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US offers Joint Strike Fighter to India

Paan Singh

Sep 8, 2010
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Washington: Although the US lost out in the bid to sell India 126 multi-role combat jets, it has offered New Delhi "top-of-the-line technology", including "the best in the world" Joint Strike Fighter (JSF).

"The US F-16 and F-18 competed, but were not down-selected, in the Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) competition in April 2011," the US defence department said in a report to the US Congress on US-India Security Cooperation.

"Despite this setback, we believe US aircraft, such as the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF), to be the best in the world," said the Pentagon report prepared in response to a request from the powerful Senate Armed Services Committee on a five-year action plan to strengthen bilateral defence relations.

"Should India indicate interest in the JSF, the United States would be prepared to provide information on the JSF and its requirements (infrastructure, security, etc.) to support India's future planning."

India has demonstrated its interest in upgrading its inventory of fighter aircraft, the report said noting "It intends to purchase 126 medium multi-role combat aircraft and is working with Russia on the development of the Sukhoi/HAL Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA).

The Department of Defence, along with the Departments of State and Commerce, will advocate for US solutions to Indian defence needs, it said. "We recognize that India is also seeking to build its own indigenous defence industry, and is looking for the best technologies to use in its defence sector.

"The United States wants to develop deeper defence industrial cooperation with India, including a range of cooperative research and development activities," it said asserting, "The United States is committed to providing India with top-of-the-line technology."

The Department of Defence is continually looking for ways to expand defence cooperation with India, the report said. "We are seeking opportunities for increased science and technology cooperation that may lead to co-development opportunities with India as a partner."

"The United States has taken many steps in recent years to facilitate science and technology and research and development cooperation with India," the report said.

"In so doing, we have signalled our unambiguous intent to pursue cooperative opportunities on increasingly sophisticated systems," it said suggesting, "As our relationship continues to mature, we expect co-development of armaments to become a reality."

Over the next five years, the United States "will continue to establish itself as a reliable defence supplier to India and look for opportunities to enable further training and exchanges between our militaries as India continues its military modernization," the report said.

Washington: The Pentagon is still interested in selling its fighter jets to India, which recently decided against it, and is seriously exploring the potential of co-development of military weapons systems with India.
In a nine-page report to the Congress on Tuesday, the Pentagon acknowledged that India's recent decision not to opt for America's F-16 and F-18 for its 126-fighter jets was a setback.
"Despite this setback, we believe US aircraft, such as the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF), to be the best in the world. Should India indicate interest in the JSF, the United States would be prepared to provide information on the JSF and its requirements (infrastructure, security, etc.) to support India's future planning," the Pentagon informed the US congress.
Continually looking for ways to expand defence cooperation with India, the Pentagon said it is seeking opportunities for increased science and technology cooperation that may lead to co-development opportunities with India as a partner.
"The United States has taken many steps in recent years to facilitate science and technology and research and development cooperation with India.
In so doing, we have signalled our unambiguous intent to pursue cooperative opportunities on increasingly sophisticated systems," Pentagon said.
"As our relationship continues to mature, we expect co-development of armaments to become a reality," it said. Over the next five years, the United States will continue to establish itself as a reliable defence supplier to India and look for opportunities to enable further training and exchanges between the militaries as India continues its military modernisation.
"The Department of Defence, along with the Departments of State and Commerce, will advocate for US solutions to Indian defence needs.
We recognise that India is also seeking to build its own indigenous defence industry, and is looking for the best technologies to use in its defence sector," it said.
India Rejects US Offer of Joint Strike Fighter F-35 Lightning-II

India Rejects US Offer of Joint Strike Fighter F-35 Lightning-II, India has no plans as of now to either join the US-led joint strike fighter (JSF) programme or buy the F-35 `Lightning-II’ fifth-generation fighter aircraft (FGFA) when it finally becomes operational.

“We cannot have two types of FGFA. We have already launched preliminary work for our FGFA after inking the $295 million preliminary design contract (PDC) with Russia last month,” said a top defence ministry official on Friday.

This comes in the wake of comments made by a top Pentagon official, undersecretary of defence for acquisition, technology and logistics Ashton Carter, in Washington that the US was open to Indian participation in its JSF project.

In the decades ahead, the advanced stealth FGFA to be developed with Russia will be the mainstay of India’s combat fleet. “Our FGFA will be cheaper than the F-35. Moreover, the intellectual property rights of the FGFA will equally and jointly vest on both India and Russia, with full access to the source code and the like,” said another senior official.

With a potent mix of super-manoeuvrability and supersonic cruising ability, the “swing-role” FGFA will of course not come cheap. The cost of designing, infrastructure build-up, prototype development and flight testing has been pegged at around $11 billion, with India and Russia chipping in with $5.5 billion each.

Over and above this, each of the 250-300 FGFA India hopes to begin inducting from 2020 onwards will cost around $100 million each. In all, India will spend upwards of $35 billion over the next two decades in its biggest-ever defence project till now.

The Indian FGFA will primarily be based on the single-seater Sukhoi T-50, the prototype of which is already flying in Russia, but will include a twin-seater version and a more powerful engine with greater thrust.

India Rejects US Offer of Joint Strike Fighter F-35 Lightning-II | Views to News, about USA, Pakistan, India, World and Technology

AMCA & PAKFA comes first always, on Jan 2011, India had already rejected F-35. Just because the company wants to sell, doesnt mean India will buy......


this is has been news for a long time now no need to post old news F-35 lost to SU-35BM fighters in combat simulations not to mention 100 million dollars for Excalibur locked in a sheath with good ol uncle sam with the key

the US won't give us there best radars, avionics etc for the F-35 that is another reason why F-16 and F-18 was rejected besides we need experience in 4/4.5 gen fighter technology with French and British offering us they're very best as of today it the more logical decision and also AMCA will fill the gap between FGFA, MKI, and MMRCA and LCA MK2
what is with these threads about F-35??? get real here now FGFA and AMCA will be our 5th gen fighters there is no need for another 5th gen fighter it would screw up the training and logistics altogether
Should India indicate interest in the JSF, the United States would be prepared to provide information on the JSF and its requirements (infrastructure, security, etc.) to support India's future planning," the Pentagon informed the U.S. congress.

Pentagon Awaits India's Interest in Fighter Jets

The only thing interesting is the US's acceptance of ToT of F-35 aand production facilities offer.

But still a big NO.:drag:
This article was published at the beginning of this year why you opening a new thread when there are already few threads opened at that time.

As far as my personal opinion is concerned i thin both Rafale and EF are great fighter jets but are over-priced. I would have no problem if IAF would have gone for Gripen (Cheap and comparable to EF & Rafale) but now when we are chosing between Rafale and EF (no doubt best fighters in the competition) i would say just take a look at the F35 offer and if there is a prototype of F18 future version that can give us the idea of its capabilities.

We will be spending so much on this and thats why i think we should make sure IAF is getting the best. US is willing to bend and its on us how much we can make them bend to meet our needs. There are various reports about comparison of these jets but i think we should trust ours.

We r already have all the fighter jets reports now i think we should test F35 and F18 future version (if possible) and make sure that their isn't enough difference between the two because its possible that F35 might be way better than EF and Rafale or its even possible that these two might beat F35 in most of the parameters but its our air force and its our money and govt. owe it to the people of India and its air force to get the best possible aircraft.
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