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US: the ally from hell


Sep 12, 2008
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US: the ally from hell

By:Ali Rizvi


The marriage of convenience between Pakistan and the US has long soured into a marriage of distrust, inconvenience and duplicity. While Washington has been clamouring about Pakistan not doing enough for the War on Terror, Islamabad has repeatedly felt betrayed by the US for not living up to their promises and continued drone strikes in Pakistani territory. The incident of Salala check post seemed to be the final nail in the coffin, and surely in the aftermath of the Salala attack, the relationship catapulted for the worse. “Absolute nonsense!” was the reply of a senior foreign office official, after I inquired about the reports that were emerging about the incident from NATO. “Following their failure in Afghanistan, the NATO forces are merely trying to shift the blame to Pakistan. I have read the NATO report and it is nothing more than recycling information, to try to divert attention from their evident failure in Afghanistan. There is nothing new in the report. They need to get their house in order before pointing fingers at us.”

And surely the tone of the foreign office official, speaking on condition of anonymity, sets the general mood prevalent in certain quarters of Islamabad. Pakistan is not happy, China is well aware of US’ duplicity, Russia isn’t too keen on US misadventures in the region either. And what about the most important ally of the US in the region, India? Well, according to The Times, India is not only continuing to purchase oil from Iran but has also become the largest customer of Iranian oil and has no plans of cutting down these purchases.

Indians, in a very matter of fact tone, said that their purchasing of Iranian oil is a matter of economic necessity given their dependence on oil. If we recall, this isn’t the first time that India decided to stick it up to the Americans. India after flirting with the US, betrayed the country by finalising a 12 billion dollar defence deal with France for buying the Rafale fighter jets over American F-16IN/F-18 Super Hornet, Russian Mig-35, Swedish Gripen and the last final contender the Eurofighter Typhoon.

Therefore, the Americans huddled up in their cozy ‘we are better than you’ cocoons decided that oil embargoes on Iran would be the best way to bring the country to its knees. Simply adding up the numbers, they felt that since the country’s economy derives much of its income from oil sales, sanctions will cripple the state, all the Iranian oil customers would be lost, Iran would not be able to tap into the alien races on Mars for oil exports, and thus with stocked inventories the people would run to the streets begging for food, and Ahmedinejad would cry out to Uncle Obama. Clearly, you can note the sarcasm in my tone, because till now no one has abandoned Iran and they do not seem in a mood to do so.

And in such a setting, the tripartite summit, between the leaders of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran has sent strong tremors to Washington. The regional leaders realise that following the withdrawal of the US forces from Afghanistan, the fallout of a volatile situation in Kabul would have devastating implications for Islamabad and Tehran. While the outcome of the summit and the success of it remain to be seen, one thing is for certain; the regional players have realised that they can no longer afford to rely on the false promises of the US. Islamabad’s commitment to the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline is also an indication of the changing priorities of those sitting in the echelons of power in the country.

With all things US, they decided it was time to play their trump, Baloch card. The leadership in Pakistan clearly has ignored the region for far too long. However, at the same time, the Baloch community has also been betrayed by the tribal leaders. What stands out though is the curious timing of the resolution, calling for the right of the Baloch people to self-determination, which was tabled during the visit of Karzai and Ahmedinejad to Islamabad. For the discerning eye, this is a desperate attempt of the US to exacerbate the imbroglio being brewed in Balochistan. And while one can forgive the Americans for tabling the resolution, one fails to understand the role of the army in the region that has allowed insurgents to freely operate in the province. Pakistan can no longer afford to ignore matters as it did in Swat or the tribal areas. It will have to take action, it will have to give the Baloch people a stake in the matters and it will have to free the Baloch from the fetters of the regressive tribal leaders.

As for the US, it finds itself badly cornered. An interventionist approach has not worked and will not work in South Asia and the Middle East anymore. With their debts exceeding 15 trillion dollars, it needs to focus on the American people and let others decide what is best for them.

The writer is City Editor, Pakistan Today. He can be reached at ali.rizvi7957@gmail.com

US: the ally from hell | Pakistan Today | Latest news | Breaking news | Pakistan News | World news | Business | Sport and Multimedia
US: the ally from hell

By:Ali Rizvi

If we recall, this isn’t the first time that India decided to stick it up to the Americans. India after flirting with the US, betrayed the country by finalising a 12 billion dollar defence deal with France for buying the Rafale fighter jets over American F-16IN/F-18 Super Hornet, Russian Mig-35, Swedish Gripen and the last final contender the Eurofighter Typhoon.

