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us cuts iran jcpoa nuclear waivers from 180 to 90 days,renews only 5 of 7


May 24, 2018
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Korea, Democratic Peoples Republic Of

US renews Iran sanctions waivers for civilian nuclear work

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Friday renewed five of seven sanctions waivers that allow Russia and European nations to conduct civilian nuclear cooperation with Iran but revoked the other two as it steps up pressure on Tehran, the State Department said.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo extended the waivers, which were due to expire Saturday, for 90 days, shorter than the 180 days that had been granted in the past. The waivers permit work at several Iranian nuclear sites to continue without U.S. penalties. Under the terms of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, Russia and several European nations help maintain the facilities and are engaged in converting equipment there for exclusively civilian use.

Facilities included in the waiver extensions include the Bushehr nuclear power plant, the Fordow enrichment facility, the Arak nuclear complex and the Tehran Research Reactor, the State Department said.

However, the Bushehr waiver is being tightened so that any assistance to expand the plant could incur sanctions.

The other two waivers — one that allowed Iran to store excess heavy water produced in the uranium enrichment process in Oman, and one that allowed Iran to swap enriched uranium for raw yellowcake with Russia — were not renewed, the department said. That decision is aimed at forcing Iran to stop enriching uranium, something it was allowed to do up to certain limits under the nuclear deal, it said. Highly enriched uranium can be used to fuel a nuclear weapon.

“Iran must stop all proliferation-sensitive activities, including uranium enrichment, and we will not accept actions that support the continuation of such enrichment,” State Department spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus said in a statement. “The United States will continue to impose maximum pressure on the Iranian regime and remains committed to denying Iran any pathway to a nuclear weapon.”

President Donald Trump withdrew the U.S. from the Iran nuclear deal last year, re-imposed sanctions that had been eased in November and has steadily ramped up pressure on Iran in the months since.

Last month, his administration announced it would no longer renew sanctions exemptions that allowed China, India, Japan, Turkey and South Korea to continue importing Iranian oil. Those waivers expired Friday, although it was not immediately clear whether the administration would impose sanctions on some or all of those countries if they take delivery of previously purchased oil.

Some hard-liners on Iran in Congress and outside the administration have called for the elimination of all sanctions waivers, including for civilian nuclear cooperation, in order for the administration to make good on its “maximum pressure” campaign.

Supporters of the Iran deal say the cooperation waivers are important to maintain because they give the outside world additional eyes on what Iran is doing in its nuclear facilities.

Is it me or too much coffee today ..I keep imagining the current occupants of white house as bunch of bitches running around and ranting obsessively about Iran.. Once in while one of them has a brain fart on how to hurt Iran even more and the others all praise him for being so smart!!.....WTF happened to these people..when did they get so stupid and mean.:undecided:
Is it me or too much coffee today ..I keep imagining the current occupants of white house as bunch of bitches running around and ranting obsessively about Iran.. Once in while one of them has a brain fart on how to hurt Iran even more and the others all praise him for being so smart!!.....WTF happened to these people..when did they get so stupid and mean.:undecided:
Nothing has changed.
This is the same U.S which was created through genocide of it's native people, biggest foundation of slavery, sole user of nuclear bombs against civilians, biggest supporter of dictators and coups, biggest supporter of Israel.

Trump is just the blunt version of this filthy system, nothing more. I appreciate his bluntness!
Nothing has changed.
This is the same U.S which was created through genocide of it's native people, biggest foundation of slavery, sole user of nuclear bombs against civilians, biggest supporter of dictators and coups, biggest supporter of Israel.

Trump is just the blunt version of this filthy system, nothing more. I appreciate his bluntness!

People forget that Obama almost armed Syrian rebels (at Hiliary Clintons insistence) and almost designated IRGC a terrorist organization and if Iran didn’t come to negotiating table would have probably suspended oil waivers.

