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Kerry says ‘all options remain on table’ for Venezuela

US Troops already invade Nigeria to capture Boko Haram, about 80 troops deploy to search girls.

Venezuela next? :(
The US isn't going to invade Venezuela.

Well It is time you stop doing that because honestly, there is already enough financial trouble world over. Another oil price shoot up will really create havoc across the world. You sit snugly across the Atlantic safe from all these shocks but here it affects the majority of the population.

There probably will be some meeting of South American countries to figure out what do do about them.

What do you have the right to say what to do with them? With due respect, they are an independent nation and even if they are socialist, what has that got to do with you? Let them live the way they are.

I am not anti-american but this whole meddling affair has taken a rather nasty turn since Syria fiasco. You destroyed a country that was quietly chugging along in its own pace.

This will only create more enemies for you. Change your weapons-testing mentality. Russia also manufactures weapons and sells them around. How many countries do you see them bombing daily?
What do you have the right to say what to do with them? With due respect, they are an independent nation and even if they are socialist, what has that got to do with you? Let them live the way they are.

I am not anti-american but this whole meddling affair has taken a rather nasty turn since Syria fiasco.

The neighbors of Venezuela have a right to secure borders. If things hit the fan in Venezuela it's neighbors have a right to be concerned.

Just because I said there will probably be a meeting doesn't mean it will be about an invasion/arms. You have a hawkish mindset.
The neighbors of Venezuela have a right to secure borders. If things hit the fan in Venezuela it's neighbors have a right to be concerned.

Just because I said there will probably be a meeting doesn't mean it will be about an invasion/arms. You have a hawkish mindset.

Tell me what other choice do people have to think otherwise? Iraq, Syria, Libya, Ukraine... honestly speaking, that set of words 'options on the table' is not really going to help people's thinking if this is the hawkish approach US war machine maintains.

What Venezuela does in its own neighbourhood or whether Columbia attacks or whatever, that is their business. I am aware that you and Bogota have good ties..in fact, it is said to be the South Korea of South America for you guys. But Venezuela is not as unstable and crazy as north Korea.

Your fears are just unfounded.
Tell me what other choice do people have to think otherwise? Iraq, Syria, Libya, Ukraine... honestly speaking, that set of words 'options on the table' is not really going to help people's thinking if this is the hawkish approach US war machine maintains.

What Venezuela does in its own neighbourhood or whether Columbia attacks or whatever, that is their business. I am aware that you and Bogota have good ties..in fact, it is said to be the South Korea of South America for you guys. But Venezuela is not as unstable and crazy as north Korea.

Your fears are just unfounded.

Three Latin American foreign ministers have arrived in Venezuela to meet opposition leaders in order to revive the stalled peace talks.

Foreign ministers of Brazil, Ecuador, and Colombia along with Vatican’s representative have been striving to mediate the talks between opposition and President Nicolas Maduro’s government in recent months, but it is still far from yielding any concrete results. "

PressTV - S. American officials to revive talks in Venezuela

So are you going to call them "unconcerned" or "meddlers". Take your pick!
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