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US Company builds genetical spider silk factory in Vietnam


Jun 18, 2012
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Viet Nam
The issuance of the Investment Certificate is a major step toward high tech silk production in Vietnam

ANN ARBOR, Mich., – March 27, 2017 – Kraig Biocraft Laboratories, Inc. (OTCQB: KBLB) (“Company”), the leading developer of spider silk based fibers, announced today that it has just been awarded an Investment Certificate for the production of high technology silk in Vietnam’s Quang Nam province.



Kraig Labs CEO, Kim Thompson and COO, Jon Rice with the Company's recently awarded Vietnam Investment Certificate

The Investment Certificate was issued to the Company during the March 26, 2017 Quang Nam Investment Conference, which was attended by Vietnam’s Prime Minister and numerous high level central government officials, including the ministers of all relevant governmental departments, as well as high level officials from Quang Nam province, including the Chairman and key provincial officials. Representing Kraig Labs at the meeting were the Company’s CEO and Founder, Kim Thompson, and COO, Jon Rice.

“It was an honor to receive this award on stage from the Chairman in front of the Prime Minister,” said Thompson. “This is a huge step forward in our plans to expand production on a large scale. We look forward to the opportunity to revitalize silk production, using high technology, in an area of the world with a strong history of quality silks and textiles.”

This Investment Certificate award was the necessary and final step before the Company seeks central government approval for the expansion of Kraig Labs’ business. The Company’s efforts to secure that final approval are well underway.

“I would like to personally thank the Chairman and his staff for working so closely with us to finalize the Investment Certificate,” stated Rice. “While this is a momentous occasion for Kraig Biocraft Laboratories and our shareholders, it is also a turning point in the commercialization of advanced fibers.”

The Investment Conference is receiving significant media coverage in Vietnam, including several English language media outlets.

About Kraig Biocraft Laboratories, Inc.

Kraig Biocraft Laboratories, Inc. (www.KraigLabs.com), a fully reporting biotechnology company is the leading developer of genetically engineered spider silk based fiber technologies. The Company has achieved a series of scientific breakthroughs in the area of spider silk technology with implications for the global textile industry.

Spider silk is something of a natural supermaterial. It's strong, light, flexible, and biodegradable. Raising genetical silkworms, notice the red eyes of silk moth :D



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