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underground nuclear shelters of Vivos has come online in Kansas


Oct 11, 2012
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Russian Federation
Not Just A Shelter, But A Year-Round Resort!
This massive underground complex encompasses over 2 million square feet of existing shelter area. Now being outfitted, the Vivos Survival Shelter & Resort will accommodate approximately 5,000 people for a minimum of one year of autonomous survival, without the need to return to the surface. Located nearly 130 feet below the mountain surface, carved out of solid limestone, and having a strength 6 times stronger than concrete, this massive structure will resist virtually any predictable disaster or catastrophic event.

This Vivos complex will also be a year-round resort offering its co-owner members the opportunity to visit the shelter anytime they desire, 24/7. With a host of survival, educational and recreational activities and amenities, the Vivos Survival Shelter & Resort will be an attraction for the entire family, both above and below ground. As a year-round resort members will meet and get to know each other, creating bonds and a true sense of community.

At full capacity, the underground complex will save the lives of nearly 1 in every 1 million people on Earth, along with precious museum artifacts and treasures, the DNA and gamete cells of thousands within a series of cryovaults, volumes of data, books, and more.

This shelter is a virtual fortress with full-time security and protection devices, drive-thru blast doors that can withstand a nuclear blast from mere miles away, filtration systems for nuclear radiation and fallout, biological pathogens and chemical war gases.

Perhaps the most unique feature of the shelter is that members can drive a full size recreational trailer or motor home directly inside, with space for more than 1,000 vehicles. Like an underground RV park, each family will enjoy the privacy of their own vehicle, meeting their particular needs and comfort standards.

Members without an RV can purchase a fully furnished, private Vivos suite, constructed within the shelter. Like the RV's each suite is nestled within the shelter in a comfortable arrangement, creating a sense of community with the neighbors.

Due to the economies of scale of this mega complex, the effective cost per person for access is now reduced to about 10% of the other smaller Vivos shelters. For example, a 20' RV with 4 people registered to occupy it, would cost only $20,000 (= $1,000 per foot of length). In this example the cost would be unbelievably low at just $5,000 per person! See Pricing

The ongoing resort and recreational benefits are well worth the price of co-ownership, not to mention the ability to protect your family from virtually every foreseeable future catastrophe. We are confident this shelter will become your resort vacation destination, year after year, and will hopefully never be needed for its purpose as a survival shelter. But, if it is necessary, you will have a real solution and accommodation, while nearly 7 billion people on the planet will undoubtedly, scramble for a last minute solution.

Vivos - Kansas Survival Shelter and Resort

Terrorism can be good for bunker builders. An apocalypse can be even better for business.
Danila Andreyev started building “panic rooms” three years ago, when fears of terrorist attacks and commercial disputes turning violent created demand in Russia. Now he’s selling “survival bunkers” for as much as $400,000 each to capitalize on angst over theories the world will end next year.
Enlarge image Apocalypse Angst Trumps Terrorism
An artist's rendering shows a view of an underground shelter of Vivos Group's Upper Dome Level Plan. Source: Terravivos.com via Bloomberg
Enlarge image Apocalypse Angst Trumps Terrorism
The construction site of a nuclear bomb shelter built by Northwest Shelter Systems . Source: Northwest Shelter Systems via Bloomberg
“I myself am not a believer in doomsday scenarios,” Andreyev, 31, whose Spetsgeoproekt company is completing 15 bunkers at hidden locations across Russia, said at his office in central Moscow. “But when you start hearing clients talking about the end of the world, it gets you thinking.”
While Russia has been a target for terrorists, with 37 people dying in a blast at Moscow’s busiest airport in January, more people are looking to protect themselves from what Andreyev calls a “global cataclysm” in 2012 based on predictions such as interpretations of the ancient Mayan calendar.
Northwest Shelter Systems, a company based in Sandpoint, Idaho, that specializes in nuclear bomb shelters, has seen the number of inquiries from potential customers rise as much as 60 percent since the March tsunami and earthquake in Japan, Allen Thompson, vice president, said by e-mail.
The Vivos Group, a California-based bunker builder with a website that features a meteor striking Earth, said requests for a shelter in one of its facilities jumped by 10 times since the disaster, which left about 25,000 people dead or missing.
Be Prepared
“Hundreds of applications” come from Russia and other former Soviet states, Vivos founder Robert Vicino said by e- mail. The nearest Vivos shelter is at an unidentified location in central Europe, he said. It costs about $25,000 per person.
“Every person has a different belief or sense of what may be ahead for all of us,” Vicino said. “Vivos is not about 2012, but having a life assurance solution for our families for whenever disaster strikes.”
Vivos is building facilities in the U.S. and elsewhere. It said in January it was considering buying a two-story bunker constructed for the U.K. government in 1990 in rural Scotland.
Spetsgeoproekt, which stands for Special Geological Projects, plans to open a showroom in the affluent Moscow neighborhood of Rublevka this year and is expanding into Russia’s regions, Andreyev said.
The company’s bunkers range from 35 to 90 square meters (377 to 969 square feet). Maintaining the unit, including the air system, runs about $2,500 a year, he said.
Avoiding Floods
Altai, the mountainous southern Siberian region that borders China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan, is of particular interest because it’s believed to be “flood proof,” Andreyev said. Spetsgeoproekt started building an 80 square-meter, $350,000 bunker in Altai.
“They all say the same thing: Next year there’ll be a polar shift or something and most of Russia will be flooded except for Altai and a few other regions,” Andreyev said.
Alexei, 35, one of Andreyev’s clients, said distress over the coming apocalypse prompted him in February to order the construction of a $150,000 bunker big enough to shelter eight people outside of Moscow. He declined to give his full name to keep it secret that he ordered a bunker.
Something catastrophic will certainly happen next year, Alexei said in a telephone interview.
“It all points to some shake-up on Dec. 21, 2012,” Alexei said, citing his interpretations of the doomsday predictions of 16th century French apothecary Nostradamus, the blind Bulgarian mystic Baba Vanga and the Mayan calendar.
Soviet Designs
Andreyev said his bunkers are based on Soviet military designs from the 1970s and modified with modern technologies. The walls resemble those used in nuclear power stations and the air systems are akin to those used in spaceships and submarines. The doors are similar to those in Swiss bank vaults, he said.
Russia has a history of bunker building, particularly during the Cold War amid fears of a nuclear attack.
Several previously secret facilities in and around Moscow opened to the public since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, including a 7,000 square-meter compound 60 meters below Taganka Square in central Moscow that’s been turned into a Cold War museum. It can be rented for parties and weddings.
It may be a sign of the times that Yevgeny Ubiyko, a former Red Army engineer who served in what was once Czechoslovakia, feels the need to start producing floating bunkers. Ubiyko, 45, built his own 32 square-meter “mobile safe” that he now advertises on his website, offering to replicate it for anyone willing to pay at least $80,000. He has four orders so far.
“With seismic activity increasing and abnormal weather events becoming more frequent, it’s clear the trend is such that soon the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan will seem like a minor event,” Ubiyko said by telephone. “People are starting to think about shelters, like Noah and his ark.”

