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US JAGM programme proceeds towards EMD phase

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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US JAGM programme proceeds towards EMD phase

US Army has issued a request for proposals (RfP) for the Joint Air-to-Ground Missile (JAGM), a next-generation weapon that will use multiple seeker modes to increase the likelihood of accurately locking onto targets.

Lockheed Martin and a team from Raytheon and Boeing are competing for the JAGM contract, which will initially cover the engineering and manufacturing development (EMD) and low-rate initial production (LRIP) phases.

To meet the army's JAGM requirements, both companies are offering tri-mode seekers, which can identify targets using the combination of a semi-active laser (SAL), imaging infrared (IIR) sensor and millimetre wave (MMW) guidance.

The idea behind fielding a missile with multiple modes is that if one mode is not working effectively, the other sensors can help the missile lock onto the target.

JAGM proposals are due on 31 May, but it remains unclear when a winner will be selected or whether the army is still sticking to its plan to start production in 2016 because the text of the RfP had not yet been released as of 14 April.

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