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US - Azerbaijan relations | A new paradigm

Shared values provide good political cover, and make collaboration easier. That said, we have collaborated many times in the past with dictators who do not share our values, if the strategic interests were compelling enough. Azerbaijan presents such a case. Is Russia any different?
we cooperate with everyone who cooperates with us but we dont make it up to be something about values like you do
Armenians have a lot of power in the US. Kim Kardashian will send an appeal to the American people not to support this proposal through her reality TV program, and then Gosar will get voted out of office.


Bro, she is way too dumb to do anything constructive. Her father was a different case, and an example of how the best of what Armenia's diaspora had to offer is in the past.
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I have never questioned Erdogan's mastery of domestic politics. To some degree, he did what he had to do to save Turkey, but the problem is that as far as foreign relations are concerned, trust takes decades to build--and that's gone, now. Turkey may have been able to take a shortcut to pander to the Middle Eastern countries with pan-Islamism, but there is no shortcut to rebuilding trust with America and Europe (and it appears Turkey is not be interested in rebuilding relations with Israel at all, so we'll put that aside as a non-possibility).

Economically, the Middle East is less helpful than it was before, because of the chaos engulfing the area. Turkey can, of course, continue to build relationships with Asia, but its most natural market and its competitive advantage is with its neighbor, the EU. Sacrificing the long-standing relationship with Europe for the shaky friendship of the Muslim world (can anyone say that this will even hold up?) seems phenomenally short-sighted to me. But that's up to Turks to judge, I suppose.

You are right. But then again, Azerbaijan is a small country (though useful to the U.S/west) compared to Turkey, so I doubt the U.S will tilt more towards Azerbaijan than Turkey for obvious reasons.
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you do realize that Azerbaijan is a horrible totalitarian regime

Much better than Russkistan with bunch of faggot rulers like Yeltsin the dumb bastard and Putin the TV whore.
You have too big mouth to call anyone else a totalitarian regime when you are ruled by an infamous KGB agent.
Much better than Russkistan with bunch of faggot rulers like Yeltsin the dumb bastard and Putin the TV whore.
You have too big mouth to call anyone else a totalitarian regime when you are ruled by an infamous KGB agent.
watch your mouth, your president is aslo KGB agent
On topic, the Armenian lobby in the US can crush the Azerbaijan lobby with one punch. It's no contest.
We have already crushed them in half os US states by accepting Khojali as a genocide by those states.
People here don't have ideas about how lobbying system works in USA, and have just heard some BS rumors.
In reality, what matters are having money, media, connections, ... Our success shows our strength.

watch your mouth, your president is aslo KGB agent
Wannabe Russkie, He was not related to KGB. You could have tried your chance by mentioning Heydar Aliyev(RIP), but even he was not an agent, and was more of a political person, and famous for his political career, unlike Putin the TV whore who was brought out of dungeons of KGB by Yeltsin, a couple of years ago, to cover his laundering, ... after terminating his era. I know USSR/Russia ten orders of magnitude better than you german wannabe Russkie moron.
We have already crushed them in half os US states by accepting Khojali as a genocide by those states.
People here don't have ideas about how lobbying system works in USA, and have just heard some BS rumors.
In reality, what matters are having money, media, connections, ... Our success shows our strength.

Wannabe Russkie, He was not related to KGB. You could have tried your chance by mentioning Heydar Aliyev(RIP), but even he was not an agent, and was more of a political person, and famous for his political career, unlike Putin the TV whore who was brought out of dungeons of KGB by Yeltsin, a couple of years ago, to cover his laundering, ... after terminating his era. I know USSR/Russia ten orders of magnitude better than you german wannabe Russkie moron.
lol your avatar fits your mentality well


:cry: :rofl:
lol your avatar fits your mentality well


:cry: :rofl:

As I said, you have no clue about anything considering your low IQ, and you are not even a Russian. So, stop faking to be one. I don't know why Vostok and other Russian members allow you to carry Russian flag.
As I said, you have no clue about anything considering your low IQ, and you are not even a Russian. So, stop faking to be one. I don't know why Vostok and other Russian members allow you to carry Russian flag.
i have Russian blood you little cry baby, so youre american?
Congressman urges Obama to support Azerbaijan
Tue 18 November 2014


Aderholt notes the strategic position of our country.
US Congressman Robert Aderholt sent a letter to President Barack Obama urging him to support Azerbaijan, Oxu.Az reports.

In his letter, The Congressman pointed out that Azerbaijan is an important partner of the United States, noted the country's strategic position, its support for anti-terrorist operations in Afghanistan and energy security of Europe and Israel, emphasizing the importance of the projects of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline and the Southern Gas Corridor.

The Congressman urged President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry to accelerate the process of appointing an ambassador to Azerbaijan and send a senior administration official for a visit to the country.


@LeveragedBuyout Another honorable congressman urges the Obama administration to support Azerbaijan.
Azerbaijan-US Relations


On May 28, 1918, independent Azerbaijan emerged as the first parliamentary republic in the Muslim world. It was crushed in 1920 by the Bolshevik invasion, yet during its short existence the country became the symbol of the Azerbaijani identity and the nation’s aspirations. In 1918, Azerbaijan already granted its citizens equal rights regardless of ethnicity or religious affiliation, and equal voting rights to both men and women. In fact, Azerbaijan granted full voting rights to women before many other nations, including the United States. US President Barack Obama recognized this unique legacy, describing Azerbaijan as “an example for the international community as a first democratic and secular republic in the Muslim world.”

