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Updated 2015 : Where we stand - Naval power of 11 Countries

Optimos Prime IA

May 5, 2015
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Updated !!! 2015 : Where we stand - Naval power US Vs Russia Vs China Vs Japan Vs India Vs France Vs North Korea Vs Australia Vs United kingdom Vs Pakistan Vs Vietnam VS Israel

Hi , Friends I have been in this forum for a while know . I found something very interesting. Most of the asian members are very much generous to show their sympathy towards Russian Navy . Like we have far out of reach for the Russians and our technology is far superior than the Russians and so on . so why not have a reality check . I have accumulated the extract numbers .As far as I would. Vessels taken into account are with offensive capabilities. Which I included the ambitious vessels , submarines , cruisers , destroyers , frigates ,Corvette , Aircraft carriers excluding patrol boats and other support vessels. So we could get some clear picture on each others capabilities . And feel free to add fleet strength of any nation you need. So I can add it to the main post . Total given is just the total of vessels I presume are correct . Not on basis of capabilities like there is no comparisons between 1 Heavy Russian cruiser and 1 Indian Destroyers . So the capabilities can be explore by any one PDF members who are aware of Naval warfare (General Knowledge and it doesn't mean veterans.

Comparison of Russian , Indian , Chinese , Pakistan , Vietnam navy . This comparison will look into major vessels with offensive capabilities :,

Russia :
1- Aircraft Carrier
1- Heavy Cruiser
3- Cruiser
15- Destroyers
13 - Ballistic missile Submarines
7- Cruise missiles submarines
16 - Nuclear attack submarines
19 - Conventional Submarines
4 - Frigates
78 - Covert
41 - Mine Sweepers
2- Missile hovercraft
19 - Landing Ships
13 - Landing craft
2 - Amphibious hovercrafts

Total : 231 Offensive vessels

United States of America :

10 Aircraft carriers
9 Amphibious assault ships
2 Amphibious command ships
9 Amphibious transport docks
53 Attack submarines
14 Ballistic missile submarines
1 Classic frigate (*see USS Constitution)
22 Cruisers
62 Destroyers
12 Dock landing ships
4 Frigates
4 Guided missile submarines
4 Littoral combat ships
11 Mine countermeasures ships
Total : 217 offensive vessels

China :
60 - Amphibious warfare ships(20K- 800 T )
1- Aircraft carriers
24 - Destroyers (7000 -3000 T )
51 - Frigates (4000-2000 T )
20 - Corvette ( All 1500 T)
28 - Mine countermeasures ( 1000 - 400 T )
13 - Nuclear Submarine
55 - Conventional Submarines

Total : 255

North Korea :

41 - Submarines
5 - Frigates
6 - Corvette
147 - Missile/Torpedo boats . (Since they have separate patrol vessels I am adding these missile and torpedo boats to the tally .Due to their offensive capabilities during war time)

Total : 199 offensive vessels


16 - Attack Submarines
4 - Helicopter destroyers - DDH (27000- 7500 T )
3 - Landing Ships (14000T)
3 - Guided missile Destroyers (10,000-9500 T)
34 - Destroyers (5900-4000T)
6 - Destroyer escort (or corvette) (2500T)
27 - Mine counter measure (5500-550 T)

Total - 94 offensive vessels

India :

2 - Aircraft Carriers
1 - SSN
1 - Ambitious Warfare ship ( 16000T)
9 - Landing Ships ( 5000- 1100 T )
10 - Landing Craft (830-640 T )
9 - Destroyers ( 7500-4500T)
15 - Frigates ( 6200- 3800T)
25 - Corvette ( 3500 - 450 T )
6 - Mine sweepers (850T)
14 - Conventional Submarines

Total : 92 offensive vessels

France :
10 - Submarines
1 - Aircraft Carrier (44000t)
4 - Amphibious Vessels (24000 #4-12000)
2 - Landing Ships (1300t)
10 - Destroyers ( 7500 - 4500 t)
11 - Frigates (3600-2900 T)
18 - Mine Sweepers
9 - Corvettes

Total : 65 Offensive war ships

Vietnam :

3 - Submarines
7 - Frigates
9 - Corvette
8 - Mine sweepers
8 - Missile boats
15 - Patrol boats (Since we gave 1 small submarine as concession for Pakistan and given the size of Viet's navy they will use patrol vessels as major weapon of war )

Total : 50 Offensive Vessels

United kingdom :

10 - Nuclear powered submarines
3 Amphibious ships (21000-19500)
6 - Destroyers ( 8500 T)
13 - Frigates (4500T)
15 - Mine sweepers
Total : 47 Offensive ships

Australia :
6 - Submarines
1 - Amphibious vessel
12 - frigates
6 - Mine hunters
1 - Heavy landing ship
1 - Landing Ship

Total - 27 Offensive vesselsl


10 - Frigate ( 4200(1) - 3100 T )
5 - Conventional attack submarine (2000-1700T)
1 - 110(submerged) attack submarine
3 - Mine Craft (500T)

Total : 19 offensive vessels

Israel :

