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US House of Representatives approves move to bolster defence ties with India

Stephen Cohen

Nov 21, 2014
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US House of Representatives approves move to bolster defence ties with India -

See more at: http://indianexpress.com/article/in...ence-ties-india-2810373/#sthash.FZxIOqkK.dpuf

The US House of Representatives has approved a bipartisan legislative move to bolster defence ties with India and bring it at part with other NATO allies in terms of sale
of defence equipment and technology transfer.

“It seeks to promote greater defence trade and encourage additional military cooperation between the United States and India,” Congressman George Holding said on the floor of the House of Representatives in favour of the amendment in this regard in the National Defence Authorisation Act (NDAA)-2017.

The amendment (Enhancing Defence and Security Co-operation with India) was sponsored by Holding and Ami Bera (House India Caucus Chairs) and Chair and Ranking Member of House Foreign Affairs Committee Ed Royce and Elliot Engel, respectively. -

" I believe that by requiring our government to take actions such as strengthening Defence Technology and Trade Initiative and encouraging combined military planning with India, we can make certain that the US-India defence relationship endures,” Holding said.

“Mr. Chairman, given the dynamic nature of the Indo- Pacific region and its importance to our own national security and future economic growth, now is the time to build on recent successes and propel the US-India strategic partnership forward,” Holding said.

For the US, it encourages the executive branch to designate an official to focus on US-India defence cooperation, facilitate the transfer of defence technology, maintain a special office in the Pentagon dedicated exclusively to the US-India Defence Technology and Trade Initiative (DTTI).

It urges the US government to enhance India’s military capabilities in the context of combined military planning, and promote co-production/co-development opportunities.

For India, it encourages the government to authorise combined military planning with the US for missions of mutual interest such as humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, counter piracy, and maritime domain awareness

. Senators Mark Warner and John Cornyn, the Senate India Caucus Chairs, introduced a similar bill earlier this week in the Senate.

Senator Marco Rubio, the former Republican presidential candidate, became its co-sponsor this week.

It is only when it is passed by the Senate and the House as part of the NDAA-2017, it will head to the White House for US President Barack Obama to be signed into law. The move has been welcomed by the US-India Business Council (USIBC).

“Now that we have bipartisan support from the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the House India Caucus, we believe this amendment has a good chance of making its way into the House’s version of the defence authorisation bill,” said USIBC president Mukesh Aghi.

Among other things, the House legislative approval requires the Secretary of Defence and Secretary of State to jointly take such actions as may be necessary to recognise India’s status as a major defence partner of the US.

It calls for approving and facilitating the transfer of advanced technology, consistent with US conventional arms transfer policy, to support combined military planning with the Indian military for missions such as humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, counter piracy, and maritime domain awareness missions.

“The Secretary of Defence and Secretary of State shall jointly, on an annual basis, conduct an assessment of the extent to which India possesses strategic operational capabilities to support military operations of mutual interest between the United States and India,” it said.

- See more at: http://indianexpress.com/article/in...ence-ties-india-2810373/#sthash.FZxIOqkK.dpuf
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This Opens Gate of Tech Transfer and Technology Dependence....

We can make our Defence Industry Grow with JVs or Kill them

It is upto our Leaders now which Path we choose (Tech Development or Technology Dependence)
I think they are playing with words and nothing substantial gonna come out
Good for India. I wonder what will be the impact on INDO-RUSSIA relationship, which considers US AND NATO its deadliest enemies.
Good for India. I wonder what will be the impact on INDO-RUSSIA relationship, which considers US AND NATO its deadliest enemies.

India and Russia have a good understanding

We have already made it clear to the USA that our alliance with US is
directed against China and NOT against Russia

Russia is strong enough to take care of itself

Similarly in any India - China clash ; Russia will stay out
because Russia is friendly to Both India and China
Line cleared for upgrading the Indo-US ties - DTTI, LSA, F-16s and many more....
Line cleared for upgrading the Indo-US ties - DTTI, LSA, F-16s and many more....

Mate ; F 16 are NOT coming ; F 18 may come

Look at this statement of Today


Asked about the plans to manufacture multirole fighter jets in the country, Parrikar said: "By the end of this year, a decision will be taken on which fighter aircraft will be made in India. We have not decided yet whether we will make the F-18, Eurofighter, Rafale or Griffin."
This is Terrific news and a paradigm shift in Indian Foreign policy. :tup:

It was the right move and it certainly took a long time. How ironic that it took a Modi who was denied a US visa to make this breakthrough. :lol:
Mate ; F 16 are NOT coming ; F 18 may come

Look at this statement of Today


Asked about the plans to manufacture multirole fighter jets in the country, Parrikar said: "By the end of this year, a decision will be taken on which fighter aircraft will be made in India. We have not decided yet whether we will make the F-18, Eurofighter, Rafale or Griffin."

And the answer is Rafale.
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