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US House: Stop Falun Gong Persecution


Nov 27, 2008
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U.S. House Resolution Calls to End Persecution of Falun Gong

2010-03-18 11:36211

The United States House of Representatives passed a resolution on Tuesday calling on the Chinese regime to end its decade-long persecution of the Falun Gong spiritual practice.

House Resolution 605 was passed 412 votes to 1.

Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida authored the resolution.

Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, U.S. Representative (R-Fla.):

“I am proud to rise here today as the author of this resolution, which addresses one of the most flagrant examples of systematic persecution against a particular group currently taking place. The Chinese communist regime’s obsessive and relentless hunting down of Falun Gong practitioners, which is a spiritual discipline based on truthfulness, compassion and tolerance, says a great deal about the insecurity and paranoia of the current rulers in Beijing.”

Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen also spoke about Chinese communist agents targeting Falun Gong practitioners in the United States. And she pointed to allegations that the regime is harvesting organs from Falun Gong practitioners in China.

Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey of California had authored a similar resolution eight years ago, in 2002. And she, too, urged House members to vote yes on Resolution 605 on Tuesday.

Lynn Woolsey, Democrat Congresswoman (D-Calif.):
“Sadly, eight years later, the persecution continues… The Chinese government must put a stop to this inhumane persecution.”

U.S. House Resolution Calls to End Persecution of Falun Gong ? New Tang Dynasty Television
Congress Challenges China on Falun Gong & Yuan

Posted by: Bruce Einhorn on March 17, 2010

Here’s a strange match: Ron Paul, the Texas Congressman, GOP presidential candidate, libertarian hero and scourge of the Federal Reserve, might now be China’s favorite lawmaker in Washington. Paul was the only member of the House yesterday to vote no on a proposal likely to inflame already strained U.S.-China relations by poking Beijing on one of the most sensitive issues of all, the Falun Gong.

The Chinese are showing no signs of budging. Certainly they’re not going to move on the Falun Gong, which the regime considers to be an existential threat to Communist Party rule.

Congress Challenges China on Falun Gong & Yuan - BusinessWeek
Chinese Delegation Attempts to Stop Speech at U.N. Human Rights Council

2010-03-18 11:35218

What was supposed to be a short speech took more than an hour at the 13th session of the U.N. Human Rights Council on Monday.

The speaker was Shizong Chen—a representative of the United Nations Association San Diego Chapter. He was talking about how the Chinese regime has been violating Falun Gong practitioners’ freedom of belief, and torturing them by injecting them with nerve-damaging drugs.

But he hardly got started when the delegate from China interrupted and demanded a verification of Chen’s registration with the United Nations.

Both the President of the Human Rights Council and the secretariat confirmed Chen’s registration, but the Chinese regime’s delegate continued to interrupt—six more times.

The U.S. delegate eventually spoke up against the Chinese delegations’ interventions.

U.S. Delegate to U.N. Human Rights Council:

“It seems to us that it is patently clear the Chinese delegation objects to the content of this information before it’s even been made. I would ask the secretariat and the president not to entertain these inappropriate enquiries and please allow the delegate to speak. Thank you.”

When Shizong Chen was finally given the floor to speak, he was once again interrupted.

Shizong Chen, Delegate U.N. Association San Diego:

“We urge the Council to take action to end China’s continuing violation of Falun Gong practitioners’ freedom of belief. We are particularly concerned about the Chinese government’s intensifying use of nerve-damaging chemicals to torture Falun Gong practitioners.”

More than an hour after he was due to speak, Shizong Chen finally delivered his full statement.

Shizong Chen, Delegate U.N. Association San Diego:

“Failing to break the will of Falun Gong practitioners with physical torture, the Chinese authorities have escalated the use of nerve-damaging chemicals to destroy their capacity to hold thoughts and conscience. This horrifying mind-killing medical torture has caused hundreds to become insane and killed many. Due to China’s block of information flow, the atrocities are feared to be more extensive.”

Since 1999, the Chinese Communist Party has undertaken a systematic crackdown on practitioners of the Falun Gong spiritual practice. Thousands of accounts of torture and killing of its adherents have been submitted to the United Nations’ Special Rapporteurs.

Chinese Delegation Attempts to Stop Speech at U.N. Human Rights Council ? New Tang Dynasty Television
I don't think Falun Gong is all what they seem on the surface. If a religious leader claims to have direct line with god or claims to be a living Buddha it is kind of fishy.

But I do think there are forms of torture going on. Although the extent of it is debatable I think the CCP need to improve in the way they handle these matters

I don't think Falun Gong is all what they seem on the surface. If a religious leader claims to have direct line with god or claims to be a living Buddha it is kind of fishy.

But I do think there are forms of torture going on. Although the extent of it is debatable I think the CCP need to improve in the way they handle these matters


ever read their media? talk about bashing china every chance they get. there is not a single article about the good that the ccp did nope only on and on about how bad china is. i swear at times they almost direct bash the chinese people. while torture or killings of their member i dont agree with i am perfectly happy with them being banned for they are basically a traitorous cult that was started by some anti-ccp guy from taiwan who made millions
The Epoch times? Yeah they sounds like some sort of doomsday publications. But I'm not sure if that started after they were outright banned.

Founder is 李洪志 right? I thought he is born in china, unless you were referring to where he currently resides.

Have you noticed alot of them grew up during the cultural revolution? Is it the chaotic environment?
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