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US lifts decades-old arms embargo on Cyprus for 2023


Feb 1, 2022
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The foreign ministry on Saturday welcomed the total lifting of the arms embargo against Cyprus that was imposed in 1987.

In a statement, the ministry said the decision in question, “which is a result of the fulfillment of all the conditions set by the legislation ‘Eastern Mediterranean Security and Energy Partnership Act established by the American Congress in 2019” .

“This is a milestone decision that confirms the substantial and practical strengthening of Cyprus-US bilateral relations in the fields of security and defence, of a strategic partnership conducted on the basis of International Law and the need to build conditions of security and stability in the turbulent geographical Eastern Mediterranean Basin,” the foreign ministry said.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken lifted the defence trade restrictions for Cyprus for fiscal year 2023, the State Department said late Friday.

The State Department’s spokesperson, Ned Price said that Blinken, “determined and certified to Congress that the Republic of Cyprus has met the necessary conditions under relevant legislation to allow the approval of exports, re-exports, and transfers of defence articles to the Republic of Cyprus for fiscal year 2023”.

Compliance with the conditions is assessed on an annual basis, the statement noted.

As a result of this determination and certification, the Secretary lifted the defense trade restrictions for the Republic of Cyprus for fiscal year 2023. The International Traffic in Arms Regulations will be amended to reflect the new policy, effective October 1, 2022”, he said.

The Eastern Mediterranean Security and Energy Partnership Act of 2019 and the National Defence Authorisation Act for FY 2020 require that the policy of denial for exports, re-exports, or transfers of defence articles on the United States Munitions List to the Republic of Cyprus remained in place, unless the President determined and certifies to the appropriate congressional committees, not less than annually, that the Government of the Republic of Cyprus is continuing to cooperate with the United States government “in efforts to implement reforms on anti-money laundering regulations and financial regulatory oversight, and that the Government of the Republic of Cyprus has made and is continuing to take the steps necessary to deny Russian military vessels access to ports for refuelling and servicing”, the statement concludes, adding that, in accordance with both Acts, the Department reviews compliance with the Acts annually.

The US arms to Cyprus was in place since 1987. In 2020 it was announced that the US would partially lift the embargo, on conditions, with the decision being reviewed annually.

The first smart move after the lifting of the American embargo on Cyprus, the exchange of T-80s with Abrams.

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