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US Army Chief Issues Stark Warning to Potential Enemies


Jun 19, 2014
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United States
United States
The U.S. Army's chief of staff on Tuesday issued a stern warning to potential threats such as Russia and vowed the service will defeat any foe in ground combat.

"The strategic resolve of our nation, the United States, is being challenged and our alliances tested in ways that we haven't faced in many, many decades," Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley told an audience at the Association of the United States Army's annual meeting in Washington, D.C.

"I want to be clear to those who wish to do us harm … the United States military -- despite all of our challenges, despite our [operational] tempo, despite everything we have been doing -- we will stop you and we will beat you harder than you have ever been beaten before. Make no mistake about that."

Milley's comments come during an election year in which voters will decide a new president and commander in chief -- and a period of increased military activity of near-peer competitors, including Russia and China.

The Army has struggled to rebuild its readiness after more than a decade of extended combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. The service has significantly cut the size of its force since the Cold War and decreased its modernization budget in the last decade, Milley said.

"While we focused on the counter-terrorist fight, other countries -- Russia, Iran, China, North Korea -- went to school on us," he said. "They studied our doctrine, our tactics, our equipment, our organization, our training, our leadership. And, in turn, they revised their own doctrines, and they are rapidly modernizing their military today to avoid our strengths in hopes of defeating us at some point in the future."

Milley also quoted a senior Russian official as saying publicly, "The established world order is undergoing a foundational shake-up" and that "Russia can now fight a conventional war in Europe and win."

The general warned that future warfare with a near-peer adversary will "be highly lethal, unlike anything our Army has experienced at least since World War II."

"Our formations will likely have to be small; we will have to move constantly," he said. "On the future battlefield, if you stay in one place for longer than two or three hours, you will be dead."

Despite the challenges, Milley said the Army will adapt to survive such a dangerous battlefield.

"It's a tall order for sure -- to project power into contested theaters, fight in highly populated urban areas, to survive and win on intensely lethal and distributed battlefields and to create leaders and soldiers who can prevail. Tough? Yes. But impossible? Absolutely not," Milley said.

"Make no mistake about it, we can now and we will … retain the capability to rapidly deploy," he said, "and we will destroy any enemy anywhere, any time."

I am pretty sure Russians have smoked some American/Isreali agents in Syria. As we speak, Russians are going through their civil drills to simulate nuke attacks.

"I want to be clear to those who wish to do us harm … the United States military -- despite all of our challenges, despite our [operational] tempo, despite everything we have been doing -- we will stop you and we will beat you harder than you have ever been beaten before. Make no mistake about that."

There is one slight issue with this American general bravado. This time around. Pakistan is in the opposite camp. Lets see how far you go in your threat.
. .
Warning Russia....hmmm...

Expect Talibans to be declared "Mujahideen" again.

All of sudden, Muslims are going to be "the greatest allies" America ever had.

It would be very stupid from Arab or other Muslim countries to play in America's hand and fight on its behalf with Russia.

You fight your fights this time.... alone!
@Taimoor Khan

They are warning Russia.

Pakistan has nothing to do with it.

Ofcourse we got nothing to do with it. I think you didnt understand what I was saying. Last time yanks in their own understanding, beat the Russians, they were using Pakistan shoulder to fire their guns at Russians. Lets see how far they go alone this time around. I hope I am clear.
Whilst these Americans fought for oil and other greedy motives others couldn't care less. You reap what you saw. The Americans have sown hate, Abu Ghraib and a less safer world. The world is today not a safer place as promised by the Americans. It is a less safer place because of American foolishness and arrogance. Hating potential "adversaries" is a confirmation on American part that they are only afraid of themselves. The Iranians, Russians, Chinese and others are watching the Americans burn to the ground in Syria and elsewhere. The Americans are today begging the Russians and others to be part of their coalition to oust Assad. In other words, the foolish Americans trying another "Iraq" in Syria, but to no avail. Ironically, these are the same arrogant Americans that once stood on the USS Abraham Lincoln to tell the world that the mission was accomplished. This is what the Americans have been reduced to. A top general handing out empty threats... How times have changed. Karma is indeed a bitch.
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Milley also quoted a senior Russian official as saying publicly, "The established world order is undergoing a foundational shake-up" and that "Russia can now fight a conventional war in Europe and win."

Read his statement below: he is threatening nuke war, because Russia can win a conventional war in Europe .( may be I am wrong). In world war II US devastated Japan using atom bomb and since than armies of the world has used most modernized and lethal weapons but not nukes.

The general warned that future warfare with a near-peer adversary will "be highly lethal, unlike anything our Army has experienced at least since World War II."

"Our formations will likely have to be small; we will have to move constantly," he said. "On the future battlefield, if you stay in one place for longer than two or three hours, you will be dead."heck his words here
. .
Warning Russia....hmmm...

Expect Talibans to be declared "Mujahideen" agai

All of sudden, Muslims are going to be "the greatest allies" America ever had.

It would be very stupid from Arab or other Muslim countries to play in America's hand and fight on its behalf with Russia.

You fight your fights this time.... alone!

They have the rebels in Syria for that role, and the Arab nations will play the part Pakistan did in the USSR occupation of Afghanistan. Only difference is the US will lose this time.
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