3 - Corvette
3 - Submarines
8 - Missile Boats
Total : 14 Offensive vessels

Correct me if I made any mistakes as I am posting it with little hurry . Thanks .
If possible please list down the future planed fleet as well. Thanks . I
Let's have healthy debates .Bashing each other on open forum won't change the reality anyway.
Last edited:
2015 : Where we stand - Naval power US vs Russia Vs China Vs India Vs PakistanPakistan

Hi , Friends I have been in this forum for a while know . I found something very interesting. Most of the asian members are very much generous to show their sympathy towards Russian Navy . Like we have far out of reach for the Russians and our technology is far superior than the Russians and so on . so why not have a reality check . I have accumulated the extract numbers .As far as I would. Vessels taken into account are with offensive capabilities. Which I included the ambitious vessels , submarines , cruisers , destroyers , frigates ,Corvette , Aircraft carriers excluding patrol boats and other support vessels. So we could get some clear picture on each others capabilities . And feel free to add fleet strength of any nation you need. So I can add it to the main post . Total given is just the total of vessels I presume are correct . Not on basis of capabilities like there is no comparisons between 1 Heavy Russian cruiser and 1 Indian Destroyers . So the capabilities can be explore by any one PDF members who are aware of Naval warfare (General Knowledge and it doesn't mean veterans.

Comparison of Russian , Indian , Chinese , Pakistan , Vietnam navy . This comparison will look into major vessels with offensive capabilities :,

Russia :
1- Aircraft Carrier
1- Heavy Cruiser
3- Cruiser
15- Destroyers
13 - Ballistic missile Submarines
7- Cruise missiles submarines
16 - Nuclear attack submarines
19 - Conventional Submarines
4 - Frigates
78 - Covert
41 - Mine Sweepers
2- Missile hovercraft
19 - Landing Ships
13 - Landing craft
2 - Amphibious hovercrafts

Total : 231 Offensive vessels

United States of America :

10 Aircraft carriers
9 Amphibious assault ships
2 Amphibious command ships
9 Amphibious transport docks
53 Attack submarines
14 Ballistic missile submarines
1 Classic frigate (*see USS Constitution)
22 Cruisers
62 Destroyers
12 Dock landing ships
4 Frigates
4 Guided missile submarines
4 Littoral combat ships
11 Mine countermeasures ships
Total : 217 offensive vessels

China :
60 - Amphibious warfare ships(20K- 800 T )
1- Aircraft carriers
24 - Destroyers (7000 -3000 T )
51 - Frigates (4000-2000 T )
20 - Corvette ( All 1500 T)
28 - Mine countermeasures ( 1000 - 400 T )
13 - Nuclear Submarine
55 - Conventional Submarines

Total : 255

India :

2 - Aircraft Carriers
1 - SSN
1 - Ambitious Warfare ship ( 16000T)
9 - Landing Ships ( 5000- 1100 T )
10 - Landing Craft (830-640 T )
9 - Destroyers ( 7500-4500T)
15 - Frigates ( 6200- 3800T)
25 - Corvette ( 3500 - 450 T )
6 - Mine sweepers (850T)
14 - Conventional Submarines

Total : 92 offensive vessels


10 - Frigate ( 4200(1) - 3100 T )
5 - Conventional attack submarine (2000-1700T)
1 - 110(submerged) attack submarine
3 - Mine Craft (500T)

Total : 19 offensive vessels

Correct me if I made any mistakes as I posting it with little hurry . Thanks .
If possible please list down the future planed fleet as well. Thanks . I
Let's have healthy debates .Bashing each other on open forum won't change the reality anyway.
3 midget submarines and 2 landing crafts
2015 : Where we stand - Naval power US vs Russia Vs China Vs India Vs PakistanPakistan

Hi , Friends I have been in this forum for a while know . I found something very interesting. Most of the asian members are very much generous to show their sympathy towards Russian Navy . Like we have far out of reach for the Russians and our technology is far superior than the Russians and so on . so why not have a reality check . I have accumulated the extract numbers .As far as I would. Vessels taken into account are with offensive capabilities. Which I included the ambitious vessels , submarines , cruisers , destroyers , frigates ,Corvette , Aircraft carriers excluding patrol boats and other support vessels. So we could get some clear picture on each others capabilities . And feel free to add fleet strength of any nation you need. So I can add it to the main post . Total given is just the total of vessels I presume are correct . Not on basis of capabilities like there is no comparisons between 1 Heavy Russian cruiser and 1 Indian Destroyers . So the capabilities can be explore by any one PDF members who are aware of Naval warfare (General Knowledge and it doesn't mean veterans.

