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US Politics

When Obama was running for President, conservatives sneered at liberals for being so gullible for an amateur. Obama was elected because of the color of his skin, not of the content of his character. Liberals can admit that to each other only behind the sealed door of a bank vault.

That said...If Trump is elected, conservatives lost all moral standing and right to criticize liberals as gullible. Trump said he is not a politician. That is BS in its face. For a businessman of his public prominence and wealth, politics is as second nature to him as his ability to make deals towards his wealth. Trump and Obama are sides of the same coin when it comes to the gullibility factor. But Trump is even worse than Obama in the sense that Obama cannot be a conservative while Trump can be anyone and any type he needs to be, as long as he can achieve his goals. The American public can be assured that Obama will govern as an ideological liberal but there is not even a hint of assurance that Trump will govern as a conservative. Obama is honest while Trump is a chameleon.

In 1975, I was 12 yrs old when I came to the US and no English skill whatsoever. That means from a presidential politics perspective, I had no frame of reference. When I turned 18, I could not even use Carter as a frame of reference because I was busy growing up. It took Raygun and a few yrs in the USAF before I have a frame of reference in general, let alone what kind of politics I lean and how to assess a Presidential contender.

That is why I was dismayed when the American electorate chose Obama, not just because I do not care for his ideological beliefs, the ones that I fled from, but also because of his inexperience. Personally, I lean towards governors. Given how Trump is making progress, looks like I will be disappointed again.
What about Senator Cruz,doesnt he have a chance of being nominated?
Sanders won Maine

No surprise, Sanders does well in majority white, liberal states. But the delegate count for Maine is small right? This isn't a major coup for Sanders by any stretch.

@F-22Raptor assuming Sanders wins the remaining majority white states, but loses the states that have a minority population of greater than 8% - which Sanders has yet to win - what's the final delegate count (excluding superdelegates) for both Sanders and Clinton?

Clinton would still have more right? Because the states with significant minority populations have more delegates, are larger states, and Clinton wins by a larger percentage and with the Democrats delegate awarding system, would see Clinton get more delegates for a large victory.

What is each projected to end up with? Too bad Sanders isn't running here, I'd vote for him.
Republican Presidential Debate Fox News GOP Debate Mar 3, 16 Trump, Cruz, Rubio and Kasich

CNN GOP Democratic Debate in Flint, Michigan Mar 6, 16
Trump is a wiener, but I found this funny.


Delegate count:

Democrats need 2383 to win.

Hillary Clinton 1,134 delegates.

Bernie Sanders 499.

Republicans 1237 to win.

Trump 384 delegates.

Cruz 300.

Rubio 151.

Kasich 37.
View attachment 297449

Delegate count:

Democrats need 2383 to win.

Hillary Clinton 1,134 delegates.

Bernie Sanders 499.

Republicans 1237 to win.

Trump 384 delegates.

Cruz 300.

Rubio 151.

Kasich 37.
This is Primary election, not General election. Democrats and Republicans are not going against each other, they are simply trying to get the best Rep./ Democrat candidate for the General Election.

Why do Republicans require less than Democrats? Your comment makes no sense.

Trump is a wiener, but I found this funny.
Men who have to act like Macho Men..... lack what's in bold ^^^^^^.


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