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United Bengal / Greater Bangladesh : Possible?

we can not allow vidharmis in our pure land Bharatvarsh. no gafur or Abdul is allowed now to cross illegally , . no muslim tushtikaran by muslim party congress , TMC , RJD, SP .
hindus of Pakistan and Bangladesh are most welcome .
Don't worry the gafurs and abduls will pose as chattopadhyas and Gangulis to cross over and apply for CAA sponsored citizenship and once inside they will switch to the vidharma once again. They are already doing that by the millions....
You are finished either way.
I understand your Hindi but try to write in English, whatever English your RSS pathshala taught you.
While we are discussing Buddha janab what about these poor souls

These are getting killed by the pure bloods
Take care of them
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Don't worry the gafurs and abduls will pose as chattopadhyas and Gangulis to cross over and apply for CAA sponsored citizenship and once inside they will switch to the vidharma once again. They are already doing that by the millions....
You are finished either way.
I understand your Hindi but try to write in English, whatever English your RSS pathshala taught you.

we have very good program for Indian muslims , GHARWAPSI .
The eyes of the Buddha have been wide and bluish in color.

The texts describe him as tall, strong, and blue-eyed. When he was 29 years old

The characteristics of the eyes are deep blue. The color blue also signifies the concept of loving kindness and peace in Buddhism
According to Pali Canon, Buddha had eyes like lotus petal in shape and their colour was blue like the flower of flax.

Buddhist Meditation: An Anthology of Texts from the Pali Canon. 2006. p. 114

In particular, the "32 signs of a Great Man" are described throughout the Pali Canon, and these are believed to have formed the basis for early representations of the Buddha.

Eyes deep blue

Tibetan art representing the blue eyes of the Buddha
Looks like the link I sent didn't sink in. There are Parsis with blue eyes also so they don't qualify as Maharashtrans
Buddha was known as the Shakyamuni emphasizing his link to
the Shakya Kshatriyas clan. Whether his eyes were blue or not is irrelevant. In the era of Buddha the Shakya had been settled in the Greater Magadha region for a very long time.
Since you didn't read the link:

"The Shakyas were an eastern sub-Himalayan ethnic group on the periphery, both geographically and culturally, of the eastern Indian subcontinent in the 5th century BCE. Bronkhorst calls this eastern culture Greater Magadha and notes that "Buddhism and Jainism arose in a culture which was recognized as being non-Vedic".According to Levman, the Shakyas were considered outside of the Āryāvarta and of ‘mixed origin’ (saṃkīrṇa-yonayaḥ, possibly part Aryan and part indigenous). The laws of Manutreats them as being non Aryan. As noted by Levman, "The Baudhāyana-dharmaśāstra(–4) lists all the tribes of Magadha as being outside the pale of the Āryāvarta; and just visiting them required a purificatory sacrifice as expiation" (In Manu 10.11, 22).This is confirmed by the Ambaṭṭha Sutta, where the Sakyans are said to be "rough-spoken", "of menial origin" and criticised because "they do not honour, respect, esteem, revere or pay homage to Brahmans." Some of the non-Vedic practices of this tribe included incest (marrying their sisters), the worship of trees, tree spirits and nāgas."
we have very good program for Indian muslims , GHARWAPSI .
You are welcome to add to the Dalit population.
Look we dumped your monkey worshipping Jahilat a long time ago, get over it

I don't want any muslim of Pakistan in my country ,
I am concerned about my hindu brothers who were forced to leave dharma . all Indian muslims with hindu DNA will return to fold of their ancestors .
Looks like the link I sent didn't sink in. There are Parsis with blue eyes also so they don't qualify as Maharashtrans
Buddha was known as the Shakyamuni emphasizing his link to
the Shakya Kshatriyas clan. Whether his eyes were blue or not is irrelevant. In the era of Buddha the Shakya had been settled in the Greater Magadha region for a very long time.
Since you didn't read the link:

"The Shakyas were an eastern sub-Himalayan ethnic group on the periphery, both geographically and culturally, of the eastern Indian subcontinent in the 5th century BCE. Bronkhorst calls this eastern culture Greater Magadha and notes that "Buddhism and Jainism arose in a culture which was recognized as being non-Vedic".According to Levman, the Shakyas were considered outside of the Āryāvarta and of ‘mixed origin’ (saṃkīrṇa-yonayaḥ, possibly part Aryan and part indigenous). The laws of Manutreats them as being non Aryan. As noted by Levman, "The Baudhāyana-dharmaśāstra(–4) lists all the tribes of Magadha as being outside the pale of the Āryāvarta; and just visiting them required a purificatory sacrifice as expiation" (In Manu 10.11, 22).This is confirmed by the Ambaṭṭha Sutta, where the Sakyans are said to be "rough-spoken", "of menial origin" and criticised because "they do not honour, respect, esteem, revere or pay homage to Brahmans." Some of the non-Vedic practices of this tribe included incest (marrying their sisters), the worship of trees, tree spirits and nāgas."

You are welcome to add to the Dalit population.
Your questions was
Any link showing Buddha has blue eyes?
End quote
The answer yes
Worry about your own Buddhist population getting killed in khyber pakhtunwa

Don't lecture me about him I know about him more than you

He was non Bihari at the very least even if Indian in some sense of the word.
he had golden /yellow skin and long thin finger and nails
Long ears as well

Some even claim of a flat nose
I had read it somewhere

no Indian has these characteristics.even your own extract shows them as non Aryan or non vedic.

