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US Senators push for crackdown on Chinese currency



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Jul 2, 2010
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Washington— A bipartisan group of U.S. senators, including Michigan's Debbie Stabenow, said they expect legislation aimed at tackling Chinese currency practices that undercut U.S. businesses to pass next month.

Many senators have complained for years that China manipulates its currency by intervening with its large foreign reserves to keep the value of its currency artificially low. That makes Chinese exporters cheaper in dollar terms.

A group of 20 senators, including Stabenow, D-Lansing; Carl Levin, D-Detroit; Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio; Charles Schumer, D-N.Y.; Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.; Olympia Snowe, R-Maine Jeff Sessions, R-Ala.; Robert Casey, D-Pa.; and Richard Burr, R-N.C., on Thursday introduced the Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Reform Act of 2011.

"We have momentum to be able to get this bill passed," Stabenow said. "We want to export our products — not our jobs."

She said Michigan auto suppliers are being undercut by Chinese currency practices, which make it impossible for many parts to be produced at competitive prices in Michigan. It's putting workers "at a severe disadvantage and it's costing us real jobs."

Many large Michigan auto suppliers like Delphi Corp. and Visteon Corp. have shifted most of their work overseas — with much in China.

"We've all had enough," Stabenow said. "We are requiring the U.S. government to act."

Levin praised the bill in a statement. "Currency manipulation makes Chinese and Japanese exports unfairly cheap and U.S. products more expensive in China and Japan, displacing U.S. production and jobs. This is nothing short of a government subsidy, and we should be doing all we can to fight back against such harmful unfair trade practices," he said.

The bill would require the Commerce Department to evaluate currency manipulation as an unfair subsidy. U.S. firms and workers hurt by the practices could ask for countervailing duties to be slapped on Chinese products. The senators say the provision would comply with U.S. obligations under the World Trade Organization.

The Obama administration has opposed legislative efforts, preferring to lobby China to gradually let its currency value rise.

The steel industry praised the bill.

"This bill is common-sense legislation that adds no additional cost to the federal government but does provide the U.S. with a legal tool to use in addressing the job loss caused by China's protectionist undervaluation of its currency," said American Iron and Steel Institute President and CEO Thomas J. Gibson. "Given our current fiscal situation, we clearly cannot keep giving China a free pass on this critical issue."

A new study released Tuesday by the Economic Policy Institute said 2.8 million U.S. jobs between 2001 and 2010 were lost as a result of China's undervaluation of the renminbi to the U.S. dollar. Of those, 79,800 were lost in Michigan.

"This report offers conclusive evidence that immediate action by the administration is needed to curb China's currency manipulation, which, along with China's blatant trade violations, are now having the same devastating impact on high-tech production that they've already had on the nation's longstanding industrial base," said Scott Paul, executive director of the Alliance for American Manufacturing, a partnership of America's manufacturers and the United Steelworkers union.

Burr said North Carolina has been "in the crosshairs" of Chinese trade practices — especially in the textile and furniture industries. "We increase our oversight of manipulation," Burr said, saying it gives the administration "the whole toolbox" to respond.

Autos Insider | Senators push bill to crack down on China currency | The Detroit News

---------- Post added at 08:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:48 AM ----------

Before criticizing the Chinese RMB, they should look at the state of the dollar & how they are threatening a global recession by the dire state of the US economy.
Another currency war? this is nothing new. USA is pulling every dirty trick to keep US$ as the world's top influential currency by any means. Be it Sterling Pound, Japanese Yen, Euro whatever, by looking at the history, any country/region which is more competitive than US get this treatment. And now they see Chinese Yuan as the next prime target.
Ok, they're right. The RMB will now rise even faster.

Be careful what you wish for. Hyper inflation and the breakup of the Disunited States like the Soviet Union is close!
Please...We are NOT the country with TENS OF THOUSANDS of ANNUAL violent protests that the government tries to cover up.
Please...We are NOT the country with TENS OF THOUSANDS of ANNUAL violent protests that the government tries to cover up. gumbit

- You are a country with atleast 3 economic depressions with first 2 considered to be Great Economic Depressions.

- You are a country with violent protests both White protesting against Black skins and blacks protested against white skin. Vietnam protests, Iraq War protests, Afghan War protests, global warming protests, protests again non medical care, protests against G8-US, protest against no jobs laid off the list is good enough.

- You are country with the largest number of banks and other financial institutions, commercial and other manufacturing plants closed down and filed bankruptcy.

- You are the country with the largest number of individual filed bankruptcy and out of job.

Regarding China had 10s of thousands is over hyped there is no history not even fox news has any history of 10s of thousands of protests in China thus the world firmly rejects your blatant accusations by a blatant personality. Chinese government cannot cover up anything twitter, facebook, youtube and else where on internet everything comes out live to see and there is nothing online about 10s of thousands of stupidly accused protest.

So now you can sit in a corner you won't be getting much attention by many, who is next??
didn't US try to accused China of currency manipulation during the G20 meeting and end up getting schooled by the european for US devaluing it's currency with QE2? China printing money isn't as dangerous to the world economy as US printing money, if US bring up the issue again, it will continue to be at the defensive given it's currency is devaluing faster than China's.
stronger rmb is good for china, bad for the US.

lol these US politicians just does not have a clue how economics and business operates.

strong rmb means, less dollars china needs to accumulate to keep the peg, this means less dollars being invested in US bonds.
strong rmb means chinese purchasing power increases, thus domestic consumption increases.
strong rmb means less inflation for china as money supply is not increased as much to buy up dollars to keep the rmb peg.
strong rmb means lower input cost for chinese manufacturers.

by the way, the chinese rmb has appeciated by 30% since 2005 and has it changed the US jobs picture? NO!
china has gained more manufacturing jobs, increased chinese manufacturing output during that entire time.
Please...We are NOT the country with TENS OF THOUSANDS of ANNUAL violent protests that the government tries to cover up.

Your country, Vietnam, even stops its citizens from protesting Chinese rule of its islands.
Please...We are NOT the country with TENS OF THOUSANDS of ANNUAL violent protests that the government tries to cover up.

gambit you and other americans are damned liars and theives.
gambit you and other americans are damned liars and theives.

He was born in Vietnam, not the US. He wants to pose as an American so he can distain inferior nationalities and races. Little does he know, the American wannabe belongs to a communist nationality and an inferior Mongoloid subrace.

:lol: :lol:
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