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US goal is to never go to war with China: Vice chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff John E. Hyten


Nov 4, 2011
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US goal is to never go to war with China: Vice chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff John E. Hyten
September 14, 2021


“Our goal should be to never go to war with China.” John E. Hyten, vice chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, emphasized the dire consequences of the United States if it goes to war with China and Russia in a conversation with scholars on Sept. 13, local time.

The Brookings Institution invited Hyten and Michael O’Hanlon, a senior fellow at the think tank, to discuss the state of U.S. defense, military modernization and other issues on Sept. 13, the former will step down from his post later this year, according to Chinese media, citing the website of the Brookings Institution, a leading U.S. think tank.

O’Hanlon asked Hyten: Are China and Russia equally worrisome to you in terms of assessing the so-called “military threat,” or are you mainly focused on China at this point?

And Hyten, referring to U.S. defense strategy, called Russia and China a “pacing threat” and that the United States is beginning to discuss China “under more certain conditions.

He replied that the current administration leadership, including Joe Biden and Defense Secretary Austin, has made it very clear that China is a “pacing threat” that the United States must be concerned about today, in the near term and in the long term. But that doesn’t mean they don’t see the potential threat from Russia, a country with a large nuclear force, as important.

O’Hanlon further asked how to assess the possibility of some form of war between the United States and China, referring to the “Thucydides trap” proposed by Harvard University professor Graham Allison.

Hyten said that we always have to worry about the “Thucydides trap,” but the United States had already gone through the same thing with the Soviet Union, where the two powers had the most serious confrontation of their time, and it was the first time that two powers had huge nuclear weapons at the same time. But there was no major war between the two sides throughout, “because we kept deterrence and didn’t cross the line.”

He added: “So when it comes to what happens between the great powers, our goal should be to never go to war with China and never go to war with Russia. Because that would be a terrible day for this planet and for us as nations. It would destroy the world and the economy and be a disaster for everybody. So we have to make sure it doesn’t go that far.”

He also acknowledged that we have to recognize that China is a very different competitor than Russia, with a huge economy, and that the allies and partners the U.S. wants to develop also need to work with China.

Beyond that, Hyten more than once stressed the importance of dialogue with China: “We do have a fundamental common goal, despite our differences, and that is to never go to war with each other, because nuclear war is a bad thing.”

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When someone says that it is the opposite..

On serious note the thing is that China just rose from the ashes and following her destiny has risen to a superpower level this is what the Americans or the western world can't accept or live with.

1- As you may know civilizations rise and fall plus civilzations overtake each others this has been a constant scenario thru out the human history and right now we are approaching the chinese-age and the west is declining they see the writing is on the wall but can't accept to be replaced this is why there is conflict

2. Example the same thing happened to Pax-Islamic period from 650-1922 (The decline started around late 17s and continued thru out 18s and finally ended in 1922 in WW1)

This is just the nature of human history the same thing happened to the Pax-Roman era they started to fade and eventually replaced the same thing happened to the Pax-Egyptian era etc etc..

Right now we are approaching the Pax-Chinese era soon this is what the Western world won't be able to digest. The dog-fight with the west is because that they have entered their golden era and it entirely happened due to divine destiny nations rise and fall and this is China's destiny but the arrogant westerners can't accept to be replaced. The truth is China has overtaken them in everything from industrial horse power, logistical means, economy, manpower, technology etc etc..
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US wants to prepare for war, in hope for peace. The idea is to show deterrence and convince China that it is not likely to be victorious in an armed confrontation. A secondary goal is to not allow Chinese economy grow big enough to make it impossible to achieve the aforementioned primary goal.

US needs to unite the entire developed world including the rich Middle East to be able to achieve this. So far, Biden has made a terrible start by antagonizing EU
The arms industry needs another bogeyman to scare the taxpayers of their country and those of the regional nations into funding. Honestly if push comes to shove, most Americans or even Taiwanese won’t want to fight China for Taiwan.

China knows this and saw how the Soviets fell. Doubt they will be tricked into over spending on weapons.
Its good to have two superpowers in the world.This is how weaker nations survive.For example US wants to control China by arming India to some extent but if tomorrow India will start becoming superpower then what will US do.so US will not arm India to much.

For Pakistan: hostile India towards China and vice versa will benefit us in long term.we have good relations with china but who knows what will happen tomorrow.
In this period of time: biggest responsibility for ISI is to keep India and China engaged in small scale war by playing role of spoiler.This is how small nations survive among big monsters.
This is why their top military commanders keep calling us even without their president consent or authorization.
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On serious note the thing is that China just rose from the ashes

?? So um...what ashes was that? Centuries of self-induced isolation from Western tech and lifestyle vs Traditional Agrarian Eastern or something???
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The West knows they don’t have the tenacity to win the continental wars and power struggles! The Taliban victory was the last nail. Now, their focus is on what they are best at: domination at the seas….

Now, folks would understand why China is adamant with BRI, CPEC etc.! They enhance the maneuverability of the continental great powers. Initial victories for CPEC - the pilot project - have been attained, thanks to Af-Pak! Let’s see how it folds out….
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