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US Fiscal Year 2015 Arms Sales Exceed $47Bn


Apr 28, 2011
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The Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) announces sales of $47.085 billion for fiscal year 2015.

Sales under the government-to-government Foreign Military Sales Program totaled $35.359 billion. Along with sales executed using U.S. government appropriations under various security cooperation and security assistance authorities such as Foreign Military Financing (FMF), and DoD programs, totaled $11.726 billion, totaling $47.085 billion for fiscal year 2015.

Demand for U.S. defense products and services remains strong, as the U.S. share of total global arms transfer agreements has increased over the last decade. With a number of partner countries looking to modernize and expand a full spectrum of capabilities, the U.S. share of transfers to partners and allies in emerging defense markets in Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America continues to increase.

“The Security Cooperation enterprise continues to refine how we most effectively and efficiently utilize our resources to address our partners’ needs while ensuring alignment with our national security and foreign policy objectives. This includes both synchronizing our priorities, activities, and resources, as well as enabling more responsive industry participation in the FMS process to ensure we remain the provider of choice for our foreign partners,” VADM Rixey explains. “The FY15 sales total underscores the progress we are making towards these efforts, the quality of product, and our goal of remaining the provider of choice for our foreign partners.”

The FMS program facilitates sales of U.S. arms, defense equipment, defense services, and military training to partners. The FMS program is a form of security assistance authorized by the Arms Export Control Act under the direction of the Secretary of State through which the United States may sell defense articles and services to foreign countries and international organizations.

It is among several programs enabled by DSCA, the lead agency for the Department of Defense in the execution of Security Cooperation programs, which contribute to the foreign policy and national security objectives of the United States.

Read more: US Fiscal Year 2015 Arms Sales Exceed $47Bn | Defense & Security News at DefenceTalk
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