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US deploys 1200 soldiers as cross-border Taliban support gains momentum


Apr 11, 2012
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As cross-border taliban’s cooperation grows stronger US military deploys 1200 more soldiers to cater the needs.

As per Reuters, Major general Muhammad Shareef Yaftali of 203rd corps has said that ‘they (Taliban) have the same instincts. Both of them are of same school and are growing in their cooperation’.

This stronger alliance of cross border Talibans is endangering the control of eastern provinces from Yaftali’s hands as he cites that the Al Qaeda operatives might be holding up in the remote mountains of the region.

However, to keep things straight, US military joint base lewis Mc-Chor’s combat aviation brigade has landed in Afghanistan with a platoon of 1200 soldiers.

As per their Facebook page on military.com, brigade informs that everyone has settled comfortably.

New US military brigade carrying 1200 soldiers arrive in Afghanistan. Photo: Wikipedia via Creative Commons.

Read full story on pointraiser.com
Wow, defending your nation is a crime these days as long as you're a Muslim. More Western aggression against defenseless villagers trying to survive in their own land.
WADR, you seem to be a Pak disguised as .PS. Dont you know of the Pak army's atrocities against .PS in Jordan in the mid 70's. Worse tha what Israel may EVER have done against you directly

What does Pakistan have anything to do with Western colonialism in the Middle East?
Wow, defending your nation is a crime these days as long as you're a Muslim. More Western aggression against defenseless villagers trying to survive in their own land.
umm Afghanistan is heavily dependent on the US , the taliban are scums not defenders of their land!
umm Afghanistan is heavily dependent on the US , the taliban are scums not defenders of their land!

Not all of them, keep in mind there are over 90 splinter groups if not more by now. The ones engaged in defending Afghani soil are justified in doing so. The ones engaged in separate affairs no question are immoral actors.
Not all of them, keep in mind there are over 90 splinter groups if not more by now. The ones engaged in defending Afghani soil are justified in doing so
Yes all of them!! by every means The Afghan people hate them too. What they have done to the country is unimaginable!

Care to give me an example of good taliban?
What does Pakistan have anything to do with Western colonialism in the Middle East?

It is your selective condemnation and disgruntlement that I find objectionable.

Non of your concern pitful hindu.

This is for all to see how badly Paks are steeped in religiosity of the worst kind (they give bad name to the word RELIGION) that they would refer to Indians as Hindus and not Indians. Exposes their rotten mindset; no wonder they have SHia/Sunni/Ahmediya/Barelvi/Deobandi/.......... divides. They deserve it
Wow, defending your nation is a crime these days as long as you're a Muslim. More Western aggression against defenseless villagers trying to survive in their own land.

The Afghan National Army is defending their country, and they are muslims as well, and they are fighting these talibturds. Stop playing the religion card to support terrorist insurgents.
The Afghan National Army is defending their country, and they are muslims as well, and they are fighting these talibturds. Stop playing the religion card to support terrorist insurgents.

I support the Afghan Army, that doesn't mean I support western operations in Afghanistan which will only kill more defenseless people. I'm not playing no religion card and neither am I supporting terrorists. If I was supporting terrorists I would be supporting the USA and Israel.
The Afghan National Army is defending their country, and they are muslims as well, and they are fighting these talibturds. Stop playing the religion card to support terrorist insurgents.
Terrorist is a very vague term.
As they say one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
Do you want everybody to support the US armed and salaried ANA.
See somebody who paid to kill is sometimes called mercenary.
Now it all depends on the way you want to look at it.
So don't be too dogmatic.
Terrorist is a very vague term.
As they say one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
Do you want everybody to support the US armed and salaried ANA.
See somebody who paid to kill is sometimes called mercenary.
Now it all depends on the way you want to look at it.
So don't be too dogmatic.

Yes, I have heard these platitudes before - "One man's terrorist is another's FF" and so on. But terrorism does have a useable definition in the modern age - use of certain tactics to cause terror among the population, and deliberately targetting civilians in bomb blasts and other attacks.

The point here is that the Taliban are not figthing occupation - if and when the US leaves, do you think the taliban will stop fighting? No, they will continue fighting their countrymen who are working to keep a democratic setup going. They are fighting the afghan govt, which is democratically elected by the afghan people. (Despite the threats of these terrorists, afghans came out in large numbers to exercise their vote, just 2-3 days back.)

The aim of these talibturds are to dismantle that representative democracy, and to come to power themselves - not through winning votes, but with guns.

The ANA is paid for by the country. They may depend on foreign aid, but so does every other part of Afghanistani society, which happens to be one of the poorest countries in the world. Their food is also paid for by USA and other western countries.

The poster I was responding to was trying to paint it as US versus muslims, which is simply not the case. Both the stakeholders there are muslims. Do you want the nation of Afghanistan to be rulled by the ballot, or by the bullet? Why would you want to deprive them of the basic political rights that the country you live in takes for granted, and the country you originate from is trying to protect?

I support the Afghan Army, that doesn't mean I support western operations in Afghanistan which will only kill more defenseless people. I'm not playing no religion card and neither am I supporting terrorists. If I was supporting terrorists I would be supporting the USA and Israel.

