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US delayed information about IED factories:Maj Gen Rizwan

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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US delayed information about IED factories to embarrass Pak: Maj Gen Rizwan
Noooooooo! How could they? How dare they? Why delay the info???
As usual ISPR, a day late and a dollar short -- this should have been revealed to the public when the US made the charge that Pakistani authorities gave bombers makers a warning before showing up -- When will Pakistanis learn that the US have now determined that the Pakistan army is a paper tiger and that it is so alienated from the people of Pakistan, that it will easy to manipulate the Pakistan army into the action that the US dictates.

Unfortunately, daily, the Pakistan army continues to waste away opportunities to connect with the people of Pakistan and instead chooses to connect with the CIA and such
USA has taken a systematic approach of alienating Pakistan from outside world, and PA from inside Pakistan. They have succeeded in portraying all Pakistani people as terrorists, have succeeded in portraying Pakistan a hub for terrorist activities in the world, and have ‘to some extent’ succeeded in reducing the trust of Pakistani people on the martial forces of Pakistan. They have been helped largely by ‘on-sale’ and ‘readily-available leaders’, along with so-called ‘free’ media personnel and ‘analysts’. PA, PN and PAF along with other agencies (both civilian and military) are under extreme pressure to even justify their existence right now.

It hurts to see the ‘think tank’ (both here and of the country) using all their ‘brain power’ in justifying what US and CIA are doing, rather than finding a way to stabilise Pakistan. I haven’t been contributing to the site for couple of months but have been analysing the undertone of ‘some’ people, both here and on the ‘madar pidar azaad’ Pakistani media, the term ‘suggestive hypnosis’ comes to mind.

Will USA succeed? Will Pakistan fall? Can there be peace with WoT? Can you kill all people raising arms against you? The answer in my opinion is a big NO!

The only way to bring peace is to ‘reduce’ terrorist activity from ‘both’ sides.

The great ‘Think Tanks’ should use their ‘Tanks’ in positive way, increasing positivity, not the other way around. Or are they being ‘paid’ for it???

This, was another ‘step’ in long list of ‘suggestions’ by US for the ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ world to alienate Pakistan.

It is up to the ‘paid think tanks’ to repeat their message constantly until it is taken as a ‘fact’, just like OBL drama!

Just my two cents…
US delayed information about IED factories: Maj Gen Rizwan
Updated 1 hour ago
WANA: The General Officer Commanding in South Waziristan, Major General Rizwan Akhter has blamed the US for attempting to embarrass Pakistan by delaying information about explosives factories located in the agency, Geo News reported.

While speaking to the media, the Major General said that a third force was creating hurdles in Pak-Afghan ties.

He also spoke on the situation in South Waziristan and emphasized that the priority is to win the hearts and minds of people as peace has been restored in most parts of the agency.

On the issue of foreigners in the agency he said that they were not present in most of the areas but could not confirm their elimination.

On June 14, then US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said that the Obama administration was disappointed by the unexplained failure of raids on militant compounds in the tribal areas.

Gates claimed that the CIA had shared information relating to IED factories being run by militants located in North and South Waziristan with Pakistan. However, when security forces raided the factories, the militants had disappeared. The Defense Secretary insisted that he did not know why the effort went awry.
US delayed information about IED factories: Maj Gen Rizwan
As usual ISPR, a day late and a dollar short -- this should have been revealed to the public when the US made the charge that Pakistani authorities gave bombers makers a warning before showing up -- When will Pakistanis learn that the US have now determined that the Pakistan army is a paper tiger and that it is so alienated from the people of Pakistan, that it will easy to manipulate the Pakistan army into the action that the US dictates.

Unfortunately, daily, the Pakistan army continues to waste away opportunities to connect with the people of Pakistan and instead chooses to connect with the CIA and such

Sir, this statement is not from ISPR, ISPR had on timely manner issued the statement after the allegation.

This statement is from the operational commander looking after forces deployed in NWA & SWA.

Plus, thanks to US and ANA, the Taliban are in possession of some very sophisticated electronic equipment and its would be shocking to know that the taliban can even intercept our communication being done on the Harris radio sets provided by the very USofA. And this ability to them has been given by the same US & ANA.