Comparison of Russian , Indian , Chinese , Pakistan , Vietnam navy . This comparison will look into major vessels with offensive capabilities :,

Russia :
1- Aircraft Carrier
1- Heavy Cruiser
3- Cruiser
15- Destroyers
13 - Ballistic missile Submarines
7- Cruise missiles submarines
16 - Nuclear attack submarines
19 - Conventional Submarines
4 - Frigates
78 - Covert
41 - Mine Sweepers
2- Missile hovercraft
19 - Landing Ships
13 - Landing craft
2 - Amphibious hovercrafts

Total : 231 Offensive vessels

United States of America :

10 Aircraft carriers
9 Amphibious assault ships
2 Amphibious command ships
9 Amphibious transport docks
53 Attack submarines
14 Ballistic missile submarines
1 Classic frigate (*see USS Constitution)
22 Cruisers
62 Destroyers
12 Dock landing ships
4 Frigates
4 Guided missile submarines
4 Littoral combat ships
11 Mine countermeasures ships
Total : 217 offensive vessels

China :
60 - Amphibious warfare ships(20K- 800 T )
1- Aircraft carriers
24 - Destroyers (7000 -3000 T )
51 - Frigates (4000-2000 T )
20 - Corvette ( All 1500 T)
28 - Mine countermeasures ( 1000 - 400 T )
13 - Nuclear Submarine
55 - Conventional Submarines

Total : 255

India :

2 - Aircraft Carriers
1 - SSN
1 - Ambitious Warfare ship ( 16000T)
9 - Landing Ships ( 5000- 1100 T )
10 - Landing Craft (830-640 T )
9 - Destroyers ( 7500-4500T)
15 - Frigates ( 6200- 3800T)
25 - Corvette ( 3500 - 450 T )
6 - Mine sweepers (850T)
14 - Conventional Submarines

Total : 92 offensive vessels


10 - Frigate ( 4200(1) - 3100 T )
5 - Conventional attack submarine (2000-1700T)
1 - 110(submerged) attack submarine
3 - Mine Craft (500T)

Total : 19 offensive vessels

Correct me if I made any mistakes as I posting it with little hurry . Thanks .
If possible please list down the future planed fleet as well. Thanks . I
Let's have healthy debates .Bashing each other on open forum won't change the reality anyway.

In naval comparison, no of vessels is not important, size in tons and type of vessel as well as no of missiles is more important.
2015 : Where we stand - Naval power US vs Russia Vs China Vs India Vs PakistanPakistan

Hi , Friends I have been in this forum for a while know . I found something very interesting. Most of the asian members are very much generous to show their sympathy towards Russian Navy . Like we have far out of reach for the Russians and our technology is far superior than the Russians and so on . so why not have a reality check . I have accumulated the extract numbers .As far as I would. Vessels taken into account are with offensive capabilities. Which I included the ambitious vessels , submarines , cruisers , destroyers , frigates ,Corvette , Aircraft carriers excluding patrol boats and other support vessels. So we could get some clear picture on each others capabilities . And feel free to add fleet strength of any nation you need. So I can add it to the main post . Total given is just the total of vessels I presume are correct . Not on basis of capabilities like there is no comparisons between 1 Heavy Russian cruiser and 1 Indian Destroyers . So the capabilities can be explore by any one PDF members who are aware of Naval warfare (General Knowledge and it doesn't mean veterans.

Comparison of Russian , Indian , Chinese , Pakistan , Vietnam navy . This comparison will look into major vessels with offensive capabilities :,

Russia :
1- Aircraft Carrier
1- Heavy Cruiser
3- Cruiser
15- Destroyers
13 - Ballistic missile Submarines
7- Cruise missiles submarines
16 - Nuclear attack submarines
19 - Conventional Submarines
4 - Frigates
78 - Covert
41 - Mine Sweepers
2- Missile hovercraft
19 - Landing Ships
13 - Landing craft
2 - Amphibious hovercrafts

Total : 231 Offensive vessels

United States of America :

10 Aircraft carriers
9 Amphibious assault ships
2 Amphibious command ships
9 Amphibious transport docks
53 Attack submarines
14 Ballistic missile submarines
1 Classic frigate (*see USS Constitution)
22 Cruisers
62 Destroyers
12 Dock landing ships
4 Frigates
4 Guided missile submarines
4 Littoral combat ships
11 Mine countermeasures ships
Total : 217 offensive vessels

China :
60 - Amphibious warfare ships(20K- 800 T )
1- Aircraft carriers
24 - Destroyers (7000 -3000 T )
51 - Frigates (4000-2000 T )
20 - Corvette ( All 1500 T)
28 - Mine countermeasures ( 1000 - 400 T )
13 - Nuclear Submarine
55 - Conventional Submarines

Total : 255

India :

2 - Aircraft Carriers
1 - SSN
1 - Ambitious Warfare ship ( 16000T)
9 - Landing Ships ( 5000- 1100 T )
10 - Landing Craft (830-640 T )
9 - Destroyers ( 7500-4500T)
15 - Frigates ( 6200- 3800T)
25 - Corvette ( 3500 - 450 T )
6 - Mine sweepers (850T)
14 - Conventional Submarines

Total : 92 offensive vessels


10 - Frigate ( 4200(1) - 3100 T )
5 - Conventional attack submarine (2000-1700T)
1 - 110(submerged) attack submarine
3 - Mine Craft (500T)

Total : 19 offensive vessels

Correct me if I made any mistakes as I posting it with little hurry . Thanks .
If possible please list down the future planed fleet as well. Thanks . I
Let's have healthy debates .Bashing each other on open forum won't change the reality anyway.

Where is the Japan

You should add the SSBN (1) Arihant.

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