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So, basically the clinton lady wins and its game as usual. Bleh!!!

So, basically the clinton lady wins and its game as usual. Bleh!!!
Shocker, Hillary is one point ahead of Trump in polls, in the mother of all red state, Texas, it’s a real embarrassment for Donnie,

And on top of that a pro-Republican Texas newspaper has endorsed her.

We recommend Hillary Clinton for president

By Dallas Morning News Editorial
Published: 07 September 2016

There is only one serious candidate on the presidential ballot in November. We recommend Hillary Clinton.

We don't come to this decision easily. This newspaper has not recommended a Democrat for the nation's highest office since before World War II — if you're counting, that's more than 75 years and nearly 20 elections. The party's over-reliance on government and regulation to remedy the country's ills is at odds with our belief in private-sector ingenuity and innovation. Our values are more about individual liberty, free markets and a strong national defense.

We've been critical of Clinton's handling of certain issues in the past. But unlike Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton has experience in actual governance, a record of service and a willingness to delve into real policy.

Resume vs. resume, judgment vs. judgment, this election is no contest.

In Clinton's eight years in the U.S. Senate, she displayed reach and influence in foreign affairs. Though conservatives like to paint her as nakedly partisan, on Capitol Hill she gained respect from Republicans for working across the aisle: Two-thirds of her bills had GOP co-sponsors and included common ground with some of Congress' most conservative lawmakers.

As President Barack Obama's first secretary of state, she helped make tough calls on the Middle East and the complex struggle against radical Islamic terrorism. It's no accident that hundreds of Republican foreign policy hands back Clinton. She also has the support of dozens of top advisers from previous Republican administrations, including Henry Paulson, John Negroponte, Richard Armitage and Brent Scowcroft. Also on this list is Jim Glassman, the founding executive director of the George W. Bush Institute in Dallas. Read more

Let's stick to the important issues for sake of debate.

Internationally, non US citizens such as myself and millions of others across the world have a big problem with Hillary because of her record as secretary of state.
First, you have to understand that Secretary of State is the President’s chief foreign affairs adviser and do not run own foreign policy, but carries out the President’s foreign policy. And it is widely believed that Pres. Obama is very much involved in decision-making.

And as Pres. Harry Truman once said, “the buck stops here”, meaning, that the President has to make the decisions and accept the ultimate responsibility for those decisions.

Having said that, I think Hillary was a good Secretary of State and sorry to say, but you’re so misinformed.

She was in favor of the "arab spring" and strongly supported Morsi and the muslim brotherhood takeover of Egypt.
You’re absolutely wrong, she was in-fact pro-Mubarak and wanted to work with him, she had warned Pres. Obama “it all may work out fine in 25 years, but I think the period between now and then will be quite rocky for the Egyptian people, for the region, and for us.”

She orchestrated regime change in Libya, "we came, we saw.." (look how that turned out). and Benghazi

She did not “orchestrate regime change,” it was an indigenous uprising against the dictator and was supported by the French, British and even the Arab League, in the beginning the US had no involvement in it.

She then went into Syria and destabilized it by supporting the terrorist rebels and still maintains her stance on regime change there and is promising to enforce a no fly zone to directly challenge the Russian air force who are legally operating there as per international law.
Wrong again, you are giving the impression that she started the Civil War there, the fact is that Syrian Civil War started in 2011, and in a major policy shift, in 2013 Pres. Obama decided to supply military support to the rebels (after Assad used chemical weapons against the rebels).

On Russia and no fly zone, she has a very sensible policy:

“Now to be clear though, there is a role for Russia to help for resolving the conflict in Syria. And we have indicated a willingness to work with them toward an outcome that preserves Syria as a unitary, non-sectarian state, with protections of the rights of all Syrians and to keep key state institutions in tact. There is no alternative to a political transition that allows Syrians to end Assad’s rule.

We should also work with the coalition and the neighbors to impose no fly zones that will stop Assad from slaughtering civilians and the opposition from the air. Opposition forces on the ground, with material support from the coalition, could then help create safe areas where Syrians could remain in the country rather than fleeing toward Europe.”

