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US charges China's PLA officials in cyberspying case


Aug 14, 2013
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US charges China's PLA officials in cyberspying case - The Times of India

WASHINGTON: The United States is preparing to announce first-of-its-kind criminal charges on Monday against Chinese military officials in an international cyberespionage case, a government official said.
Attorney general Eric Holder and other federal law enforcement officials were expected to reveal the new indictments later on Monday, the official told Associated Press.
The indictments will accuse individuals of participating in cyberespionage on behalf of a foreign government, said the official, who revealed this information only on grounds of anonymity because this person wasn't authorized to publicly discuss the case in advance of the official announcement.
The official described the prosecution as unprecedented.
The official said Chinese government officials are being charged in the United States with hacking into private-sector companies to gain trade secrets, adding that Holder and other top-level law enforcement officials were poised to announce charges that include economic espionage and trade secret theft.
The Chinese to be named, the official said, are current members of Beijing's military establishment. The US official did not identify the companies or industries with which they were engaged.
John Carlin, recently installed as head of the justice's national security division, earlier this year cited prosecution of state-sponsored cyber-threats as a key goal for the Obama administration.
US officials have accused China's army and China-based hackers of launching attacks on American industrial and military targets, often to steal secrets or intellectual property. China has said that it faces a major threat from hackers, and the country's military is believed to be among the biggest targets of the NSA and US Cyber Command.
Last September, President Barack Obama discussed cybersecurity issues on the sidelines of a summit in St Petersburg, Russia, with Chinese President Xi Jinping.
White House spokesman Ben Rhodes said at the time that Obama had addressed concerns about cyber threats emanating from China. He said Obama told Xi the US sees it not through the prism of security but out of concern over theft of trade secrets.
In late March, defense secretary Chuck Hagel revealed that the Pentagon planned to more than triple its cybersecurity staff in the next few years to defend against internet attacks that threaten national security.
Hagel's comments at the National Security Agency headquarters in suburban Washington came as he prepared to visit China.
"Our nation's reliance on cyberspace outpaces our cybersecurity," Hagel said at the time. "Our nation confronts the proliferation of destructive malware and a new reality of steady, ongoing and aggressive efforts to probe, access or disrupt public and private networks, and the industrial control systems that manage our water, and our energy and our food supplies."
i'm going to sue the US lawmakers for spilling my coke

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Well, aside the obvious pot calling kettle black situation, how exactly is US planning to enforce the charge? By asking China really nicely?
which one is more pointless absurd? this one or the spanish high court issues arrest order for jiang zemin?

i wonder how their brains works when they came up with these..:rolleyes::lol:??

Everyone, I mean everyone in Germany are ROFLing when they read this news. :rofl:


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Its like a neighbor saying he knows you broke into his house, because he broke in your house and saw hints that proof you where in his house but he cannot disclose the proof for security reasons. And then wants to sue you for housebreaking.

Basically if anything the U.S. admits they are spying on China but only claims China is spying on them..
see post #6

the only one credible is spiegel and you need to read it yourself. then comprehend the difference between spying and stealing company secrets for the purposes of giving it to your own companies to copy.

But I still ask what are doing in our country ?
Erm, ain't you an Indian?

Is that the best you come up with it? Yes I am an american of Indian heritage , at least I did not go find livelihood( although I was here as a child) in a country I despise. If america was a land of Uighurs-- chinese like you would still live off its teet
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Is that the best you come up with it? Yes I am an american of Indian heritage , at least I did not go find livelihood( although I was here as a child) in a country I despise. If america was a land of Uighurs-- chinese like you would still live off its teet

Well, I am referring to the fact that I do not live in India and since this is an abrupt change of topic and rapidly heading towards venomous hate, I think further reply is unnecessary.
Well, I am referring to the fact that I do not live in India and since this is an abrupt change of topic and rapidly heading towards venomous hate, I think further reply is unnecessary.

I never doubted your comprehension level as lacking . let me dumb it down for you... what are you doing in the US. or let me try a different way... if I despise my neighbour - the last thing I would do is live off his welfare...why are you?
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