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US boosting Afghan defence against Pakistan

God help the people of Afghanistan if the Taliban come back into power!

Taliban are mindless baboons who are nothing but inhumane dogs whose only answer to everything is blowing anything up which usually results in scores of innocent civilians dying while being deluded into thinking they are pleasing God.

Looks as if the U.S is planning to exit Afghanistan by igniting tension between the two neighbours and I hope Zardari and the American stooge Gen.Kiyani show restraint. Afghanistan breaking up will have disastrous consequences for Pakistan as Afghan problems have a habit of rippling across the border into Pakistan. Pakistan needs to start acting by fencing/mining the border and staying out of Afghanistan’s affairs.

Afghan’s are idiots if they fall for this ethnic conflict again and it’s about time Pashtuns, Hazaras, Tajiks and Uzbeks learned to put aside their petty differences and worked towards a more prosperous future for both themselves and their children. All those clambering for war should learn the basic principles of our religion and realise that regardless of what you think of Afghans they are our brothers in faith and any idiotic move on either part should be heavily condemned by the citizens of both countries.
This has been the so called great game..Using Afghanistan and Afghani talibans to neutralize Pakistan.
It will take a lot of money on US' behalf to arm Afghans in such a way that they can withstand a potential political or military invasion into their country from anyone around them. I think this indirectly means that US will keeps some critical military establishments inside the country while remove the "excess" of troops. Training of US kind would be imparted to Afghan soldiers in exchange for strategic partnership. Only the bordering region of Afghanistan with Pakistan is restive and infested with Taliban while the northern regions are comparatively free.

To the genius who suggested using nukes:

Do you know what would happen even if you said so much as the 'n' of nukes? You'll only give more fodder to the world community to strip you off your nuclear status somehow or the other. I don't know how but I am sure that those in the intelligence agencies know better.
No one is going to divide Afghanistan. What she is concerned about is Pakistan once agian helping the Taliban to come to power by force. Because of percieved Indian influences in the region. The Taliban commited large scale atrocities during thier reign of terror.
No one is going to divide Afghanistan. What she is concerned about is Pakistan once agian helping the Taliban to come to power by force. Because of percieved Indian influences in the region. The Taliban commited large scale atrocities during thier reign of terror.

Everything that the Americans have done so far in Afghanistan has been with the view that 'What move will lead to advantage/disadvantage Pakistan' and not with the view that 'what move will benefit Afghanistan'.

Whether it was sealing off the border or sticking to corrupt Karzai in the recent elections or removing border posts just before Pakistan was set to start a major operation every move has been viewed through the lenses of 'will this be advantageous or disadvantageous for Pakistan' nothing else really

The Indians have been feeding garbage to the US government through their paid lobbying in the US and the US military has bought every argument that the Indians have thrown their way.

Taliban are an Afghan phenomenon and currently the US is in direct talks with them with yet again the view of ‘advantage-disadvantage Pakistan’ , so this concern is just bogus that the barking coming out of Kabul is due to their concern about ‘Taliban’ taking over Afghanistan , if that is their concern then they should be questioning the US negotiations with the Taliban rather than ratcheting up the tensions with Pakistan on your behalf

We will not let you put us in a disadvantageous position, try as much as can , you are the enemy and we know it very well.
america should directly involve pakistan in the negotiations, or america will sow the seed of disaster

pakistan have been directly effected by this so called war on terror, and now america cant afford to ignore pakistan here or else there will be a lot of blood shed on american and nato side
Watani we have seen only US and for that matter Russia and Iran also will be happy and advocating for break up of Afghanistan but have not seen Chinese suggesting it as its not going to serve any purpose for them
There was a conference several years ago, I think China was also part of it. What interest China has I don't know, but maybe for the fact that their business are more successful and accepted in North than South. Nothing personal there from China's side, IF they support a partition indeed.
yep; Pakistan is center of the earth... & US has no other work other than neutralizing Pakistan.

Listen dimwit Pakistans location is strategically very important. Everyone knows China is a rising superpower and threatens American dominance of the world. Pakistan is useful to China, keeps india busy, offers introductions and access to muslim world and location oil supplies etc. For this reason alone Americas foreighn policymakers are in a quandry and on top of that
Pakistan is the only muslim nation with Nukes and the method to deliver to Israel, look at the lenghts they go to stop muslim countries having access to even nuclear energy for peacefull reasons like iran lol.
The reason our relationship being so rocky and confused is they one minute try to bribe us next minute when we will not follow their interests and forsake china or our nukes they threaten and hurt our army/isi use propaganda
What a region we are living in,Taliban killing civilians,taliban kill afghan civillians,P A killing afghan civilians ,Ana killing pakistan civilians,US killing both Afghan and pakistani civilians,ISAF too killing both,Hell Everyone is trying to killing everyone in this region.
Lol so you're proud to be the sidekick of China? Jeesh, and you people talk about being a proud nation. For the sake of China? :lol:

What is it with you retards didnt you see what was being said and what it was a resonse to. You must have the memory of a goldfish I was responding to the earlier post. Dont take my words out of context in any event your thinking and reasoning is flawed.
Pakistan should invade Afghanistan , in order to protect it from Taliban - and our side forces and reunite the lost province with its rightful place
^why should Pakistan waste their time on Afghans...just seal the border as best we can....theyll soon be starving...then these Afghans will play nice and stop blowing hot air with their outlandish rants
Afghanistan unfortunately has been misled from the inside and sometimes externally....they've been plagued by puppet leaders who made disastrous choices that ended up costing Afghans more. Whether it was inviting soviets, or attempting to send ragtag forces into bajaur (our forces and tribals whipped them left right and center for doing that)

Afghan's leaderships' aggression has causes their own self-inflicted harm and downfall. But now it seems, external powers want to see such divisions.

Pakistan has the basis for good relations with Afghanistan....the cross-over of tribes, economy (they are a route to central asia, and we have the ports and highways which they need for their survivial)

so its more in THEIR interests to make sure their country is not used against Pakistan. Otherwise, there can be no guarantee that our relations will be warm. In fact, they would be cold. And that would have serious implications for them.

so best that they behave themselves
The US is playing a dangerous game in the region right now, & sadly, Afghanistan will turn out to be the biggest loser in the situation again.
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