Okay my friend I have to hit the bed now, but definitely I would reply tomorrow to the rest of your post.
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They say that the leaders represent the people. If Trump were the become the president of the US, justice will be done. It will sum up where this country and its people are heading.
I think Hillary was a good Secretary of State and sorry to say, but you’re so misinformed.

You’re absolutely wrong, she was in-fact pro-Mubarak and wanted to work with him, she had warned Pres. Obama “it all may work out fine in 25 years, but I think the period between now and then will be quite rocky for the Egyptian people, for the region, and for us.”
great secretary of state right there, no wonder they later even filed charges vs Obama and her for conspiring with the muslim brotherhood.

She did not “orchestrate regime change,” it was an indigenous uprising against the dictator and was supported by the French, British and even the Arab League, in the beginning the US had no involvement in it.
nothing, and especially not big destabilization operations like regime change happen unless under the express auspices of the US. Obama, to his credit, has since gone on to say that it was his biggest mistake, has she owned up ? nope, not likely to either.

Wrong again, you are giving the impression that she started the Civil War there, the fact is that Syrian Civil War started in 2011, and in a major policy shift, in 2013 Pres. Obama decided to supply military support to the rebels (after Assad used chemical weapons against the rebels).
no, you are wrong here. The US had provided military support, including training and lethal aid to the so called rebels from very early on in the conflict, just not heavy (anti tank TOW) weapons.

I also happen to disagree with your "Assad used chemical weapons.." claim, it is much more likely that jihadists groups were responsible for the initial incident, there have been more since that the global press has conveniently ignored because it was used against Syrian government troops.

On Russia and no fly zone, she has a very sensible policy:

“Now to be clear though, there is a role for Russia to help for resolving the conflict in Syria. And we have indicated a willingness to work with them toward an outcome that preserves Syria as a unitary, non-sectarian state, with protections of the rights of all Syrians and to keep key state institutions in tact. There is no alternative to a political transition that allows Syrians to end Assad’s rule.

We should also work with the coalition and the neighbors to impose no fly zones that will stop Assad from slaughtering civilians and the opposition from the air. Opposition forces on the ground, with material support from the coalition, could then help create safe areas where Syrians could remain in the country rather than fleeing toward Europe.”
Nothing sensible in that at all. First off, you have to understand that the Russians are the only ones operating legally (per intl. law) in Syrian skies.

She also absolutely does not want a "unitary, non-sectarian state", this is made quite obvious by the US' support for Islamist militants (at this stage in the game, they're virtually all islamist and deeply sectarian, and none of them want a unitary state). If she really does care for Syria and wants to stem the refugee exodus, maybe she should reconsider her support for the opposition and help bring this mother of all clusterfecks to an end.

Do you even understand what imposing a no-fly zone would entail ? that they shoot down Russian planes who are legally operating inside Syria at the request of the legitimate UN recognized government of Syria, exactly what neocon warmongers like McCain and Lindsey Graham etc want because she herself is a corrupt corporatist warmonger neocon.

anyway, the Syrian issue is a very polarizing one for anyone who cares about it, I don't expect randoms like us to agree on it, much less the warring parties themselves. I also doubt, in fact I'm pretty sure, that the US electorate in general is not very well informed of the facts, for many, it wont even be a blip on the radar, the partisans of course will vote their team no matter what, and for others still, single issues such as gun laws or healthcare etc will trump everything else as they head to the ballot.

My general observation though, is that the dems made a booboo when they screwed Bernie in favor of someone who is the epitome of the "establishment". For all his insane "everything free for everyone" commie bs, he still had a populist socialist movement going, but Hillary killed it. Trump otoh, his right wing 'nationalist' movement is still going strong, and growing stronger by the looks of it. Look at the recent polls, for all her "racist/nazi/demagogue/sexist/xenophobe/misogynist" smears, and the fact that the mainstream media is so heavily biased in her favor, she can't put him away, none of those are sticking and he's leading big league with the independents.

she still wont do press conferences, when she does, the questions are decided on earlier, Trump destroyed her at the CIC forum, she was like a fish out of water when the veteran hit her with the e-mail question, probably the one that sunk her.