So this thinking that one political party is more friendly to Iran than another is absurd. In fact, George W Bush never sanctioned Iranian oil and was probably the MOST friendly to Iran in terms of sanctions and pressure. Obama was much hasher on Iran and was the first president to sanction iranian oil.

So it doesn’t matter who the president is, Iran policy is a deep state issue and won’t magically change.
People forget that Obama almost armed Syrian rebels (at Hiliary Clintons insistence) and almost designated IRGC a terrorist organization and if Iran didn’t come to negotiating table would have probably suspended oil waivers.

So this thinking that one political party is more friendly to Iran than another is absurd. In fact, George W Bush never sanctioned Iranian oil and was probably the MOST friendly to Iran in terms of sanctions and pressure. Obama was much hasher on Iran and was the first president to sanction iranian oil.

So it doesn’t matter who the president is, Iran policy is a deep state issue and won’t magically change.
Agreed,its merely the flip sides of the exact same rotten coin.
For how long will Iran lay on the ground and take this punishment?

Why not withdraw from the NPT and acquire what Pakistan, North Korea and India have acquired? These three nations were also under severe sanctions for these activities but they just did not care.
For how long will Iran lay on the ground and take this punishment?

Why not withdraw from the NPT and acquire what Pakistan, North Korea and India have acquired? These three nations were also under severe sanctions for these activities but they just did not care.

Yes North Korea is absolutely thriving right now. Last I heard things were so good it’s citizens were eating grass.

India and Pakistan were from old age of nuclear club and can’t be used as example.

The world will not allow Iran to go nuclear because then Turkey, Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Japan, etc will all want to go nuclear.
Gadaffi gave up his nuclear program and look what happened to him, look at the cruel and painful way that he died.
I just want to make a prediction, just like the Iranian revolution gave rise to Reagan which led to the resurgence of the new republicans and then the offshoot the Neocons, the Iran sanctions and withdrawal of the U.S. from JCPOA has woken up Europe and other countries to the unchecked power of the Dollar. I believe Europe, Russia, China and even India will try to inoculate themselves against this threat. We could be witnessing the decline of the power of the U.S. Dollar......If INSTEX happens it could be a historic event, all because of IRAN.... it could also signal the first real decline of the U.S. It could be a testbed for using another currency or even multiple currencies for world wide trade. It will be one of the great ironies of our century, the country that they targeted for collapse could help spell doom for themselves..........
I just want to make a prediction, just like the Iranian revolution gave rise to Reagan which led to the resurgence of the new republicans and then the offshoot the Neocons, the Iran sanctions and withdrawal of the U.S. from JCPOA has woken up Europe and other countries to the unchecked power of the Dollar. I believe Europe, Russia, China and even India will try to inoculate themselves against this threat. We could be witnessing the decline of the power of the U.S. Dollar......If INSTEX happens it could be a historic event, all because of IRAN.... it could also signal the first real decline of the U.S. It could be a testbed for using another currency or even multiple currencies for world wide trade. It will be one of the great ironies of our century, the country that they targeted for collapse could help spell doom for themselves..........

First of all Reagan actually helped Iran. Do you forget Iran-Contra? Do you forget Israel sending Iran arms during the war?

Reagan actually tried to ally with Iran, but the ayatollah leadership refused. A monumental mistake on their part. Even though Ayatollah Khomeini said do you expect us to always be enemies (with America) when his followers wanted to permanently occupy the old US Embassy, he forgot that the more time would pass the Harder it would become to unravel that animosity. He missed how large an Influence Israel would have on US.

Unless Iran and Israel sign peace treaty. There is little likelihood of US and Iran becoming friends. And your dream of the Empire falling is not based in reality.

India bent over for dear old US. Europe is a joke all they can do is protest via words. Let’s not forget if it wasn’t for US all of Europe would be speaking German. That bond isn’t going to disappear overnight. INSTEX is a feable attempt to appease Iran. Iran is a nobody on the global economic stage. No country will risk business with Iran to get sanctioned.