So, in many instances the Taliban are knowing about our next move even before the ground forces of PA come to know about their next move.
More importantly, why did not our agencies know about those factories? If it is our war, where is the intelligence and military source? CIA telling us what's going on in OUR land? God damn it! This is not the first time--We get similiar intelligence reports...No wonder, CIA has a robust intelligence network in Pakistan. ISI failed to counter Taliban and they failed to contain CIA.
USA has taken a systematic approach of alienating Pakistan from outside world, and PA from inside Pakistan. They have succeeded in portraying all Pakistani people as terrorists, have succeeded in portraying Pakistan a hub for terrorist activities in the world, and have ‘to some extent’ succeeded in reducing the trust of Pakistani people on the martial forces of Pakistan. They have been helped largely by ‘on-sale’ and ‘readily-available leaders’, along with so-called ‘free’ media personnel and ‘analysts’. PA, PN and PAF along with other agencies (both civilian and military) are under extreme pressure to even justify their existence right now.

It hurts to see the ‘think tank’ (both here and of the country) using all their ‘brain power’ in justifying what US and CIA are doing, rather than finding a way to stabilise Pakistan. I haven’t been contributing to the site for couple of months but have been analysing the undertone of ‘some’ people, both here and on the ‘madar pidar azaad’ Pakistani media, the term ‘suggestive hypnosis’ comes to mind.

Will USA succeed? Will Pakistan fall? Can there be peace with WoT? Can you kill all people raising arms against you? The answer in my opinion is a big NO!

The only way to bring peace is to ‘reduce’ terrorist activity from ‘both’ sides.

The great ‘Think Tanks’ should use their ‘Tanks’ in positive way, increasing positivity, not the other way around. Or are they being ‘paid’ for it???

This, was another ‘step’ in long list of ‘suggestions’ by US for the ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ world to alienate Pakistan.

It is up to the ‘paid think tanks’ to repeat their message constantly until it is taken as a ‘fact’, just like OBL drama!

Just my two cents…

I appreciate your views on this matter. Allow me to ask this question.

Why the majority of population in Pakistan is sitting quietly and allowing it self to become victims at the hands of minority?
Don't you think it is about time to carry out peacefull demonstration against the Government to demand the end to the mind numbing violence which has destroyed the lives of hard working families.

Pakistan is not only loosing ecnomically but as well as the educated who are moving abroad. This is double whammy. Some one has to take charge and unite under the banner of Peacefull Society to demand a task force to be set up and chart a course for end to destruction of the nation which has a huge potential to become more that what it is now.

With best wishes.
As usual ISPR, a day late and a dollar short -- this should have been revealed to the public when the US made the charge that Pakistani authorities gave bombers makers a warning before showing up -- When will Pakistanis learn that the US have now determined that the Pakistan army is a paper tiger and that it is so alienated from the people of Pakistan, that it will easy to manipulate the Pakistan army into the action that the US dictates.

Unfortunately, daily, the Pakistan army continues to waste away opportunities to connect with the people of Pakistan and instead chooses to connect with the CIA and such
ISPR did issue a statement mirroring this statement by the GOC a few days after the allegations broke, after investigating the claims.

What else did you want them to do?
More importantly, why did not our agencies know about those factories? If it is our war, where is the intelligence and military source? CIA telling us what's going on in OUR land? God damn it! This is not the first time--We get similiar intelligence reports...No wonder, CIA has a robust intelligence network in Pakistan. ISI failed to counter Taliban and they failed to contain CIA.
Perhaps if the US had actually provided the Armed UAV's to Pakistan, Pakistan could have taken the 'factories' out as soon as Pakistan had established their purpose through surveillance drones such as the Predator.
Perhaps if the US had actually provided the Armed UAV's to Pakistan, Pakistan could have taken the 'factories' out as soon as Pakistan had established their purpose through surveillance drones such as the Predator.

US will never provide the armed drones because then Pakistan will start killing the US funded TTP. Armed drones, we still waiting for naval fleet of 1971 and the AWACS Hawkeye E2-C promised on 1983. US Government can never be trusted, but the average american is not bad like that.
US will never provide the armed drones because then Pakistan will start killing the US funded TTP. Armed drones, we still waiting for naval fleet of 1971 and the AWACS Hawkeye E2-C promised on 1983. US Government can never be trusted, but the average american is not bad like that.

We, as a country, do not deal with "average americans" so its pointless to repeat this mantra.. for Pakistanis, friendship of US is bad, i would rather have acquaintance and thats about it! just like any other country of this world.. ummm.. lets say Papua New Guinea.. we don't care!

