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US and Taliban are colluding, Hamid Karzai alleges

@gambit - The beginning of the end?

@sherMalang - How bright doez the sunz shinez in Kabul nowz a dayz.. countdown haz begun..

Karzai is playing his cards well, If he oppose the US and some how makes peace with Taliban, He will become a strong leader and will be there in power.

In my view Karzai will oppose US in Afghanistan to gain popularity in the name of patriotism.

US will never leave Afghanistan nor they have plans to do that, the WOT terror will be in covert nature.
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Karzai is playing his cards well, If he oppose the US and some how makes peace with Taliban, He will become a strong leader and will be there in power.

In my view Karzai will oppose US in Afghanistan to gain popularity in the name of patriotism.

US will never leave Afghanistan nor they have plans to do that, the WOT terror will be in covert nature.

Wrong assumption - the Taliban will be ruthless if they come anywhere near him, Karzai's defense ministers and a couple more ministers have been killed by the Taliban with suicide bombers pretending to be peace negotiators or message carriers of the Taliban.

The Taliban is not what one would imagine them to be be - they are mercenaries following a medieval code, even Muslims who are not Taliban are considered as infidels by them.
In the last CNN interview Karzai did he openly stated he was going to step down in 2014 so I don't think this is about power. I think he wants to be involved in the talks because he is scared for his freaking life, as he should be.
Wrong assumption - the Taliban will be ruthless if they come anywhere near him, Karzai's defense ministers and a couple more ministers have been killed by the Taliban with suicide bombers pretending to be peace negotiators or message carriers of the Taliban.

The Taliban is not what one would imagine them to be be - they are mercenaries following a medieval code, even Muslims who are not Taliban are considered as infidels by them.

It is not like that, US is trying to make Taliban a part of new Govt. in Afghanistan, If Karzai has to be strong leader he has to oppose US and at the same time be diplomatic with Taliban. An show to Afghanistan people how patriotic he is.
It is not like that, US is trying to make Taliban a part of new Govt. in Afghanistan, If Karzai has to be strong leader he has to oppose US and at the same time be diplomatic with Taliban. An show to Afghanistan people how patriotic he is.

The US was never after the Taliban to begin with - they were after Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, they only got embroiled in the mess when Karzai and others wanted them to get involved to root out the Taliban from Afghanistan. The US is furiously looking for a non existent solution by trying to broker in a half baked or fractured deal between the Taliban and the Afghan Government. This they are doing for themselves so that they can leave the region with some sense of achievement.

Pakistan had been vehemently pushing the US towards the Taliban to talk to them for a peace deal provided pakistan becomes the main interlocutor and it's interests are safe guarded. But the Abottabad incident changed all that. The Arabs - specially Qatar - took over negotiations of the Taliban case and has been trying to broker a peace deal between the Afghan factions. I think the Taliban are raising unacceptable demands from the US and the Arabs which is scuttling the issue.

Pakistan's anger at the US going to the Taliban without Pakistan on the negotiating table is also preventing any kind of an agreement because the Taliban bigwigs are all in Pakistan and Pakistan has significant leverage over them.

Karzai is confused and shooting all over the place, he secretly wants international support for his regime to continue - but without the US consent or without them leaving the place no one can give him that. This is unnecessary provocation by Karzai and he is mudding the already messed up water of Afghanistan.
KABUL: Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Sunday accused the Taliban and the US of working in concert to convince Afghans that violence will worsen if most foreign troops leave — an allegation the top American commander in Afghanistan rejected as "categorically false".

Karzai said two suicide bombings that killed 19 people on Saturday — one outside the Afghan defence ministry and the other near a police checkpoint in eastern Khost province — show the insurgent group is conducting attacks to help show that international forces will still be needed to keep the peace after their current combat mission ends in 2014.

"The explosions in Kabul and Khost yesterday showed that they are at the service of America and at the service of this phrase: 2014. They are trying to frighten us into thinking that if the foreigners are not in Afghanistan, we would be facing these sorts of incidents," he said during a nationally televised speech about the state of Afghan women.

US and Nato forces commander Gen Joseph Dunford said Karzai had never expressed such views to him, but said it was understandable that tensions would arise as the coalition balances the need to complete its mission and the Afghans' move to exercise more sovereignty.

"We have fought too hard over the past 12 years, we have shed too much blood over the last 12 years, to ever think that violence or instability would be to our advantage," Dunford said.

Karzai is known for making incendiary comments in his public speeches, a move that is often attributed to him trying to appeal to those who sympathize with the Taliban or as a way to gain leverage when he feels his international allies are ignoring his country's sovereignty. In previous speeches, he has threatened to join the Taliban and called his Nato allies occupiers who want to plunder Afghanistan's resources.

Karzai also denounced the arrest of a university student on Saturday by Afghan forces his aide said were working for the CIA. It was unclear why the student was detained.

Presidential spokesman Aimal Faizi said the CIA freed the student after Karzai's staff intervened, but that Karzai wants the Afghan raiders arrested. The president issued a decree on Sunday banning all foreign forces from universities and schools unless they obtain prior permission from the Afghan government.

The Karzai government's latest comments and actions come as it negotiates a pact with the US for the long-term presence of American forces in Afghanistan and just days after an agreement to transfer the US prison outside of Kabul to Afghan authority fell through. They also came during US defense secretary Chuck Hagel's first visit to Afghanistan since becoming the Pentagon chief.

Karzai said in his speech that any foreign powers that want to keep troops in Afghanistan need to do so under conditions set forward by Afghanistan.

"We will tell them where we need them, and under which conditions. They must respect our laws. They must respect the national sovereignty of our country and must respect all our customs," Karzai said.

Karzai offered no proof of coordination, but said the Taliban and the United States were in "daily negotiations" in various foreign countries and noted that the United States has said that it no longer considers the insurgent group its enemy. The US continues to fight against the Taliban and other militant groups, but has expressed its backing for formal peace talks with the Taliban to find a political resolution to the war.

Karzai said he did not believe the Taliban's claim that they launched Saturday's attacks to show they are still a potent force fighting the United States. "Yesterday's explosions, which the Taliban claimed, show that in reality they are saying they want the presence of foreigners in Afghanistan," Karzai said.

In the arrest of the college student, Faizi said the raiders fired shots as they grabbed the student Saturday from a Kandahar university, and blindfolded him before taking him for interrogation at a CIA post that Taliban leader Mullah Omar once used as a home.

The CIA could not be reached for comment.

The CIA has trained an Afghan counterterrorist force several thousand strong, known as the Counterterrorism Pursuit Team that works mostly in insurgent strongholds in southern and eastern Afghanistan. US officials say they work with the Afghan intelligence service, but Karzai frequently complains he lacks oversight over their operations.

US and Taliban are colluding, Hamid Karzai alleges - The Times of India

How come this puppet keeps biting his masters who instated him every now and then.

Karzai will be stuck between a rock and a hard place when the US troops leave.

His Afghan forces will be forced to choose sides ; Islamist (Taliban), or Corrupt (Karzai).
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