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US must seal Afghan border for Waziristan push: Pakistani official


Mar 28, 2010
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has told Washington that US forces must seal the Afghan border in the event of any offensive against the al Qaeda-linked Haqqani network in North Waziristan, an official said Saturday.

The Haqqanis, blamed for some of the deadliest attacks in Afghanistan and whose leaders are understood to be based in the Pakistani tribal district, is one of the thorniest issues between Islamabad and Washington.

“The Americans have been repeatedly told that they will have to seal off the border on the Afghan side whenever an operation is launched in North Waziristan,” a senior Pakistani security official told AFP.

Without protecting the porous, mountainous border, militants would simply escape into Afghanistan, where Pakistan has no writ, the official explained.

He claimed that Americans have “never been encouraging on this point” and accused them of failing to seal the border when operations were planned twice before in North Waziristan.

On August 3, The Wall Street Journal reported that Pakistani and US officials were considering joint counter-terrorism campaigns in Afghanistan and Pakistan against the Haqqanis and Taliban fighters who attack Pakistan.

The paper said the campaigns would mark an upturn in cooperation after more than a year of rancorous relations and stamp out major threats facing each country.

Pakistani officials later denied any agreement with the United States for a joint operation in North Waziristan, and said “routine” actions on each side of the border “should not be mistaken for ‘joint operations’”.

US must seal Afghan border for Waziristan push: Pakistani official – The Express Tribune
Fair game.. Now the ball is in Nato's court. Lets see how serious they are in eradicating this Haqqani Network.

Personally, I think they would never agree to it coz it will deny them the opportunity to scapegoat Pakistan.
Gen. Musharraf wanted to seal the border, he wanted to minefield the whole border but there were lots of screaming No's by the US controlled Afghan Govt. Had this happened this would had only benefited Pakistan & Pak Security a lot. But US will not do anything to seal the borders because they won't be able to send in rented terrorists in Pakistan.
This is the right call, these double dealing , fazlullah harbouring americans and their afghan puppets need to either put up or shut up.
When the previous operations were launched, they conveniently removed their check posts to facilitate safe passage to the fleeing militants into afghansitan and not only that the CIA along with indians has encouraged the afghan puppet regime to give active support and shelter to Fazlullah and his goons, just few days back once again they tried to attack a check post in Dir , Fazlullah’s TTP wing obviously has official backing inside Afghanistan.
Also kharzoi has in the past opposed sealing of the border as he still wallows in the wet dreams of the dog daud khan.
now some indian will trun up here and say how sealing of the border is a bad idea since it will effectivly squash india's long term low life plan of using the durrand line to instigate a pashtun rebellion in Pakistan
If the U.S. is not sealing the border what is stopping Pakistan to seal it? The U.S. doesn't want to seal it because they want us to do "their" work and not risk casualties.

In the mean time, the U.S. needs to man up and provide cover for Pakistan in case of an operation where the terrorist may flee to safe heaven Afghanistan.
NATO - Women-Army with latest tech - beauty with incompetence
I confess that I'm not a big friend of the Afghans and so I'd be more than happy if the border is sealed shut ! Having said that I feel compelled to point out that there are enough voices out there to suggest that the Pakistani Pukhtoons may not be in favor of such a decision, consequently we are obliged to take their view point under serious consideration.

To that end I think a referendum on this very issue in the Tribal Areas of Pakistan and in the Provinces of Khyber-Pukhtookhwa and Balochistan (due to there being a large Afghan Refugee population there amongst millions of Pakistani Pukhtoons) should be considered in preference to any uni-lateral decision taken by Islamabad !
How realistic is Pakistan’s demanding the US to seal the Afghan border? This region is mountainous and the borders are porous. Besides the militants know their terrain well and can always find a way to escape.
How realistic is Pakistan’s demanding the US to seal the Afghan border? This region is mountainous and the borders are porous. Besides the militants know their terrain well and can always find a way to escape.

Isn't that the same logic that Pakistan uses to answer the questions raised by the US when they say that the Afghan Taliban attack us and then melt into the mountains of Pakistan ! They ask us to monitor and man a 1000 km long porous, mountainous border with thousands of caves, ravines and gullies ! In our opinion the only way the attacks originating from either Pakistan or Afghanistan can only stop if the border is fenced (and mined) the way India did to its no less mountainous or porous border along the line of control !
Isn't that the same logic that Pakistan uses to answer the questions raised by the US when they say that the Afghan Taliban attack us and then melt into the mountains of Pakistan ! They ask us to monitor and man a 1000 km long porous, mountainous border with thousands of caves, ravines and gullies ! In our opinion the only way the attacks originating from either Pakistan or Afghanistan can only stop if the border is fenced (and mined) the way India did to its no less mountainous or porous border along the line of control !

If the border can be fenced then it would be Good For Pakistan & This Blame Game would end.... To do this one require lot of Maal ($$$)... I doubt if it is fusible mountains...
How realistic is Pakistan’s demanding the US to seal the Afghan border? This region is mountainous and the borders are porous. Besides the militants know their terrain well and can always find a way to escape.

Just the same it is the other way around :azn: ... Why do you never think of that , when you ask Pakistan to seal the border and stop the movement of terrorist ? Very simply , it is an extremely hard if not almost impossible task which US has been pushing Pakistan for years now ...
Pakistan should move into Afghanistan permanently none of this wishy washy tactics , please seal border , just move in 100,000 soliders , chase people down take over Kabul and then eliminate problems
Pakistan should move into Afghanistan permanently none of this wishy washy tactics , please seal border , just move in 100,000 soliders , chase people down take over Kabul and then eliminate problems

Will be pretty awesome really.. India's headache over forever ;)
it is like asking a Dog to give up his bone , which is not going to happen .
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