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US places no curbs on LNG export to Pakistan

Devil Soul

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Free trade: US places no curbs on LNG export to Pakistan
By Zafar Bhutta
Published: June 26, 2014

While praising Pakistan for its efforts to set up a liquefied natural gas (LNG) import terminal, the US has insisted that it places no bar on any country that is not part of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Washington including Pakistan, on inking an LNG supply deal with US private enterprises.

“Establishing an LNG import terminal and a re-gasification facility is the first step for Pakistan before negotiating a supply contract. We fully support Islamabad’s efforts to step up natural gas supply through LNG imports,” an official of the US embassy told The Express Tribune.


LNG import as well as Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India (TAPI) gas pipeline were viable options for Pakistan in an effort to tackle energy shortages, increase gas supplies and help integrate the region, he said.

However, all natural gas and LNG production in the US is the endeavour of private enterprises and the US government does not have any agreement nor is it negotiating with any country for LNG export.

“For LNG supply to any foreign country, a company must get licence from the Department of Energy,” the official said. “Licences for LNG export to nations that have a certain type of FTA with the US are deemed to be consistent with public interest and are granted more or less automatically.”

At present, the US has trade accords with 20 countries, but most of these are not importing LNG in large quantities.

According to US embassy officials, the Department of Energy, while examining applications for LNG export to non-FTA countries, must make a determination that the licence will not be detrimental to public interest and it takes into account the impact on US markets and the environment as well as energy security.

The department does not give the licence for export to a specific country, like Pakistan. To date, licences have been approved for seven companies for shipping a total of 9.27 billion cubic feet per day (bcfd) to non-FTA countries. Several other applications for licences are pending before the department.

Officials said applications had also been submitted to the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, seeking the go-ahead for constructing LNG terminals, but so far only Cheniere Energy had got the licence.

When the company completes work on its terminal at Sabine Pass in 2017, it will be capable of exporting 2.7 bcfd.

They stressed that it was too early to say if prices would come down after US companies started exporting LNG, adding the demand and supply situation would determine the price.

Pakistan should also enhance domestic gas production by raising wellhead price as an incentive for exploration companies, they suggested while pointing to the transmission and distribution losses of gas utilities, terming it a big issue. A 10% loss means that 400 million cubic feet of gas per day is going to waste.

In terms of LNG, this wastage would cause a loss of $1.3 billion per year, so the government should curb losses before injecting LNG into the system, they said.

Appreciating the World Bank for working on a loss-reduction project, the officials stressed that power plants should improve recovery of bills and losses should be controlled to bring efficiency.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 26th, 2014.

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There is a limit on the availability of indigenous gas and the LNG we want to import. Also since there has not been enough gas available in for Pakistan during the the last 4 to 5 years, no one really knows true extent of the short fall.

Natural gas production is in the 4-billion cft per day range and gas shortfall could be as high as 2-billion cft per day. We have had new gas finds but all are small and nothing much to shout about. Unless we come up with another Sui (10 TCF) or a couple of Qadirpur (about 4 TCF each) in a hurry; there is no end in sight for the gas shortage in Pakistan.

No restriction of LNG import from US has little meaning unless additional LNG receiving facilities are built in a hurry. On the other hand, proposed LNG project is for 200-million cft per day to be expanded to 400-million in a couple of years. By that time demand would have increased as well.

Pakistan has about 4,000 CNG stations with 3.5-million CNG vehicles; largest in the world. All because CNG is cheap compared to gasoline & diesel. Can a country whose gas reserves are going to run out in next 15 years afford this luxury?

Part short term remedy is to increase CNG prices so that it is slightly higher than petrol/diesel on per million Btu basis. With no clear advantage for the transport sector to use CNG, transport sector CNG demand should come down considerably.

Even if this releases about 200-milion cft per day, all of this diverted to household sector should alleviate domestic gas misery to a large extent. Remember cars & trucks can run on petrol & diesel but household consumer can’t

But do we have the political leaders with ‘Spine’ to take such unpopular decisions, especially when most political leaders are owners of CNG stations.
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