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US committed to assist Pak in establishing writ of state: Olson

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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US committed to assist Pak in establishing writ of state: Olson | PAKISTAN - geo.tv
ISLAMABAD: US Ambassador in Pakistan Richard Olson said Pakistan rendered matchless sacrifices in the war against terrorism and his country is committed to assist Islamabad government in establishing writ of the state.

In an interview, The US enovy said although improving law and order in the country is an internal matter of Pakistan‚ yet the United States is ready to extend all possible assistance in this regard.

He said his country wants to expand ties with Islamabad in various fields for stability and development of the country.

Olson said Pak-US relations have significantly improved as a result of strategic dialogue and hoped the mutual cooperation will be further strengthened.

He said the US government is considering setting up another working group in education under the strategic dialogue to promote education in Pakistan.

He said the United States will fully assist Pakistan to overcome energy crisis and speedy development of other sectors. He said 1‚000 MW electricity has been added to national grid in Pakistan through US cooperation.

He said Washington will also cooperate with Islamabad to overcome gas shortage in the country and help it in the import of liquefied natural gas [LNG].

The Ambassador said the US government endorses the steps taken by Pakistan to improve its economy. He said there is a forward movement in providing Pakistani goods access to the US market. He said negotiations are underway between the two countries for an understanding in this regard.

Answering a question‚ he said the United States will continue to remain engaged with Pakistan even after pullout of NATO troops from Afghanistan.
I wonder how many believe this? Ambassadors old and new are paid for using flowery language and painting rosy pictures in countries they're posted to. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Let's see if the Yanks walk the talk!
US is more of a foe then frnds these days .. we have to clear fata on our own .. we should be depend on on their .. as their main focus is Alqeeda, haqqani's and afghan taliban .. they are not intrested in TTP ... out of may be 5000 drones .. they didnt attacked ttp more then 50 times
We have always emphasized Pakistan’s importance in the region. We have shared peace objectives in the region, and it is simply imperative for us to see a safe and secure Pakistan for the betterment of the region. We have to keep in mind that we cannot have a peaceful region without a peaceful Pakistan. We should see these meetings between our officials as a positive step forward in regard to improving our ties. These meetings also allow us to address our shared concerns and build upon our improving relationship. We have been dealing with conspiracy theories from day one. The doubters will continue to doubt, but we must remain focused on our ultimate goal of restoring peace in the region.

Ali Khan
DET, United States Central Command
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