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US plays 'genocide' card to pressure Turkey on NATO missile system


Dec 27, 2009
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Thursday, October 21, 2010
ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News


With already-troubled Turkey-U.S. ties further challenged by NATO plans for a missile defense system, Washington is now attempting to use one of the touchiest issues in the two countries’ relationship to gain Turkish cooperation.

Frustrated by the growing divergence of views, the United States has warned Turkey that it will not be able to block the adoption by the U.S. Congress of a resolution based on Armenian genocide claims, the Hürriyet Daily News & Economic Review has learned.

In official talks with Turkish authorities, U.S. officials said Ankara’s policies on Iran, tensions with Israel and position on the anti-missile system would determine the course of Turkish-American relations and be a test case for how Turkey wants to position itself going forward. Unless there is some improvement in these three areas, Washington made clear through diplomatic channels, Turkey should not be surprised to see a resolution recognizing Armenian claims of genocide pass before the end of the year.

“The perception that Turkey and the U.S. work for opposing aims makes it difficult for us to work together,” Philip Gordon from the U.S. State Department said at an American Turkish Council meeting Tuesday in Washington. “Whether the rhetoric that Turkey is heading East is right or wrong, as long as some think like that, we will have problems.”

If Turkey blocks NATO’s missile-defense plans, it will lose credibility within the alliance and strengthen views that Turkey is drifting apart from the West, said Serdar Erdurmaz, a former army official now with the Turkish Center for International Relations and Strategic Analysis, or TÜRKSAM.

“At the end of the day, the decision to say yes or no to NATO will be a test for Turkish foreign policy identity and the concept of belonging,” journalist Sami Kohen wrote in his column in daily Milliyet on Tuesday.

Kohen believes the skepticism about Turkey stems from its recent opening to the Middle East and its strong ties with Iran. “It is important that Turkey is careful to avoid road accidents about these initiatives. But if NATO and its Western allies carry importance for Turkey, then it should avoid confrontations that will irritate them,” he wrote in the same column.

The anti-missile system is only the latest headache in Turkish-U.S. relations, which ebbed after Ankara’s refusal to allow U.S. troops to cross its territory to invade Iraq in 2003 and have been hard to get back on track since.

New U.S. plans to have NATO endorse an anti-missile system and to deploy certain elements of the new mechanism in Turkey have met objections from the ruling Justice and Development Party, or AKP, government, further deteriorating the already-negative atmosphere between the two countries.

Washington portrays the missile-defense system as a safeguard against a possible ballistic missile strike from Iran, but Ankara is concerned that hosting the shield could damage relations with its neighbor. Turkey has said it does not want the system to specifically identify any neighboring country.

The missile-defense issue is not the first time the two allies have disagreed over Iran; relations became increasingly tense in June following Turkey’s dissenting vote in the U.N. Security Council against fresh sanctions on the Islamic republic. The United States has also expressed concern about the unraveling ties between Turkey and Israel – both key U.S. allies in the region – in the wake of Israel’s 2008 invasion of Gaza and its deadly raid May 31 on a Turkish aid ship seeking to run the blockade on the isolated strip.

These developments have deepened concerns that Turkish policy is tilting outside the West’s sphere of influence, and according to Gordon, prompted the asking in the U.S. Congress of more and more questions about Turkey.

Congressional committees have previously approved resolutions calling on the president to recognize Armenian claims that up to 1.5 million of their kin perished in orchestrated killings and deportations under the Ottoman Empire in 1915-1917.

Turkey counters that 300,000 to 500,000 Armenians and at least as many Turks perished in what was a civil strife when Armenians rose up against their Ottoman rulers and sided with Russian forces invading the crumbling empire.
US plays 'genocide' card to pressure Turkey on NATO missile system

The US and Obama Administration have already showed their side about this issue when so-called armenian genocide resolution passed in the US congress committee. So, this is an already-played card and will be not surprise for anyone.

In this point, Turkey shouldn't make concession to US nor NATO. Its a time for another " One Minute ".
I guess we should accept the missiles.Or they can make more pressure on us.And i don't understand why we don't want to Take the missiles.
And i don't understand why we don't want to Take the missiles.

First of all this is a move that will reduce Turkey's influence in the region after all you have done in the region for gaining your prestige back.
And secondly you need your neighbors as much as you need NATO itself. The US force you determine your side.
Clearly, The US tells you that who will be your friends and who are enemies. This is unacceptable.
First of all this is a move that will reduce Turkey's influence in the region after all you have done in the region for gaining your prestige back.
And secondly you need your neighbors as much as you need NATO itself. The US force you determine your side.
Clearly, The US tells you that who will be your friends and who are enemies. This is unacceptable.

Well of course it is unacceptable and i totally agree with you saying the U.S. shouldn't tell us what to do. That being said it is also not acceptable at all to lose the U.S. that is simply not something we can afford is to happen.

About the missile shield specifically though. What is the problem here ? We never had a issue with having missiles on our territory before. What is more important, NATO or Iran ? Is Iran so important that we are going to refuse something NATO wants implemented ? Or is the AKP making the final push for our shift to the side of these Islamic governments ? They certainly seem to be making sure it looks like we have no issue with any of our neighbors since they have taken everyone off the list of countries that we perceive threats from (This is a tactically stupid move to do in the name of looking good in the neighborhood). Look i know the U.S. has taken us for granted many times and did not listen to what we had to say but they do still lobby for us and they do still provide us with PKK Intel and they do still sell us arms NATO members get first even though they screw up a good deal too.