.According to Levman, the Shakyas were considered outside of the Āryāvarta
(The region of India)

He would be more Nepali than Indian

Could be a kiratas people that had those same characteristics
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Looks like the link I sent didn't sink in. There are Parsis with blue eyes also so they don't qualify as Maharashtrans
Buddha was known as the Shakyamuni emphasizing his link to
the Shakya Kshatriyas clan. Whether his eyes were blue or not is irrelevant. In the era of Buddha the Shakya had been settled in the Greater Magadha region for a very long time.
Since you didn't read the link:

"The Shakyas were an eastern sub-Himalayan ethnic group on the periphery, both geographically and culturally, of the eastern Indian subcontinent in the 5th century BCE. Bronkhorst calls this eastern culture Greater Magadha and notes that "Buddhism and Jainism arose in a culture which was recognized as being non-Vedic".According to Levman, the Shakyas were considered outside of the Āryāvarta and of ‘mixed origin’ (saṃkīrṇa-yonayaḥ, possibly part Aryan and part indigenous). The laws of Manutreats them as being non Aryan. As noted by Levman, "The Baudhāyana-dharmaśāstra(–4) lists all the tribes of Magadha as being outside the pale of the Āryāvarta; and just visiting them required a purificatory sacrifice as expiation" (In Manu 10.11, 22).This is confirmed by the Ambaṭṭha Sutta, where the Sakyans are said to be "rough-spoken", "of menial origin" and criticised because "they do not honour, respect, esteem, revere or pay homage to Brahmans." Some of the non-Vedic practices of this tribe included incest (marrying their sisters), the worship of trees, tree spirits and nāgas."

You are welcome to add to the Dalit population.

Dalit brothers discarded you in 1947 , they know what you did with their buddhist statues in BAMIAN.
Why don't you go to this link and give your expert facts all knowing pure blood

Dalit brothers discarded you in 1947 , they know what you did with their buddhist statues in BAMIAN.
Derailing the topic but I will reply to you on this one :
So what caste will the Gharwapasi Muslims become ? Mleche caste ? or Asuras? You would have to invent a caste for these Gharwapasi Muslims.?
Have you tried a gharwapasi on this guy? What's his caste as of now ?

I don't want any muslim of Pakistan in my country ,
I am concerned about my hindu brothers who were forced to leave dharma . all Indian muslims with hindu DNA will return to fold of their ancestors .
To what caste? Most were Dalits before so they will return to their ancestral status.
That's very good. You can add 200 million more Dalits to the 200 million already there not to mention the OBCs. That will finish off the RSS Aryan supremacy forever. Sometimes one has to get inside the enemy to finish it off. The Turks did that to the Mongols . The Christians did that to the Romans.
Please go ahead with your gharwapasi?
Err...what is the rate of conversions of Muslims to Hindus?
How many have converted?
You have been at it for 73 years (actually 100 years because the shuddhi movement started in the 1920s).
Mr. Fact Check, any statistics on how many Muslims in India have converted to Hinduism and what percentage is left to being converted ? Any links :enjoy:
Derailing the topic but I will reply to you on this one :
So what caste will the Gharwapasi Muslims become ? Mleche caste ? or Asuras? You would have to invent a caste for these Gharwapasi Muslims.?
Have you tried a gharwapasi on this guy? What's his caste as of now ?

View attachment 706256

They will convert to arya dharma sanatan dharma .
To what caste? Most were Dalits before so they will return to their ancestral status.
That's very good. You can add 200 million more Dalits to the 200 million already there not to mention the OBCs. That will finish off the RSS Aryan supremacy forever. Sometimes one has to get inside the enemy to finish it off. The Turks did that to the Mongols . The Christians did that to the Romans.
Please go ahead with your gharwapasi?
Err...what is the rate of conversions of Muslims to Hindus?
How many have converted?
You have been at it for 73 years (actually 100 years because the shuddhi movement started in the 1920s).
Mr. Fact Check, any statistics on how many Muslims in India have converted to Hinduism and what percentage is left to being converted ? Any links :enjoy:

All Hindustani Muslims when they will return to Hindu fold will become ARYA vir .
To what caste? Most were Dalits before so they will return to their ancestral status.
That's very good. You can add 200 million more Dalits to the 200 million already there not to mention the OBCs. That will finish off the RSS Aryan supremacy forever. Sometimes one has to get inside the enemy to finish it off. The Turks did that to the Mongols . The Christians did that to the Romans.
Please go ahead with your gharwapasi?
Err...what is the rate of conversions of Muslims to Hindus?
How many have converted?
You have been at it for 73 years (actually 100 years because the shuddhi movement started in the 1920s).
Mr. Fact Check, any statistics on how many Muslims in India have converted to Hinduism and what percentage is left to being converted ? Any links :enjoy:
The Muslim population has increased from 9 percent to 14.3 Percent check yourself
Muslims have the highest tfr in India
No one child policy
The Hindu Buddhist population in the land of pure has decreased
Thier was some improvement on the Christian population in the land of the pure last I checked but not much
You people don't even allow the
Census of Sikhs so I can't check that
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They will convert to arya dharma sanatan dharma .

All Hindustani Muslims when they will return to Hindu fold will become ARYA vir .
What's the population of Aryavirs?
What is the growth rate?
Last I heard the Aryavirs were trying to get a minority status since they were monotheistic.

Remain on topic or I will issue infractions.
That was my last post.
Will self delete shortly.
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