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Up to 40,000 Native American children may have died at government-run boarding schools across the US, expert says as remains of 10 kids are exhumed fr

So most Chinese you meet are respectful. Yet you spread hatred against them day in and day out. You never miss an opportunity. Most you meet are humble and decent, yet you wish for their expulsion or death. Yet I never hear you wishing the same for White South Africans and Boers, most of whom ARE NOT humble and decent, but are arrogant, racist pieces of shit descended from bloodthirsty psychopaths who committed genocide.

Very interesting. Yes, you can't handle my words because I know exactly what you are about. Go ahead and call me a CCP bot. Very creative, dumbass.
stick to the point pal... you are a bot; exact verbiage you are writing reeks of it.

go drink more winnie wine.... cheers. better things to do than waste my time with commie bots./
Insulted Other Member/Nationality
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Insulted Other Member/Nationality
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GTFO South Africa you colonial shit stain.

is this the best insult you can do?

great try.... from the new colonisers who try to be like whites and follow every step like them. No difference, same stink.

I am keeping every thing you chinese think of our continent to local circulation to show what you really are.
Ok tell me what line of business your Jewish ancestors were in that brought them to South Africa huh? I mean, you're on that continent for a reason. Trading of slaves? The diamond trade? Colonial real estate confiscated from African tribes?

What brought your family to South Africa?

wow..... amazing... now a real deal.

guess what... this is exactly what your people are doing on this continent... care to come and see yourself in the mirror. dont worry we are working on a plan to get rid of you.
I mean America used to be pretty homogeneous with American natives before Europeans went and wiped them out.

wrong again.. native Americans weren't a homogenous ethnic group either. Besides native American weren't really native to America either they arrived from Siberia.
Don't try to divert the issue. I know why you love to spread hatred against the Chinese. Because you hate competition don't you? Guess what, your ancestors came in with guns blazing, murdered millions and took their land. The Chinese buy with money.

But again, tell me why you're in South Africa? What line of business were your Jewish ancestors in?

@waz - handle this piece of MSG shit.... he has crossed the line every where.
Why were those children forcibly seperated from their families in those boarding schools?

The same reason the Urumqi are sent to reeducation camps. Except we are supposed to have evolved and presumably we should know better.
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wrong again.. native Americans weren't a homogenous ethnic group either. Besides native American weren't really native to America either they arrived from Siberia.
He does not understand the journey of man.

Had he been to school or university, he would not be having such silly trivial arguments.

@waz - handle this piece of MSG shit.... he has crossed the line every where.

Go ahead, report me like the coward that you are. You spread racist hatred against the Chinese people everywhere on this forum and the second someone is able to fight back and call you out on your hypocritical bullshit, you report them like a little baby.

So I get banned? Who cares. I have a life.
Go ahead, report me like the coward that you are. You spread racist hatred against the Chinese people everywhere on this forum and the second someone is able to fight back and call you out on your hypocritical bullshit, you report them like a little baby.

So I get banned? Who cares. I have a life.

you really make me laugh.... go get some Winnie Xi Pooh wine .. better some that pooh.

I have great chinese friends.... I have hosted Chinese First secretary and the ambassador was here at my home for three days with his wife and daughter. Many colleagues in Tsinghua univ.

It is your communist crap kind who give decent chinese people bad name.

I suggest go to a bat cave and sit it it.

**** you with your "I have Chinese friends shtick".

You don't think there are racist White people who hate Blacks but the second they are called out on their shit, they go "But my best friend is Black".

I know exactly what you are. You're a colonialist scumbag who has lived high off the hog for many generations from the riches your ancestors stole and is now spreading hatred against another race because they hate competition. I know exactly what you're about.

you need to see a shrink ... feel sorry for you. too much winnie pooh smoke has made you delusional. come here... pa m'jibs has better mushrooms - you will get to see mao may be.. enjoy your time off.

whenyou are back...read Winnie Xi Pooh's memo.... BE NICE.
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My family is not even from Mainland China. This is why I am culturally nuanced enough to sniff out all of your hypocrisy and the fucking mountains of skeletons that are in your closet. LMAO Fucking colonialist genocider having the nerve to throw stones. Just LOL
awww...... I think you are like indian... ABC -- American Born Confused Desi.... No difference. May be a indo-chinese... even more confused.
awww...... I think you are like indian... ABC -- American Born Confused Desi.... No difference.

Who cares. What is important is that I can sniff out your bullshit.

You don't have a fucking box to stand on. If I were you, I'd just fucking quietly enjoy the comfortable life that you have, built on the bones of colonialism and genocide and try not to draw more attention to oneself by pretending to stand on some moral soapbox that you don't have.
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