The people you are supporting are very much terrorists. Pakistanis have realized this far too late. You were playing the religion card when you said that "muslims" defending their nation is now being portrayed as a crime, when the fact is that both sides there are muslims, one side being helped by Americans and many other foreign countries, to establish a democratic setup.

As I said to another poster, the Talibturds are NOT simply resisiting occupation by foreigners. The government is not composed of foreigners, but Afghans. And when the Americans leave, the talibturds are NOT going to trade their swords for sickles and become peaceful farmers and engineers. They will continue to fight to come to power, which they were thrown out of.
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Yes, I have heard these platitudes before - "One man's terrorist is another's FF" and so on. But terrorism does have a useable definition in the modern age - use of certain tactics to cause terror among the population, and deliberately targetting civilians in bomb blasts and other attacks.

The point here is that the Taliban are not figthing occupation - if and when the US leaves, do you think the taliban will stop fighting? No, they will continue fighting their countrymen who are working to keep a democratic setup going. They are fighting the afghan govt, which is democratically elected by the afghan people. (Despite the threats of these terrorists, afghans came out in large numbers to exercise their vote, just 2-3 days back.)

The aim of these talibturds are to dismantle that representative democracy, and to come to power themselves - not through winning votes, but with guns.

The ANA is paid for by the country. They may depend on foreign aid, but so does every other part of Afghanistani society, which happens to be one of the poorest countries in the world. Their food is also paid for by USA and other western countries.

The poster I was responding to was trying to paint it as US versus muslims, which is simply not the case. Both the stakeholders there are muslims. Do you want the nation of Afghanistan to be rulled by the ballot, or by the bullet? Why would you want to deprive them of the basic political rights that the country you live in takes for granted, and the country you originate from is trying to protect?

The people you are supporting are very much terrorists. Pakistanis have realized this far too late. You were playing the religion card when you said that "muslims" defending their nation is now being portrayed as a crime, when the fact is that both sides there are muslims, one side being helped by Americans and many other foreign countries, to establish a democratic setup.

As I said to another poster, the Talibturds are NOT simply resisiting occupation by foreigners. The government is not composed of foreigners, but Afghans. And when the Americans leave, the talibturds are NOT going to trade their swords for sickles and become peaceful farmers and engineers. They will continue to fight to come to power, which they were thrown out of.

Who am I supporting? Are you stupid? People in Afghanistan who legitimately defend their lands are not terrorists, people that kill civilians in mass bombings are. I made a clear distinction here, this also means the US is a terrorist regime which has bombed over a million civilians to death in the past decade alone.
Who am I supporting? Are you stupid? People in Afghanistan who legitimately defend their lands are not terrorists, people that kill civilians in mass bombings are. I made a clear distinction here, this also means the US is a terrorist regime which has bombed over a million civilians to death in the past decade alone.

Lay off the name calling if you want a proper response.

The article is about taliban. Period. So your post, right below the article, can only be assumed to be about them.

1) The talibturds have killed civilians in mass bombings, and just one week ago they threatened to kill civilians exercising their democratic rights. Don't try the Pakistani logic of good talib v/s bad talib here and talk about splinter groups, because it is a fact that the entire taliban movement has attacked civilians and threatened to disrupt democracy.

2) You didn't answer my question. When the US leaves, will these talibs stop fighting? If not, then how can you claim they are fighting foreign occupation only? The fact of the matter is that they are fighting for power. Plain and simple. BTW, if these talibs did not fight, there would be no need for foreigners to be there at all. The americans are only staying there because they dont want taliban to take over once they leave. It's not like Afghanistan is such a desirable place to stay, or has oil to be exploited. You are confusing cause and effect. Americans are there because of the threat of taliban - not the other way round.
Lay off the name calling if you want a proper response.

The article is about taliban. Period. So your post, right below the article, can only be assumed to be about them.

1) The talibturds have killed civilians in mass bombings, and just one week ago they threatened to kill civilians exercising their democratic rights. Don't try the Pakistani logic of good talib v/s bad talib here and talk about splinter groups, because it is a fact that the entire taliban movement has attacked civilians and threatened to disrupt democracy.

2) You didn't answer my question. When the US leaves, will these talibs stop fighting? If not, then how can you claim they are fighting foreign occupation only? The fact of the matter is that they are fighting for power. Plain and simple. BTW, if these talibs did not fight, there would be no need for foreigners to be there at all. The americans are only staying there because they dont want taliban to take over once they leave. It's not like Afghanistan is such a desirable place to stay, or has oil to be exploited. You are confusing cause and effect. Americans are there because of the threat of taliban - not the other way round.

You didn't ask me that question, I told you I support the Afghan army and government in ruling the nation. Unless you could provide evidence to me that these certain armed villagers were there to kill civilians and not combat foreign occupiers then I have no reason to believe you. The Taliban poses no threat to America, you mean American interests in mineral rich Afghanistan and pipeline project. This isn't a black and white matter about good vs evil, the evil are the colonialists seeking to dominate the world through force as they did with your country not so long ago.
Allah speed to our Afghan brothers in wiping these scum out. Finally it has finally dawned onto people that the Afghan Taliban and the Pakistani Taliban are the same thing, with identical objectives.
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