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US Politics

@T-72 @Nilgiri @C130




you are team crooked Hillary

Trump will win, big league. :)
Says you. In reality, as always, I was, am and will remain always team ME.

These economists should be asked if the current president and those who worked for him, lied grossly while trying to pass their healthcare bill that is now resulting in a severe jump in premium.
So, how's healthcare coverage in India these days?

I live in Massachusetts and it allows early voting. So I cast my vote today. I must tell you that living in Massachusetts is like living in China -- it's a one-party state. Most of the people running for the various offices, national and local, are not only all Democrats but are running unopposed.

So I just voted for president, the only one that matters. And I voted for Johnson/Weld -- the only sane choice in a race filled with sociopaths and nutcases.

Wish there was early voting here in Pennsylvania. Still heavily leaning towards writing in a candidate and would quite frankly just like to get it over with.

thread looking a little like it's turning into Monday Night Raw :crazy_pilot:
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woman arrived at the polls wearing a white and blue suit and positively beaming from ear-to-ear, for good reason. Link


94-year old stumps for Trump on foot


At age 94, you could say Arlene Borges is one of Donald Trump's biggest fans.
"I like him, I liked him before he was even thinking about being a president," Borges said.

And thanks to a morning routine that has become a ritual, you could also call her a super fan.

Every day, when most people are going to work, Arlene is going the extra mile for Donald Trump.

the older demographic is going to turn out for Trump, remember they were the biggest component of the BREXIT vote. :enjoy:

So George Bush, the NeoCon who bombed Iraq is voting for Hillary, the NeoCon who bombed Syria. No surprise there.
Paul Wolfowitz and other prominent Bushite neocons are also with her, she is the war and disaster candidate here.
Obama warns fate of world at stake



Again, nobody blamed Russia for Trump, But that doesn't mean there isn't a relation between the two.

If you were 18 or older in 1980 and voted for Reagan, you are now 54 or older.

So, who supports Trump?

See for yourself:

Back in December, a Washington Post analysis found that Trump's support skewed male, white, and poor. The male-female gap was 19 percentage points (47 percent support among men vs. 28 percent among women). He won a whopping 50 percent of voters making less than $50,000, 18 percentage points ahead of his support with those who earned more than that amount.
The single best predictor of Trump support in the GOP primary is the absence of a college degree. Diplomas are what Ron Brownstein calls the “new Republican fault line.” Although white men without a college education haven’t suffered the same historical discrimination as blacks or women, their suffering is not imagined. The Hamilton Project has found that the full-time, full-year employment rate of men without a bachelor's degree fell from 76 percent in 1990 to 68 percent in 2013. While real wages have grown for men and women with a four-year degree or better in the last 25 years, they've fallen meaningfully for non-college men. Non-college men have been trampled by globalization, the dissolution of manufacturing employment, and other factors, for the last few decades.
Voters who agreed with the statement “people like me don't have any say about what the government does” were 86.5 percent more likely to prefer Trump. This feeling of powerlessness and voicelessness was a much better predictor of Trump support than age, race, college attainment, income, attitudes towards Muslims, illegal immigrants, or Hispanic identity.
The classic definition of authoritarianism implies a tradeoff—more security for less liberty—but MacWilliams says it’s also about identifying threatening outsiders and granting individuals special powers to pursue aggressive policies to destroy them.The best predictor of Trump support isn't income, education, or age, he says. In South Carolina, it was “authoritarianism … [and] a personal fear of terrorism”
Find a map of the United States and draw a thick red mark just east of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers. That's Trump Country. Trump’s support is strongest from the Gulf Coast, through the Appalachian Mountains, to New York, among marginally attached Republicans (possibly former Democrats). It is a familiar map for some demographers, since it’s similar to a heat map of Google searches for racial slurs and jokes.

Oh, so it is the US that is responsible for fear in Russia in former Warsaw Pact countries? It has no relation with the post-worldwar2 period of Russian dominance - occupation - of those countries? And Russia is not doing anything to bring about a Cold War itself? See e.g. military exercises, irresponsible military behaviour are sea and in the air? Placing moore troops and potentially nuclear short range ballistic missiles smack in the heart of Europe? If the US and Russia aren't best of friends, that is the fault of the US, and never Russia itself?

There is a very big difference between having and voicing a preference for one candidate or another and actively engaging in information warfare. But you know this. Apparently you think it is ok for Russia to hacks DNC computers.
And sure, the US never went anywhere with a UN mandate, right?. And the UN ok, that means your country's ok too!

I've never denied that Russia and Trump don't have a relation. On the contrary, I'm saying exactly the same thing as you are. Except that I don't find it strange that Russia is picking its own guy. The United States has a vast record of interference in the elections and regime changes of other nations. The Russians are using jus computers and other low-tech means to create an impact whilst the Americans are renowned for using lethal force, blackmail and occupation as their preferred methods. You be the judge.

Well, that is sour grapes for the white male who didn't earn a degree or has a salary which doesn't satisfy him. It is also sour grapes when the white male blames others for terrorism etc. when his own government has groomed Jihadi elements during the Cold War against Russia. Blaming Obama, Russia, Muslims and the Mexicans won't resolve their educational and salary woes. I don't like to single out one ethnic group, but for the sake of this discussion I will have to use the term "white male". Unfortunately, this has been the problem of the angry and dissatisfied white male all along. It has always been a nasty blame game towards others and playing the victim card. Instead of blaming others, this specific groups needs to have a hard look at itself. To make matters worse, voting for Trump won't resolve their problems one bit. Trump has no political record and even if he had he wouldn't be able to address their personal issues. Besides, he says a lot of ridiculous stuff, but he can't deliver on half of his promises and you know this too. He backtracks every minute. I don't know whether the "aggrieved" white male should trust Trump because if his promises aren't fulfilled the disappointment is going to be immense.

You keep putting words in my mouth regarding Russia. I've never defended Russian actions pre and post WWII etc. I've already explained that Russia has its fair share of problems like any other country. They certainly made mistakes and are still committing errors. No country is perfect. The irony is that you keep singling out Russia as the primary evil when the country that you are defending is guilty of similar crimes and worse. We cannot dispute that Russia has always been considered a threat and an enemy by the US because it challenges their hegemonic designs. There is no other way of putting this. We can see a similar pattern for China now. The same rhetoric all over again. The truth is that Americans are insecure and are always on the outlook for enemies to unify. Their track record proves this. For the record, I'm not anti-American. I'm just very critical of the double standards and the hypocritical ways of this country.

Again, you accuse Russia of information warfare, but hasn't the US done worse by forcefully overthrowing regimes and waging wars on false pretenses? Doesn't the US interfere in the affairs of other nations? Don't you know that the US hacks Russian and other systems in the world? What about Edward Snowden's revelations? Should we just give the US a free pass? Russia might be guilty, but let's not kid ourselves. The Americans are the undisputed masters of duplicity.
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:lol: :lol: :lol:

But seriously bro....because of these Gülenists whom resides in Pennsylvania, people going nuts.....we would conquer Pennsylvania, if we could. :)

That would only push people into the mountains, and mountains plus moonshine plus white people = Nightmare. :o::fie:
You live in Pennsylvania ? :D

Nowadays the word "Pennsylvania" irritates Turks beyond your imagination......

Yep! Proud Pennsylvanian!

That 'individual' resides about an hour and a half from me. Don't think he's ever been down to my part of PA though.

^^^Assuming that's why you said the word Pennsylvania irritates Turks. 98% of the population here doesn't even know this individual exists and are innocent citizens.
Have fun trying to conquer though :pop:
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