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US spy Robert Levensons family claims that he died in iran


May 24, 2018
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Korea, Democratic Peoples Republic Of
Naturally there was no proof or evidence of any kind offered to back up this claim......but does that really surprise anyone.Just another us/western claim in the propaganda war against iran.


Robert Levinson: US hostage has died in Iran, says family
Former FBI agent Robert Levinson, who disappeared in Iran 13 years ago, has died in custody there, according to statement from his family.

"It is impossible to describe our pain," the family said, adding that his death appeared to have occurred before the coronavirus pandemic.

Levinson, the longest-held hostage in US history, disappeared in 2007 on the Iranian island of Kish.

His family say he was working on behalf of an unauthorised CIA mission.

He retired from the FBI in 1998, but had been working in Kish as a private investigator, looking at cigarette counterfeiting in the region, his wife says.

US officials suspected he was kidnapped by Iranian intelligence forces to be used as a bargaining chip in dealings with Washington.

What did President Trump say?
President Donald Trump said on Wednesday at the White House: "I've been very much involved in that and he was a great gentleman and a great family.

"It's not looking good, he wasn't well for years in Iran, it's not looking promising."

The president added: "But Robert Levinson, who was outstanding, has been sick for a long time. He had some rough problems prior to his detainment or capture.

"It's not looking great, but I won't accept that he's dead. They haven't told us he's dead."

In November, Mr Trump tweeted calling for Iran to turn over Levinson.

What did the family say?
The Levinson family statement on Wednesday said they had recently received information from US officials that had led them to conclude he had died in Iranian custody.

"It is impossible to describe our pain," they said.

"Our family will spend the rest of our lives without the most amazing man we have ever known, a new reality that is inconceivable to us.

"His grandchildren will never meet him. They will only know him through the stories we tell them.

"If not for the cruel, heartless actions of the Iranian regime, Robert Levinson would be alive and home with us today."

When was the hostage last seen alive?
The family, of Coral Springs, Florida, received proof-of-life photos and a video in 2010 and 2011, though his whereabouts were unknown.

Photographs emerged of him bearded and wearing an orange prison jumpsuit, similar to those worn by US detainees in Guantanamo Bay.

Around his neck hung signs, one of which said, "why you cannot help me".

Experts determined the video had been sent through Pakistan, while the photos were sent from an internet address in Afghanistan.

Pashtun wedding music could be heard playing faintly in the background of the video, suggesting Mr Levinson could be held in either of those two countries.

Another theory of US officials was that the Iranian government could have routed the images externally in an effort to blame Mr Levinson's disappearance on someone else.
Almost all other spies captured in Iran have been noted and detained in prisons.

Yet this one person was not?

It seems more likely he got captured by smugglers that he was tracking down and routed into Pakistan/Afghanistan where he was held for ransom.

Iran was the scapegoat here. I mean why would Iran hold a hostage and claim it doesn’t have it? And get nothing out of it? Makes no sense.

I am sure Iran told the US this during indirect channels. But of course you cannot sue terrorist entities in court, so the family wants to sue Iran and make $$$. So Iran was kept the culprit.
Almost all other spies captured in Iran have been noted and detained in prisons.

Yet this one person was not?

It seems more likely he got captured by smugglers that he was tracking down and routed into Pakistan/Afghanistan where he was held for ransom.

Iran was the scapegoat here. I mean why would Iran hold a hostage and claim it doesn’t have it? And get nothing out of it? Makes no sense.

I am sure Iran told the US this during indirect channels. But of course you cannot sue terrorist entities in court, so the family wants to sue Iran and make $$$. So Iran was kept the culprit.
If you recall about a decade ago Iran's ex defence minister was kidnapped in Saudi Arabia (by US and Israel) he was never found and no news of him ever came out speculation was that he was held by Israel..few months later this Levinson guy disappeared (many stories as you indicate done). Levinstone release was tied directly to the kidnapped ex minister..reports say that he died in Israel while captive...so that is what I remember...lives lost for big boys playings James bond.
If you recall about a decade ago Iran's ex defence minister was kidnapped in Saudi Arabia (by US and Israel) he was never found and no news of him ever came out speculation was that he was held by Israel..few months later this Levinson guy disappeared (many stories as you indicate done). Levinstone release was tied directly to the kidnapped ex minister..reports say that he died in Israel while captive...so that is what I remember...lives lost for big boys playings James bond.

Defense minister? I remember a nuclear scientist disappearing/defecting in Saudi Arabia then showing up in US.

Iran then blackmailed him to return. Where he was given a hero’s welcome (claimed double spy) then he mysteriously was arrested and disappeared....

Defense minister’s have broad level knowledge of some weapons programs, not technical knowledge which is what US/Israel would be after. So stupid to kidnap an old defense minister. Could be he defected then identity change and protection. Who knows
Defense minister? I remember a nuclear scientist disappearing/defecting in Saudi Arabia then showing up in US.

Iran then blackmailed him to return. Where he was given a hero’s welcome (claimed double spy) then he mysteriously was arrested and disappeared....

Defense minister’s have broad level knowledge of some weapons programs, not technical knowledge which is what US/Israel would be after. So stupid to kidnap an old defense minister. Could be he defected then identity change and protection. Who knows
I know about him ..but no that is not him..I try to get the name later on...he was retired defence minister not very well known....
He disapeared in Turkey, and worked in the defence minstery.... not the defence minister....
Has anyone read his entire story? How he got involved, recruited and got the green light to go to Iran's Kish Island....it's a bat shit crazy story. He was a nut.....he supposedly got clearance to go from the CIA, if I remember correctly.
Has anyone read his entire story? How he got involved, recruited and got the green light to go to Iran's Kish Island....it's a bat shit crazy story. He was a nut.....he supposedly got clearance to go from the CIA, if I remember correctly.

Wasn’t he after counterfeit cigarette dealer? Lol

Why would that be a CIA mission?
Almost all other spies captured in Iran have been noted and detained in prisons.

Yet this one person was not?

It seems more likely he got captured by smugglers that he was tracking down and routed into Pakistan/Afghanistan where he was held for ransom.

Iran was the scapegoat here. I mean why would Iran hold a hostage and claim it doesn’t have it? And get nothing out of it? Makes no sense.

I am sure Iran told the US this during indirect channels. But of course you cannot sue terrorist entities in court, so the family wants to sue Iran and make $$$. So Iran was kept the culprit.

Iran would've done a prisoner swap if they had him. I really doubt that Iran had him the whole time. Iran frequently does prisoner swaps and the U.S would taken him back in exchange for Iranians arrested for U.S sanctions violations for sure!.
Iran was the scapegoat here. I mean why would Iran hold a hostage and claim it doesn’t have it? And get nothing out of it? Makes no sense.
The same question can be asked for smugglers! Why should they keep the poor guy without asking for anything? The US government had already put $ 20 millions for any information leading to Robert’s place. That was an outstanding money for smugglers, if one of them (unidentifiable) could handle the deal with US!
I guess he was (or maybe still is) in Iran.

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