US companies involved, a rare action by a developing country against a developed economy.

The US describes arms sales to Taiwan as a "long-standing commitment to provide for Taiwan's defensive needs".

But Gong Li, deputy director of the International Institute for Strategic Studies at the Central Party School, said Washington was missing a key point.

"The US claims that it must fulfill its promise of protecting Taiwan; however, it should also remember its declaration in the joint communique (signed in 1982) that it would reduce arms sales until they are totally stopped.

"With good prospects for cross-Straits relations, there is no need to sell Taiwan those weapons at all. Under the circumstances, the US action is improper."

Gong said he did not expect the US to alter its arms sales list but was sure Washington "will receive a clear signal from Beijing this time that it has to pay for what it did".

"It is a reminder to them that the old rules do not apply in today's game any more."

Li Cheng, director of research at the John L. Thornton China Center at Brookings Institution, was quoted by the Voice of America as saying that the threat of sanctions will have some impact on US companies involved.

Li said that the impact is not significant enough to make those companies drop the deals. But they will know that, by doing so, they have to pay a price, he added.

Ai Yang contributed to the story

Source:China Daily
Blah, blah, blah...
same news over and over again...
just in another manner....
It doesn't change things...

sanctions on involved companies... yea we knew that...days ago...
anything new? NONE...

Tired of following this anymore... results are the same.
Arms goes to Taiwan, US got their money.
Sanctions on involved companies, which we have no idea to what degree.

Doing meaningless crap again~~
just to maintain the stability of the overall population in China.

What does US really lost? Nothing!!!
diplomacy relationship? friendship? (did it ever exist?, other than plain business)

forgot to mention... the military-military exchanges... which really means nothing~~
comparing with the money involved with that arms trade deal with Taiwan.
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Blah, blah, blah...
same news over and over again...
just in another manner....
It doesn't change things...

sanctions on involved companies... yea we knew that...days ago...
anything new? NONE...

Tired of following this anymore... results are the same.
Arms goes to Taiwan, US got their money.
Sanctions on involved companies, which we have no idea to what degree.

Doing meaningless crap again~~
just to maintain the stability of the overall population in China.

What does US really lost? Nothing!!!
diplomacy relationship? friendship? (did it ever exist?, other than plain business)

forgot to mention... the military-military exchanges... which really means nothing~~
comparing with the money involved with that arms trade deal with Taiwan.

Whats the matter with you, its just an official response from China,

Do you mean we suppose to keep quiet ? or a positive discussing will

be more constructive ?

Stop your negative personal view against your own country, its just

so sad, something we never failed to do is show everybody our soft

belly=unity. I guess we are the only race on this forum always find a

way to degrade our country, just real sad.... :china:
Whats the matter with you, its just an official response from China,

Do you mean we suppose to keep quiet ? or a positive discussing will

be more constructive ?

Stop your negative personal view against your own country, its just

so sad, something we never failed to do is show everybody our soft

belly=unity. I guess we are the only race on this forum always find a

way to degrade our country, just real sad.... :china:

Well here you go:

They have repeatedly release the same news...
and the Chinese news sites... if you see how its being projected, you should realize what I meant.

Just from a 外交 speech, the whole Chinese internet is full of similar stuff you posted as news, as if they are being 强硬.
but since the incident, the 外交部 only 发言了 how many times?

and these news made it like, oh, our government has been putting in so much effort into this issue, and should be proud.

*Conclusion, the same news has been put into different words, and re-announced as if they are new, it happens in all kinds of news sites.
if I were mistaken, even the government official news site done it 2-3 times with the same news.

If they have more action coming, fine.
But they don't, look into it please. reading this thread was like reading old news.
by the way "negative personal view"...
i love China, but this doesn't mean I cannot have negative personal view against the action taken by government of China.
What triggers negative personal views upon the action of a government?
its their actions itself and the way how they deal things.
they have been weak since when? wow I can't recall it anymore
and them being weak upon diplomacy is very very well known within the population in China, agree?

yes, they had done a lot for China, but doesn't mean I cannot express their "bad".
I suppose there are Chinese who are fascinated on reading these news...
Might make them feel high ==.==?, but I look at the actual information, and not the emotion that were being projected from the news.
I suppose there are Chinese who are fascinated on reading these news...
Might make them feel high ==.==?, but I look at the actual information, and not the emotion that were being projected from the news.

Damn it, i hate to argue with a Chinese, but you are going too far,

just look at your first post, imagine you don't know who post it, i

bet any Chinese will thought its by an Indian.

Its not the matter of getting emotional by any means, the reason i

post the thread is for further follow up of this arm sales issue, nothing

else, if you think thats too much of samilar news to digest, just leave

it to somebody else who might not be as informative as you !

Lastly, if you really love your country as you claim, stop pouring salt

on a bleeding cut, there will always be a better way, place to criticize

your mother land in a more constructive manner. :china:
Damn it, i hate to argue with a Chinese, but you are going too far,

just look at your first post, imagine you don't know who post it, i

bet any Chinese will thought its by an Indian.

Its not the matter of getting emotional by any means, the reason i

post the thread is for further follow up of this arm sales issue, nothing

else, if you think thats too much of samilar news to digest, just leave

it to somebody else who might not be as informative as you !

Lastly, if you really love your country as you claim, stop pouring salt

on a bleeding cut, there will always be a better way, place to criticize

your mother land in a more constructive manner. :china:

GB2, that is not quite right. He is only saying not to make a big deal. But if we say or do nothing, then they will come to believe we are "paper tiger" and walk all over us. So even though we can't do much now, we will harbour in our hearts how they treat us and come the future, we will decide whether it will worth it to serve our justice (or we can forgive them, it is up to us).

