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US termed Pakistan Nuclear security as 'Exemplary'.

Saifullah Sani

Apr 15, 2011
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Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif says the United States has declared Pakistan’s security of its nuclear assets as an example for the world.He said this while talking to Geo News.

Earlier on Monday he said that Pakistan attached highest importance to nuclear security because it was directly linked to country’s national security.

“Pakistan is a responsible nuclear weapons state and pursue a policy of nuclear restraint, as well as credible minimum deterrence,” the Prime Minister said while speaking at the 3rd Nuclear Security Summit here.

Leaders from 53 countries, United Nations, European Union, International Atomic Energy Agency and Interpol are attending the nuclear summit. “Our region needs peace and stability for economic development that benefits its people.

That is why, I strongly advocate nuclear restraint, balance in conventional forces and ways to resolve conflicts,” the Prime Minister said.

He said Pakistan’s nuclear security was supported by five pillars - a strong command and control system led by the National Command Authority (NCA); an integrated intelligence system; a rigorous regulatory regime; a comprehensive export control regime; and active international cooperation.

The Prime Minister said Pakistan’s security regime covered physical protection, material control and accounting, border controls and radiological emergencies.

He said that Pakistan’s nuclear materials, facilities and assets were safe and secure and the country’s nuclear security regime was anchored in the principle of multi-layered defense for the entire spectrum - insider, outsider or cyber threat.

The Prime Minister said Pakistan has established a Centre of Excellence that conducts intense specialized courses in nuclear security, physical protection and personnel reliability, adding that Pakistan was ready to share its best practices and training facilities with other interested states in the region and beyond.

The Prime Minister on the occasion paid tribute to President Barack Obama for launching the nuclear security summit process four years ago.

Prime Minister Sharif said Pakistan had been running a safe, secure and safeguarded civil nuclear programme for more than forty years and the country had the expertise, manpower and infrastructure to produce civil nuclear energy.

“As Prime Minister, I feel that energy deficit is one of the most serious crises facing Pakistan. As we revive our economy, we look forward to international cooperation and assistance for nuclear energy under IAEA safeguards,” he added.
The Prime Minister called for Pakistan’s inclusion in all international export control regimes, especially the Nuclear Suppliers Group.

He said international treaties and forums should supplement national actions to fortify nuclear security.

He said Pakistan was a party to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (CPPNM) and worked closely with the IAEA to deal with safety and security of radioactive sources and illicit trafficking of nuclear materials.

The Prime Minister said Pakistan regularly submitted reports to the UN Security Council 1540 Committee on the measure the country take to exercise control over transfer of sensitive materials and technologies.

“Looking back, we can say with confidence that our decisions and commitments have spurred national action, promoted international cooperation and fostered nuclear security culture,” the Prime Minister said adding that Pakistan has constructively contributed to this process.

The Prime Minister said all leaders gathered here wanted nuclear security, which was a national responsibility and a global priority.

He said all the countries should continue to take measures to secure all nuclear facilities and materials and prevent any perceived nuclear terrorist threat.

“We all need radioactive sources for hospitals, industry and research; but should be vigilant about radiological threats,” he added.

He said Pakistan has also deployed radiation detection mechanisms at several exit and entry points to prevent illicit trafficking of radioactive and nuclear materials.

In the realm of international cooperation on nuclear security, the Prime Minister said the IAEA has an essential responsibility and a central role to play, adding that Pakistan has been working productively with the IAEA to implement its Nuclear Security Action Plan (NSAP).

The Prime Minister on the occasion announced that Pakistan was considering ratification of the 2005 Amendment to the CPPNM and was actively conducting a review to meet its various requirements.

“As we look towards the future, we should consolidate progress made so far on nuclear security. We must also maintain our political will, avoid duplication of effort and broaden our membership to gain more acceptance for our decisions,” the Prime Minister said.

US termed Pakistan nuclear security as exemplary: Nawaz - thenews.com.pk
Is US saying that or is it Nawaz Sharif saying that. If US said that please show the link of a US government Official saying that to the Media.
This seems to be effect of India supporting Russia on Crimea issue on barack's Brain:D

Addition: It's all Prime Minister said. Where is US said thing?
They were going to meet on Nuclear Security Summit. Maybe something is cooking.
They have no choice but to accept it. They have and are trying hard to penetrate it but to their bad luck and to our superior planning they have not been able to do it so far. Had they been able to do so, they would have been neutralised it by now. Only resort is to keep creating uncertainty in Pakistan, till it qualifies to be a state which can no longer safeguard its nuclear asset, thus giving them a chance to physically intrude.
Oh lord not hat post 70's game again ... please no .. go with other group this time
I know the American congress has multiple views on Pakistan's nuclear assets but I have never seen them take such a positive stance on our nukes.
In all my honesty I don't expect their supposed "confidence" is us to last that long. It's America after all...
Is US saying that or is it Nawaz Sharif saying that. If US said that please show the link of a US government Official saying that to the Media.

The US often referred to the security measures which the Pakistani Armed Forces use to safeguard their nuclear infrastructure as professional as any other responsible nuclear armed state.
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