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US arming terrorists in Venezuela: Analyst

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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US arming terrorists in Venezuela: Analyst

A political commenter says the United States is providing arms to the “terrorist organizations” that attempt to fuel the political unrest gripping Venezuela, Press TV reports.

In an interview with Press TV on Sunday, Gloria Estela La Riva, a Latin American political expert, criticized the US for threatening to impose sanctions on Venezuela under the pretext of human rights violations in the country and said Washington “believes that it is the arbiter or the policeman of the world.”

“While the US demands democracy and so on in Venezuela, the United States is arming these terrorist organizations which have set fire to public buildings, kill dozens of people, build huge barricades in the streets, and use fascist gangs that are proven to be financed from abroad, specifically the United States government,” added the analyst.

The analyst further downplayed Washington’s sanctions threat and said the US cannot impose a “blockade” on the Latin American country as it is “dependent” on Venezuela’s rich oil resources.

A US congressional committee has approved a bill that would impose sanctions on Venezuelan officials believed to be responsible for rights abuses against anti-government protesters. The US Senate foreign relations committee is also mulling a similar measure.

On Sunday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro censured the recent decision by American lawmakers to adopt punitive measures against Venezuela as a “stupid idea.”

Venezuela has been the scene of pro- and anti-government protests since February 4.

However, the protests have lost momentum since April 7, when the government and opposition leaders held talks for the first time aimed at ending street protests in Venezuela.

Caracas says the opposition seeks to launch a coup d’état against the government with the backing of the United States.

PressTV - US arming terrorists in Venezuela: Analyst
Venezuela should ask Syria on how to kick terrorist butts.
Didn't Hugo Chavez order 100,000-500,000 AK47's from Russia back in 2006 to create "citizen militias".

Maybe they don't need arming.
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