Pakistan needs to strengthen its ties with countries which have mutual and "positive" goals with it..
I appreciate your views on this matter. Allow me to ask this question.

Why the majority of population in Pakistan is sitting quietly and allowing it self to become victims at the hands of minority?
Don't you think it is about time to carry out peacefull demonstration against the Government to demand the end to the mind numbing violence which has destroyed the lives of hard working families.

Answer to your first question.. why? beyond me.. but I can analyse a bit.. here are few things which might have forced them to wait..
-Waiting for the next election as the Military forces have clearly pointed out that they are not going to take charge anymore..
-Thinking its pointless at the moment, cuz the matter will end at removing the government, so who to substitute it? Sharif Brothers?
-Have given up on politicians and are waiting for Army to take over to straighten everything.
-Are too busy making their ends meet and looking after their children.

The list goes on..

Peaceful demonstrations can be very easily converted to bloodshed.. all it takes is ONE bomb.. and that is what is expected from these politicians.. especially PPP.. shaheedon ki siyasat remember?

Pakistan is not only loosing ecnomically but as well as the educated who are moving abroad. This is double whammy. Some one has to take charge and unite under the banner of Peacefull Society to demand a task force to be set up and chart a course for end to destruction of the nation which has a huge potential to become more that what it is now.

With best wishes.

I agree to your quote“this nation has huge potential to become more than what it is now”..

The rest, I have a bit of problem, there does not seem to be any peaceful solution for this situation. Not at least without taking the scum at the top out.. and I’m talking about political scum.. people sitting in Government and ‘friendly opposition’

WofT can shut down as soon as the Government wants it to.. there is no doubt about it.. clean out the TTP.. push all Taliban and US/CIA out of country.. take charge of situation..

As far as educated people going out is concerned.. believe me when I say.. EACH person I know has tried one time or the other to go back and settle in Pakistan, but failed and came back here.. I was in Pakistan from 2005-end 2007 trying to settle.. failed miserably due to red-tape, bribery (which I didn’t wanted to give) and illogical taxation system..

The point is.. Pakistanis who are living abroad are still Pakistanis, and will always be.. as soon as they see a hope they’ll come back.. nobody I know has disconnected him/herself from Pakistan, you’d be amazed at how deeply they are connected with the country.. and how proudly they say that they are Pakistanis..

I totally agree to what Imran Khan says.. as soon as Pakistan comes out of WofT and uses its resources for betterment of country, when there is a good leader, Pakistanis abroad will flood the country with money and skills..
US delayed information about IED factories to embarrass Pak: Maj Gen Rizwan


The ISPR has become a useless mouth piece of the millitary----this statement should have been made by the general incharge of that area rather than going through the ispr----and the issue regarding the radios should have been brought out along with that news, right away---.

Right now---pak millitary machinery is full of excuses of all kinds---it is operating from a position of weakness for a longtime----it is so deep down in muck that the straw that it is breathing through to stay alive can barely be seen above the waterline. Never has an army lost its position of strength so fast as our millitatry---with all those sacrifices---.

The ISPR has become a useless mouth piece of the millitary----this statement should have been made by the general incharge of that area rather than going through the ispr----and the issue regarding the radios should have been brought out along with that news, right away---.

Right now---pak millitary machinery is full of excuses of all kinds---it is operating from a position of weakness for a longtime----it is so deep down in muck that the straw that it is breathing through to stay alive can barely be seen above the waterline. Never has an army lost its position of strength so fast as our millitatry---with all those sacrifices---.

Or is it that 'some' people are just picking up everything, right or wrong, to portray the army as weak? who knows there is some hidden agenda of some people.. after all, its the same Army who wants them to be given authority to fight back.. how would you feel if your hands and feet are tied and then you are told to fight a 10 year old?.. i guess its gonna take some time but he'll be able to kill you.. why are the Political and Democratic government not allowing the Army to take extreme action to protect the sovereignty of the country?.. no matter if they have to hit inside Pakistan or Inside Afghanistan, whether Afghans die or US soldiers..

How about giving them free hand 'publicly' to deal with all the unrest? and allowing them to take actions 'unilaterally'?..

How about letting them deal with everything? How about asking them to take control?..

If even then they fail, we can say that Army is not worth it.. I mean, we never had these kind of problems in any of the Martial Law..

Any takers?

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