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Understanding Data Protection and Cybercrimes

Ahhh ... data security .. I worked in the field of Info Sec selling VeriSign PKI, 2FA and Digital Certifications for a brief amount of time and can share some of the bits i learned from there

The very basics concepts which I am sure you will be able to understand :

Security is APAIN

A =
P = Privacy
A = Authorization
I = Integrity
N = Non Repudiation

Authentication: Authentication means to establish your credentials or to give proof of your identity, in physical world it is like NIC, Passport, Driving License etc In digital world it can be a digital certificate issued to you

Privacy: As the name suggests, communication between two parties should be secure

Authorization: Often mistaken for Authentication but both are different topics, Authentication is to establish your credentials and once you have done that you get access as per your credentials e.g. If you are a manager you establish your credentials and on basis of your level you can get access to certain information or place in an office where other staff might not be able to go / access that information.

Integrity: Means that the content of a message should remain the same e.g. if I say $100 the receiving party should also get the message of $100 not $10 or $1000, in classic man in the middle attack the content of emails can easily be manipulated and changed.

Non Repudiation: Which can be proved in court of law, if i remember correctly back in 2004/5 our courts of law used to accept digitally signed documents just as if they were physically signed documents.

These are 5 critical pillars of security.

God, nostalgic memories back from NIFT days lol
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