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US House votes to cut USD 650mn in military aid to Pak


Jan 3, 2010
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US House votes to cut USD 650mn in military aid to Pak - The Times of India

WASHINGTON: In a latest jab at Pakistan by the US, the House of Representatives has unanimously voted to cut American military aid to Islamabad by USD 650 million as Republicans sought to tamp down demands for deeper reductions.

The amendment to cut the aid, which was proposed by Republican Congressman Ted Poe, passed on the floor in a voice vote. Poe had demanded a USD 1.3 billion cut, but settled for the 650 million cut. It will now go to Senate for approval.

"Pakistan is the 'Benedict Arnold' to America in the war on terror. They are disloyal, deceptive and a danger to the United States," said Poe, a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
"This so-called ally continues to take billions in US aid, while funding the militants who attack us. And we've kept the money flowing. It's time we turn off the tap," Poe said.

The State Department, however, refused to comment on the development, saying that since the legislative process was ongoing, he would not have any particular reaction.

"We continue to consult with Congress, but I don't have any particular reaction to ongoing legislative debate," said State Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell.

"We continue to, obviously, support our Pakistani counterparts in key areas like counterterrorism, but I don't have a particular reaction to ongoing legislative debate," Ventrell told reporters.

"By continuing to provide aid to Pakistan, we are funding the enemy, endangering Americans and undermining our efforts in the region. We don't need to pay them to betray us; they are already doing it for free," said Poe.

The passage of the amendment comes at a fragile time for relations between the US and Pakistan, which only recently overcame differences that led Pakistan closing down a critical supply route into Afghanistan that had cost the United States about USD 100 million in additional war costs.
US should provide PAKISTAN with no money , rather should put some penalty on her........ we deserve it................

well done US congress keep it up, we need some more steps like these......
After such humiliation, pakistan should infact break relations with the US.
After such humiliation, pakistan should infact break relations with the US.
Troller Alert!!!:mod:

Sorry we don't need those 650Mn either.They can keep the money to themselves and in return donot expect any help on WoT from us either...
A fake attempt to troll

Sorry we don't need those 650Mn either.They can keep the money to themselves and return donot expect any help on WoT from us either...

Whats trolling in it? many pakistanis have stated the same in many other threads, go and read.

is America not humiliating Pakistan by with holding the money ?
If I were a Pakistani (which clearly I am not), this cut in aid would not worry me so much due to the amount – which frankly in the scheme of things may not be that large. I would worry about the fact that many formerly pro-Pakistani US congressmen have started voting for instead of against such bills. It is the mood in US congress which should worry Pakistan. The bill on declaring Haqqanis as a terrorist organization is about to pass. At some point if things do not get better between US and Pakistan, it could lead to US designating Pakistan as a state sponsor of terror. While this would not pass in UN due to China’s support, it could have a much more adverse impact on Pakistan than it is currently having on Iran.
I hope none of this comes to pass and Pakistan really takes a U turn on some of the policies that have not benefitted Pakistan either -especially providing supporting environment to terrorists that attack other countries because it has provided an environment where anti-Pakistani terrorists have also flowered.

If I were a Pakistani (which clearly I am not), this cut in aid would not worry me so much due to the amount – which frankly in the scheme of things may not be that large. I would worry about the fact that many formerly pro-Pakistani US congressmen have started voting for instead of against such bills. It is the mood in US congress which should worry Pakistan. The bill on declaring Haqqanis as a terrorist organization is about to pass. At some point if things do not get better between US and Pakistan, it could lead to US designating Pakistan as a state sponsor of terror. While this would not pass in UN due to China’s support, it could have a much more adverse impact on Pakistan than it is currently having on Iran.
I hope none of this comes to pass and Pakistan really takes a U turn on some of the policies that have not benefitted Pakistan either -especially providing supporting environment to terrorists that attack other countries because it has provided an environment where anti-Pakistani terrorists have also flowered.
General Kayani said it quite a while ago that PA does not require any aid and the military aid should be diverted to civilian aid. PA can function effectively without any Western aid contrary to what the propagandists are claiming. This so called aid has brought a lot more misery than good to Pakistan. Pakistan is much better off without any foreign aid.
we r used to humiliation , we need something more now.............
they r humiliating us on every ground .......... even our image has been distorted , we r presented before the world as villain , many more......................... still.............
General Kayani said it quite a while ago that PA does not require any aid and the military aid should be diverted to civilian aid. PA can function effectively without any Western aid contrary to what the propagandists are claiming. This so called aid has brought a lot more misery than good to Pakistan. Pakistan is much better off without any foreign aid.

In which case, why doesnt Pakistan refuse the aid given to it?
After such humiliation, pakistan should infact break relations with the US.

they wont do it, they know where they stand :rofl: :usflag:

I have a brilliant idea! Since the "supa powa" cannot provide basic sanitation to it's citizens. How about Uncle Sam providing $650 million to meet your sanitation problem instead of giving it to the corrupt PPP?


that's our prob. we will slove it by own, we do not beg to others, like your gov. beg for almost every thing , sometimes to china , sometimes to USA , sometimes to U.A.E :D , pls do not worry about us ,
Expect a Presidential veto even if it passes the Senate. The average Congressman does not have the depth of perspective and knowledge that is available to the Executive branch.
In which case, why doesnt Pakistan refuse the aid given to it?

If it was upto the average Pakistani, they would refuse the aid in a heart beat. The aid is hardly trickled down to the average person, its usually spent on foreign contractors and mostly used in the form of bribes to control our politicians. Since the aid is largely used to buy out our politicians, why in the world would they reject this? I am optimistic about the future as both the major opposition parties (PML-N and PTI) have spoken out against American aid, after the next election which the PPP is likely to loose they will hopefully put an end to this drug.
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