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Facebook co-founder gives $20 million to Hillary Clinton, Democrats

CBS NEWS September 9, 2016

Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz and his wife Cari Tuna are committing $20 million to the Democratic cause for the 2016 general election, the Silicon Valley couple announced Thursday.

The two will give that money to various groups supporting Clinton and other down-ballot Democrat races, including the Hillary Victory Fund (a joint fundraising committee with the Democratic National Committee), the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC), and the Democratic Congressional
Campaign Committee (DCCC). The largest contributions Moskovitz will make are $5 million each to the League of Conservation Voters fund and the For Our Future PAC.

“This decision was not easy, particularly because we have reservations about anyone using large amounts of money to influence elections,” the couple wrote in a Medium blog post. “That said, we believe in trying to do as much good as we can, which in this case means using the tools available to us (as they are also available to the opposition).”

“At the same time,” they added, “we are being open about the amount of funding we’re providing, even though transparency is not required in some cases.”

They gave a strong reason for their massive donation to the Democrats: Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. The couple accused him of “running on a zero-sum vision, stressing a false contest between their constituency and the rest of the world.”

“We believe [Republicans’] positions, especially on immigration, which purport to improve the lives of Americans, would in practice hurt citizens and noncitizens alike,” the couple wrote.

In contrast, they noted that the “Democratic Party, and Hillary Clinton in particular, is running on a vision of optimism, pragmatism, inclusiveness and mutual benefit.”

While the two “don’t support every plank of the platform,” an America under Hillary Clinton “will advance much further toward the world we hope to see,” they wrote.

“If Donald Trump wins, the country will fall backward, and become more isolated from the global community,” they said.

Moskovitz, who was one of Mark Zuckerberg’s Harvard roommates and whose net worth is now an estimated $10.5 billion, won’t be the first Silicon Valley billionaire to give large sums of money to the Clinton campaign. He joins a long line of tech executives that have deemed Trump a “disaster” for innovation and the industry as a whole -- a list of current or former executives at Silicon Valley giants like Facebook, Slack, Flickr, Apple, Google, and Yelp.

She failed to get Obama to sign a status of forces agreement (SOFA) that would have allowed for a residual force to remain in Iraq when virtually the entire US military intelligence apparatus was saying that they should stay. (we know how that turned out as well)
Actually, for your kind information, she was one of the strongest supporters of keeping the troops in Iraq:

For Clinton, her State Department senior staff—as well as for top officials at the time, including Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and CIA Director David Petraeus—there was a national security interest in keeping thousands of troops in Iraq. There were limited, but important, missions to be done: countering terrorists, advising the Iraqi armed forces, and protecting U.S. personnel. Clinton was particularly aggressive in pushing for a long-term troop presence, officials involved in the negotiations say. Link

Not that the two have agreed on everything. Clinton, for example, strongly advocated keeping more troops in both Afghanistan and Iraq, according to a senior White House official. Publicly, though, she unwaveringly supported the president’s determination to bring to an end America’s increasingly unpopular wars, withdrawing the remaining American troops from Iraq last December and scheduling the withdrawals from Afghanistan by 2014. Link

She didn't do anything about China's rampant encroachment and illegal military base building in the SCS, China took over the Scarborough shoal from the Philippines.
Maybe you didn’t know, but she did try:

“What might be a challenge today for some of ASEAN’s members, if left unaddressed by all of ASEAN, could lead tomorrow to issues that may become problems for (the rest of) other ASEAN members,” the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs quoted Clinton as saying during the ASEAN-US ministerial meeting in the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh Wednesday.

It’s the first time that a major foreign power has called on the ASEAN to make a clear stand on the impasse between the Philippines and China at the shoal which is well within Manila’s territorial waters. Link

She is a neocon warhawk, everything she touched turned to shit, she is also incompetent because of the many things she didn't do anything about, but given her abysmal record, maybe that's for the better, eh ?
The only thing her foreign policy proposals are suggesting so far, is that she wants to start WW3 with Russia.
She is not a “neocon warhawk” but a strong leader who will protect America’s national interest and will not let a second rate power to undermine them.

Now let's compare that to some of what Donald Trump is proposing.