But he is correct in the most important sense: It is good to follow current events and support :china:. BUT, always remember words without deeds are cheap.

Think about it. We can argue and debate on the internet, but that is consuming valuable time (and energy). Instead, if we use our time to research, work, build family & community connects, train, practice -- these would be our DEEDS. So remember words without deeds are cheap, let's not be petty but big-hearted.

That is why I try to stay away from forums and internet, and get some fresh air. For me, in my line of work (advance research) I employ the use of powerful machines and on down-times & while waiting I log on. Even then, I realize I am online too much. Don't get Internet Addiction!
does anyone including taiwan people think this 6.4B can help them counter china? not really.
then why they still bought it since US just increase the amount by like 3B? they do not have a choice. poor taiwan people.
why US make the sale? they surely can make a lot of money from the sale. meanwhile, US is expecting to see china make some concession. on what? i would say the sanction on iran.
the interesting part is US actually think weapon sales for taiwan is as equally important to china as the iran on the global strategy. as a chinese, it is pretty clear taiwan cannot survive without china while on the other hand, china only need taiwan to break the island string.
for every chinese, we should be happy and grateful to see the leader of US nowasays are so childish on politic. just wonder since she has a so talented husband, how can hilary still make stupid moves again and again? bad relationship between them?
for all who disappointed we cannot do a lot to response, just relax and have faith on our leaders. think about what we can do 10 years ago, basicly nothing. now, at least we can talk with US on the table. should we care about the sale a lot? relax, nothing is gonna change. US will never let Taiwan come back to china easily, everyone knows it. they just make it clear this time. the only thing we should feel sorry about is the 6.4B us dollars robbed by US from our taiwan brothers.:hitwall:it belongs to every chinese people.
as long as we are in the right track, noone can stop us to grow strong and become a super power. taiwan will come back to china soon or later. for US, we have to say chinese 是很记仇的。:china:
does anyone including taiwan people think this 6.4B can help them counter china? not really.
then why they still bought it since US just increase the amount by like 3B? they do not have a choice. poor taiwan people.
why US make the sale? they surely can make a lot of money from the sale. meanwhile, US is expecting to see china make some concession. on what? i would say the sanction on iran.
the interesting part is US actually think weapon sales for taiwan is as equally important to china as the iran on the global strategy. as a chinese, it is pretty clear taiwan cannot survive without china while on the other hand, china only need taiwan to break the island string.
for every chinese, we should be happy and grateful to see the leader of US nowasays are so childish on politic. just wonder since she has a so talented husband, how can hilary still make stupid moves again and again? bad relationship between them?
for all who disappointed we cannot do a lot to response, just relax and have faith on our leaders. think about what we can do 10 years ago, basicly nothing. now, at least we can talk with US on the table. should we care about the sale a lot? relax, nothing is gonna change. US will never let Taiwan come back to china easily, everyone knows it. they just make it clear this time. the only thing we should feel sorry about is the 6.4B us dollars robbed by US from our taiwan brothers.:hitwall:it belongs to every chinese people.
as long as we are in the right track, noone can stop us to grow strong and become a super power. taiwan will come back to china soon or later. for US, we have to say chinese 是很记仇的。:china:


why US is trying to destabalize the region by selling wepons to Taiwan?
Taiwan need to reconciliate with China rather than spending huge on arms.
US is also actively pursuing its arms and nuclear tech. co-operation with india which in it self is a great risk due to indian history of handeling uranium products.
India can also use those american nukes against China and middle eastern states.
US is putting whole region to a greater risk..... and if some thing goes off than we know whom to blame.
Pakistan is already facing regular (nuclear) war threats from indian since US offered them nukes.
Morale of the story; matter of larger concern; what is being supplied under cover? nukes!
why US is trying to destabalize the region by selling wepons to Taiwan?
Taiwan need to reconciliate with China rather than spending huge on arms.
US is also actively pursuing its arms and nuclear tech. co-operation with india which in it self is a great risk due to indian history of handeling uranium products.
India can also use those american nukes against China and middle eastern states.
US is putting whole region to a greater risk..... and if some thing goes off than we know whom to blame.
Pakistan is already facing regular (nuclear) war threats from indian since US offered them nukes.
Morale of the story; matter of larger concern; what is being supplied under cover? nukes!

Forget about risk... its far away from the US.
US is about influence, control.
They believe it would be best everything is under their control.
Morale means nothing, to all nations. Self-interest is all that matters.
why US is trying to destabalize the region by selling wepons to Taiwan?
Taiwan need to reconciliate with China rather than spending huge on arms.
US is also actively pursuing its arms and nuclear tech. co-operation with india which in it self is a great risk due to indian history of handeling uranium products.
India can also use those american nukes against China and middle eastern states.
US is putting whole region to a greater risk..... and if some thing goes off than we know whom to blame.
Pakistan is already facing regular (nuclear) war threats from indian since US offered them nukes.
Morale of the story; matter of larger concern; what is being supplied under cover? nukes!

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: i cant stop laughing......

First of all make your knowledge clear , Indian Nukes based on Plutonium and not uranium. So False story got nailed in first place. If Pak faces Nuclear war threats then shouldn't dare Kargil , So you are wrong again.

If China can gave blue prints of bombs to Pakistan , then why cant India get from others, lol .....


can any taiwan friends talk about the future of taiwan in their views? such as any chances to stay independent.
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As we are told Taiwan is part of China.

So in effect the US has just sold 6 billion dollars worth of weaponry to China.

So where is the problem :rolleyes:

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