Rial is nearing 15,000 toman for $1 USD. Inflation is 50+%.

So Iran is not winning this battle, I hypothesize even Iran leadership don’t know a way out because there isn’t. Iran is being absolutely squeezed until it buckles like Venezuela (not an exact comparison but you get the idea).

How long do you think Iranians can accept hardship? 3 years? 5 years? 10 years?

Right or wrong, the Average person is emotional and has average to sub average intelligence. The average person he cares about is what is going on around him and what affects him personally. So sooner or later population will get restless as evident by IRGC officials being harassed out of flood areas they visited.

So care to guess which one comes first, restless population or fall of the empire?
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Good lord, calm down son....again you missed the point, try and read more carefully. Carter had many failures, the oil crisis didn't help much (read about the oil shock of 1979), he also failed to rescue the hostages and failed to negotiate their release. Reagan mostly beat him because he looked weak and had no plan....don't believe me? Read about in historical analysis below. Lastly, I never said Iran will win, where did I write that? All I said was Iran may be the reason the Dollar hegamony will break. Geez.....

First of all Reagan actually helped Iran. Do you forget Iran-Contra? Do you forget Israel sending Iran arms during the war?

Reagan actually tried to ally with Iran, but the ayatollah leadership refused. A monumental mistake on their part. Even though Ayatollah Khomeini said do you expect us to always be enemies (with America) when his followers wanted to permanently occupy the old US Embassy, he forgot that the more time would pass the Harder it would become to unravel that animosity. He missed how large an Influence Israel would have on US.

Unless Iran and Israel sign peace treaty. There is little likelihood of US and Iran becoming friends. And your dream of the Empire falling is not based in reality.

India bent over for dear old US. Europe is a joke all they can do is protest via words. Let’s not forget if it wasn’t for US all of Europe would be speaking German. That bond isn’t going to disappear overnight. INSTEX is a feable attempt to appease Iran. Iran is a nobody on the global economic stage. No country will risk business with Iran to get sanctioned.

Rial is nearing 15,000 toman for $1 USD. Inflation is 50+%.

So Iran is not winning this battle, I hypothesize even Iran leadership don’t know a way out because there isn’t. Iran is being absolutely squeezed until it buckles like Venezuela (not an exact comparison but you get the idea).

How long do you think Iranians can accept hardship? 3 years? 5 years? 10 years?

Right or wrong, the Average person is emotional and has average to sub average intelligence. The average person he cares about is what is going on around him and what affects him personally. So sooner or later population will get restless as evident by IRGC officials being harassed out of flood areas they visited.

So care to guess which one comes first, restless population or fall of the empire?

Yeah,you`re right iran should just surrender now,give up its nuclear program,its missiles,its support for hezbollah,syria etc..basically its entire foreign policy as well.I mean that should be enough to appease the west,right?.
Still......before you go signing that unconditional surrender document you might want to pause for just a moment to remember the sad example of another nation and its leader,a certain col Qaddafi,who thought the exact same way,because honestly it didnt work out too well for that poor d!ckhead,or his country for that matter,when he tried it,now did it....?

In fact even his total capitulation wasnt enough for the west,in the end not only was his death not enough his entire nation had to be destroyed as well to satisfy them,but hey look on the bright side at least he probably lived just long enough to realise what a total fvcking fool he`d been to ever trust the west,altho by then all he could do was sit in his bunker and watch helplessly as all of his dreams and all of the decades of work and effort by the libyan people were laid waste and destroyed.You know I suspect that when his death finally came,horribly gruesome as it was,he might just have considered it as a blessing.

Gadaffi gave up his nuclear program and look what happened to him, look at the cruel and painful way that he died.
It wasnt just him,it was his entire nation that died as well,now all thats left is foreign backed warlords and terrorists fighting over the scraps of the libyan nation like starving dogs fighting over a carcass.
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