  • No more senseless wars "the era of nation building will be brought to a very swift and decisive end."
  • No support to the Syrian 'rebels', don't start ww3 over Russia.
  • Instead, he is proposing a détente with Putin, and subject to negotiations, maybe even ally with the Russians to wipe out a common enemy, the jihadis in the middle east as well as try and get a hold on the mass migration from that region which is causing many problems in the EU/West
Trump is a joke he knows nothing about foreign policy, he’s Mr. contradiction, a Mr. flip-flop and most of the time he doesn’t even know what the heck he’s talking about.

Everyone should watch the video and see what this man is all about:

also, Rabzon bhai, I understand fully your strong dislike for Trump based on some of his rhetoric.
My friend, let me clarify one thing to you and others, I’m not against him because he hates Muslims or Islam, as a diehard secularist I still would have opposed him if he was anti-Jew or anti-Hindu, the fact is, it’s not about Muslims or Islam, it’s about America, it’s about American democracy, it’s about American secular values, it’s about American standing in the world and most importantly, it’s about American unity and strength.[/QUOTE]
great secretary of state right there, no wonder they later even filed charges vs Obama and her for conspiring with the muslim brotherhood.
Totally false news!


Claim: President Obama and Hillary Clinton were officially charged in Egypt with aiding and abetting terrorists.

Sorry, cannot discuss further, since mostly you are repeating yourself and quite frankly this thread is not about Middle East wars, let’s stick to the main topic of the thread, thank you.
They say that the leaders represent the people. If Trump were the become the president of the US, justice will be done. It will sum up where this country and its people are heading.

Actually, younger voters don't like Trump. Most of them are in favor of more progressive policies (especially economic policies) as compared to their older peers. They're not voting for him. Though the numbers could have been much better if Sanders was the nominee:



Clinton And Trump Are Losing A Lot Of Young Voters  FiveThirtyEight.png


As the older generations leave the electorate, younger ones come in. More of the current young generations will turnout to vote as they age. And neither Trump or Clinton won the votes of most young voters in their respective primaries, their opponents received much more:





So no, whether or not Trump wins, it would not "sum up where this country and its people are heading".
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Hillary is absolutely correct many polls have shown that large numbers of his supporters are a bunch of haters.


Clinton: Half of Trump's supporters fit in 'basket of deplorables'

By Abby Phillip 9/9/2016

Hillary Clinton said Friday that "half" of Donald Trump's supporters could be grouped in "the basket of deplorables" at a fundraising event in New York City.

"You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the 'basket of deplorables'. Right?" Clinton said to applause and laughter from the crowd of supporters at an LGBT for Hillary fundraiser where Barbra Streisand performed. "The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic - you name it."

"And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up," she added.

Clinton then noted, as she has several times in the past, that Trump has "given voice" to white supremacist and anti-Semitic voices on the Internet.

"He tweets and retweets their offensive hateful mean-spirited rhetoric," Clinton said. "Now, some of those folks - they are irredeemable, but thankfully they are not America."

Clinton then transitioned to a more positive message, calling for empathy for the "other half" of Trump's supporters who feel left behind by the government and the economy.

"That other basket of people are people who feel that the government has let them down, the economy has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens to their lives and their futures, and they're just desperate for change," Clinton said. "It doesn't really even matter where it comes from. They don't buy everything he says, but he seems to hold out some hope that their lives will be different.

"They won't wake up and see their jobs disappear, lose a kid to heroin, feel like they're in a dead end," Clinton said. "Those are people we have to understand and empathize with as well."
Actually, not Hillary but the madman said he loves war.

In the video the madman says he loves war and also said including with nukes.

In one interview the madman said he will nuke Isis, now just imagine that to kill one Isis terrorist he will kill thousands of innocent and this madman doesn’t give a damn.

Trump is wildly unfit to be president of the United States. He “loves war,” thinks he knows more about ISIS than the generals do, and doesn’t seem to realize the ramifications of hitting the big red nuclear button. He can’t be our president.

From 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney to former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, members of the GOP are worried Trump’s comments are alarming our allies and emboldening our enemies. Even Marco Rubio is worried we’re about to turn over “the nuclear codes of the United States to an erratic individual.”

See for yourself how terrifying a Trump presidency could be:

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