As a member of both the Council of Europe and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Azerbaijan is in a unique position to bridge divides and promote greater understanding. Home to a vibrant and centuries-old Jewish community, Azerbaijan has developed strong relations with Israel. Azerbaijan’s leadership in promoting tolerance and intercultural dialogue is widely recognized and highly valued by world leaders.

US Secretary of State John Kerry praised Azerbaijan’s “commitment to fighting anti-Semitism and a commitment to diversity and pluralism.”According to Secretary Kerry, “Azerbaijan is a wonderful statement about the ability of different religions, different sects to come together and live together and to find a way forward.”

In recognition of Azerbaijan’s tremendous global strides, an overwhelming number of United Nations member-states elected the country to serve as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for 2012-13

Azerbaijan and the United States: Partners in Peace
Azerbaijan and the United States enjoy shared values and interests. Both nations are at the forefront in promoting regional security, economic and energy development, diversity and inclusiveness. Under President Ilham Aliyev’s leadership, Azerbaijan has emerged as America’s reliable regional partner at one of the world’s most unique and critical crossroads.

In Afghanistan, Azerbaijani servicemen serve shouldertoshoulder with American soldiers and Azerbaijan provides specialized training for Afghani police, border guard officers and civilian and military doctors. President Aliyev stated Azerbaijan’s intention to expand its partnership with Afghanistan’s national institutions beyond 2014, highlighting the long-standing friendship between the Afghan and the Azerbaijani people.

As a key component in NATO’s Northern Distribution Network, Azerbaijan provides a secure route for 40 percent of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force’s (ISAF) multi-modal transit intoAfghanistan.Working closely with the US Transportation Command and the US Air Mobility Command, Azerbaijan has aided important over-flight clearance, medical evacuation flights as well as landing and refueling operations for US and NATO efforts supporting the ISAF.

The roots of US-Azerbaijan joint operations run deep; over the yearsthe Azerbaijani military also assisted in American-led efforts in Iraq and in the Balkans.

Azerbaijan is an active participant of international anti-terror efforts. Azerbaijan and the United States work together to counter nuclear proliferation and narcotics trafficking, and to promote security in the wider Caspian region and beyond. In addition, Azerbaijan’s military partnered directly with Oklahoma’s National Guard as part of the National Guard State Partnership Program.

Azerbaijan also enjoys strong relations with Capitol Hill. The Congressional Azerbaijan Caucus plays an important role in fostering the growing partnership between the United States and Azerbaijan and advancing US interests in the pivotal Caspian region.In recent years, Azerbaijan has intensified its outreach at the state and local levels.

Today, in addition to the Embassy in Washington, DC, Azerbaijan operates a Consulate General in Los Angeles and an Honorary Consulate in Santa Fe.

Azerbaijan and the United States: Partners in Trade and Commerce
Azerbaijan enjoys being America’s largest trade partner in the South Caucasus and has successfully pursued major mutually beneficial trade deals. For example, Azerbaijan signed a major contract with Boeing – worth $1 billion – for the purchase of eight civilian airplanes, including the Boeing 787 “Dreamliner.”In total, trade with Azerbaijan helps to support more than 11,000 jobs throughout the United States.

In June 2010, Azerbaijan signed a $205 million contract with Virginia-based Orbital Sciences Corporation to design, build and deliver a state of the art communications satellite. Azerbaijan successfully launched the satellite in February 2013.

The State Oil Fund of Azerbaijan has invested approximately $3 billion in the United States, including in the US Treasury, Federal Home Loan Bank, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bonds, as well as in US corporate debt and equities. In 2012, the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR) established a representative office in Washington, DC, and announced plans to expand its presence elsewhere in the United States.

With the increasing importance of natural gas, a more abundant and more environmentally friendly hydrocarbon, Azerbaijan is working with partners in the region and beyond, including the United States, to expand direct export routes of Caspian natural gas to European markets.The recently announced Trans-Anatolian (TANAP) and Trans-Adriatic (TAP) natural gas pipelines, which are essential for Europe’s Southern Gas Corridor, highlight the strategic importance of Azerbaijan’s natural resources, including its major Shah Deniz gas field. These pipelines, along with other Azerbaijani Caspian initiatives, strengthen global energy security and cement Azerbaijan’s role as a key partner in Europe’s energy future.
Congressman urges Obama to support Azerbaijan
Tue 18 November 2014

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Aderholt notes the strategic position of our country.
US Congressman Robert Aderholt sent a letter to President Barack Obama urging him to support Azerbaijan, Oxu.Az reports.

In his letter, The Congressman pointed out that Azerbaijan is an important partner of the United States, noted the country's strategic position, its support for anti-terrorist operations in Afghanistan and energy security of Europe and Israel, emphasizing the importance of the projects of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline and the Southern Gas Corridor.

The Congressman urged President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry to accelerate the process of appointing an ambassador to Azerbaijan and send a senior administration official for a visit to the country.


@LeveragedBuyout Another honorable congressman urges the Obama administration to support Azerbaijan.

Sadly, until the occupant of the White House changes, I suspect we won't see a significant upgrade of relations between our countries. Azerbaijan represents such a great opportunity for the US for the kind of ally we need in the region (as detailed in your post #44), and if we've learned anything from Iraq and Afghanistan, it's that stability is a precious thing. Sometimes it's important to close our eyes to matters that we find a bit distasteful for the sake of strategic considerations, and especially considering that Azerbaijan isn't exactly committing atrocities, it's beyond me why we can't take this to the next level. We need Azerbaijan, especially now that Turkey seems to be slipping away.

By the way, I realize you live in the US, are you a US citizen? If so, I apologize for constantly referring to "them and us," as you are one of us, too.
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