Very interesting choice of words. Speaks volumes of the author's own slavish mentality. Guess many in the author's country including himself cannot resist seeing everything in terms of "master & slaves". How he came to the conclusion that India which is not a major recipient of U.S. aid is somehow bound to favour the U.S. is beyond me while on the other hand, he speaks very little of Pakistan's; a large recipient of U.S. largesse , "betrayal" in American eyes.
he posted at
Today 03:31 PM

you posted at
Today 03:34 PM

how the hell you read it all in such a short time?

Sorry your confused nt the writer

Reading 200 words a minute is not really a big deal.

Besides, it is quite possible that the poster, God Of Death, had already read the article.

Now who sounds confused, or shall I say prejudiced? :azn:

---------- Post added at 04:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:16 PM ----------

Very interesting choice of words. Speaks volumes of the author's own slavish mentality. Guess many in the author's country including himself cannot resist seeing everything in terms of "master & slaves". How he came to the conclusion that India which is not a major recipient of U.S. aid is somehow bound to favour the U.S. is beyond me while on the other hand, he speaks very little of Pakistan's; a large recipient of U.S. largesse , "betrayal" in American eyes.

The thing is, that for a long long time after the attacks on Pakistan began, Pakistanis even refused to acknowledge that the attackers were even Muslims or Pakistanis.

Who hasn't heard of the cries of 'Ye Hum Nahin'...
Very interesting choice of words. Speaks volumes of the author's own slavish mentality. Guess many in the author's country including himself cannot resist seeing everything in terms of "master & slaves". How he came to the conclusion that India which is not a major recipient of U.S. aid is somehow bound to favour the U.S. is beyond me while on the other hand, he speaks very little of Pakistan's; a large recipient of U.S. largesse , "betrayal" in American eyes.

I guess you can't read a scholarly article or you are jealous.
Very interesting choice of words. Speaks volumes of the author's own slavish mentality. Guess many in the author's country including himself cannot resist seeing everything in terms of "master & slaves". How he came to the conclusion that India which is not a major recipient of U.S. aid is somehow bound to favour the U.S. is beyond me while on the other hand, he speaks very little of Pakistan's; a large recipient of U.S. largesse , "betrayal" in American eyes.

Actually india is a recipient of US aid.. as for master n slave... its actually true... india was praising usa and literally singing its songs and whining abt Pak to them... wasnt it? as fr betrayed yes it is one.. considering india made usa think tht its her new best friend... USA was clearly annoyed over indias MRCA deal...as for the pathetic cheap shots...what more can be expected frm a bang galore..
Actually india is a recipient of US aid.. as for master n slave... its actually true... india was praising usa and literally singing its songs and whining abt Pak to them... wasnt it? as fr betrayed yes it is one.. considering india made usa think tht its her new best friend... USA was clearly annoyed over indias MRCA deal...as for the pathetic cheap shots...what more can be expected frm a bang galore..

India is USA's friend . Being a friend does not mean you have to agree with everything your friend wants you to do . Forget it you wont undertsand .
Interesting thing is Pakistan and U.S.A interests are mostly same. Both country ally formation is in the interest of both U.S.A and Pakistan as well. Some Ups and downs in relation but have a good future. Infect some serious downs in the relation in recent months, but still have good potential for better relation.
Actually india is a recipient of US aid.. as for master n slave... its actually true... india was praising usa and literally singing its songs and whining abt Pak to them... wasnt it? as fr betrayed yes it is one.. considering india made usa think tht its her new best friend... USA was clearly annoyed over indias MRCA deal...as for the pathetic cheap shots...what more can be expected frm a bang galore..

You have given the answer....if it is master and slave relation...India would have selected US fighter plane....and now in your word since India has betrayed his master US ....so US gonna punish India and India will no more a salve...see no slave :cheesy:

By the way what kind of relation is between US and Pakistan....can you tell me. Hope you remember drone attacks...Killing OBL inside Pakistan...Killing Pakistan army and no sorry for that also billion of dollar of begging...now please tell me
A good 'nut shell' attempt by Ali Rizvi.

What i like the most was subject :tongue: A perfect fit!
Actually india is a recipient of US aid.. as for master n slave... its actually true... india was praising usa and literally singing its songs and whining abt Pak to them... wasnt it? as fr betrayed yes it is one.. considering india made usa think tht its her new best friend... USA was clearly annoyed over indias MRCA deal...as for the pathetic cheap shots...what more can be expected frm a bang galore..

you have the answers in your statement . with INDIA you used ''new best friend''
with pakistan .....''master and slaves''
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