This is where imo the AKP strategy is failing. They are trying to play both sides and now it is backfiring. You can not sign energy deals with Iran and then expect to be cool with the other side. Now we are delaying our answer because we are stuck with our hands in multiple bowls and don't know what to do.
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Right...You know what they say about Turkey is " The bridge between east and west " that a tough mission loaded on Turkey's shoulders by others. This is geography and culturally inevitable mission as you will agree.
Thats why Turkey is always in a fix with any issues including EU, Asia, US, Iran, Iraq, Kurds, Armenia, Russia, Greece, Cyprus, Israel etc .. On the paper our policy is clear about all of them issues. Ofcourse NATO is bloody important but in the other hand Turkey have a mediator role between Iran and West, thats why Iran sanctions refused at UN Security council by Turkey and Brasil. Its not easy to live in the most problematic region in the world where has such sensitive balances, no mercy for diplomatic mistakes.
I'm really sick of Turkey being mediator, always. You are right about AKP's zero problem with neighbors policy failed but i am not agree with you about US intel or helps in N.Iraq, actually i do not believe they give all of useful intel, they create more problem than benefit. I am sure they support PKK under the table.

Yes its time to decide. But it has to be our way, not uncle Sam's.
Right...You know what they say about Turkey is " The bridge between east and west " that a tough mission loaded on Turkey's shoulders by others. This is geography and culturally inevitable mission as you will agree.
Thats why Turkey is always in a fix with any issues including EU, Asia, US, Iran, Iraq, Kurds, Armenia, Russia, Greece, Cyprus, Israel etc .. On the paper our policy is clear about all of them issues. Ofcourse NATO is bloody important but in the other hand Turkey have a mediator role between Iran and West, thats why Iran sanctions refused at UN Security council by Turkey and Brasil. Its not easy to live in the most problematic region in the world where has such sensitive balances, no mercy for diplomatic mistakes.
I'm really sick of Turkey being mediator, always. You are right about AKP's zero problem with neighbors policy failed but i am not agree with you about US intel or helps in N.Iraq, actually i do not believe they give all of useful intel, they create more problem than benefit. I am sure they support PKK under the table.

Yes its time to decide. But it has to be our way, not uncle Sam's.

We have too much work to do.First,We have to reduce the army power and give it on education,Our army will still be strong but with a better education,The country will be way stronger.
If turkey accepts the missile shield it will become more closer to west in term of technology and might help people in term of stability and assistance from the west. The drawback is if someone want to attack US or war broke out and missile launch is option the enemy want to use, the countries with missile shield will attract all the heat. They will be first on target of the enemy. removing the missile shield from that area will be the first goal of enemy.

Just my POV. Agree disagree
We have too much work to do.First,We have to reduce the army power and give it on education,Our army will still be strong but with a better education,The country will be way stronger.

You mean downsizing right ? That actually makes the army stronger if you downsize and professionalize the military and up the equipment. Having a 500,000 man army is going to make your response times and mobilization just horrible. Not to mention you can not arm them very well or pay them anything decent.
If turkey accepts the missile shield it will become more closer to west in term of technology and might help people in term of stability and assistance from the west. The drawback is if someone want to attack US or war broke out and missile launch is option the enemy want to use, the countries with missile shield will attract all the heat. They will be first on target of the enemy. removing the missile shield from that area will be the first goal of enemy.

Just my POV. Agree disagree

I agree and that is why Turkey should not participate in any missile shield offer from America
As for the original topic... Look who is talking...

The biggest terrorist state in the world which has destroyed Iraq, brutally tortured and killed its innocent civilian population... Used Napalm on Vietnamese...

America passing resolutions on a cooked up Genocide... what a joke

Turkey should pass a resolution denouncing the Iraqi genocide me thinks...

God willing by next year I shall release a documentary that shall shed some light on this so called Armenian Genocide...

Long Live Turkey!!!!
Jiggs... I think its time that Turkey draws closer to Russia and start distancing itself from America... slowly but steadily...
I agree and that is why Turkey should not participate in any missile shield offer from America
Well i have to disagree. I don't think there is going to be a major war. If the war broke out then turkey will be the first target. but IF war broke out. Installing this missile shield will improve its relation with the developed countries and cooperation with developed countries will bring more prosperity to Turkey. In my honest opinion installing missile shield will be good move and will ensure long lasting benefits.
Well i have to disagree. I don't think there is going to be a major war. If the war broke out then turkey will be the first target. but IF war broke out. Installing this missile shield will improve its relation with the developed countries and cooperation with developed countries will bring more prosperity to Turkey. In my honest opinion installing missile shield will be good move and will ensure long lasting benefits.

Turkey already acts like a satellite state of the US... Its part of NATO still... I dont think there is any chance of war at present anyway... but it would seem that a missile shield inside Turkey may not happen... Russia has gained a lot of influence since the USSR broke up... It remains to be seen how the geopolitics of the region shapes up in the future...
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