@Hyperion @jaibi @Jaanbaz @INDIC @Pakistani Exile @W.11 @Alpha1 @Srinivas @Fattyacids @vostok @arzamas_16

Jaibi,why are rich and elite people becoming paranoid increasingly ?Is it threat of economic collapse or fear of war??

Americans are building a nuclear proof embassy in Pakistan?


Rich buying bunkers in hordes.
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There is also lot of construction activities going on in countries like Israel, where underground cities are being built to escape from nuclear disaster, just in case.

people are paranoid because of the fear of nuclear war scenario.
Rich people or everyone is scared of losing what they have, most people would say. However, as a Psychologist I would say that there is an innate fear that all humans share of losing the status-quo; even those who are most disadvantaged by it. It's just that rich folks can go beyond the normal capabilities of ordinary folks such as building bunkers, investing in armour and so forth. However, common folks do the same in their own way: voting for the same parties, keeping the same job, being married to the same abusive spouse and so on.

There's nothing mysterious about it; we have been seeing it since Ancient times like the rich Athenians making shelters during the Spartan-Athenian war, Romans during the later Republic period and so on.

Here's the theory if you want to read about it: http://www.psych.nyu.edu/newsbox/PsychologySystemJustification.pdf

Not Just A Shelter, But A Year-Round Resort!
This massive underground complex encompasses over 2 million square feet of existing shelter area. Now being outfitted, the Vivos Survival Shelter & Resort will accommodate approximately 5,000 people for a minimum of one year of autonomous survival, without the need to return to the surface. Located nearly 130 feet below the mountain surface, carved out of solid limestone, and having a strength 6 times stronger than concrete, this massive structure will resist virtually any predictable disaster or catastrophic event.

This Vivos complex will also be a year-round resort offering its co-owner members the opportunity to visit the shelter anytime they desire, 24/7. With a host of survival, educational and recreational activities and amenities, the Vivos Survival Shelter & Resort will be an attraction for the entire family, both above and below ground. As a year-round resort members will meet and get to know each other, creating bonds and a true sense of community.

At full capacity, the underground complex will save the lives of nearly 1 in every 1 million people on Earth, along with precious museum artifacts and treasures, the DNA and gamete cells of thousands within a series of cryovaults, volumes of data, books, and more.

This shelter is a virtual fortress with full-time security and protection devices, drive-thru blast doors that can withstand a nuclear blast from mere miles away, filtration systems for nuclear radiation and fallout, biological pathogens and chemical war gases.

Perhaps the most unique feature of the shelter is that members can drive a full size recreational trailer or motor home directly inside, with space for more than 1,000 vehicles. Like an underground RV park, each family will enjoy the privacy of their own vehicle, meeting their particular needs and comfort standards.

Members without an RV can purchase a fully furnished, private Vivos suite, constructed within the shelter. Like the RV's each suite is nestled within the shelter in a comfortable arrangement, creating a sense of community with the neighbors.

Due to the economies of scale of this mega complex, the effective cost per person for access is now reduced to about 10% of the other smaller Vivos shelters. For example, a 20' RV with 4 people registered to occupy it, would cost only $20,000 (= $1,000 per foot of length). In this example the cost would be unbelievably low at just $5,000 per person! See Pricing

The ongoing resort and recreational benefits are well worth the price of co-ownership, not to mention the ability to protect your family from virtually every foreseeable future catastrophe. We are confident this shelter will become your resort vacation destination, year after year, and will hopefully never be needed for its purpose as a survival shelter. But, if it is necessary, you will have a real solution and accommodation, while nearly 7 billion people on the planet will undoubtedly, scramble for a last minute solution.

Vivos - Kansas Survival Shelter and Resort

Terrorism can be good for bunker builders. An apocalypse can be even better for business.
Danila Andreyev started building “panic rooms” three years ago, when fears of terrorist attacks and commercial disputes turning violent created demand in Russia. Now he’s selling “survival bunkers” for as much as $400,000 each to capitalize on angst over theories the world will end next year.
Enlarge image Apocalypse Angst Trumps Terrorism
An artist's rendering shows a view of an underground shelter of Vivos Group's Upper Dome Level Plan. Source: Terravivos.com via Bloomberg
Enlarge image Apocalypse Angst Trumps Terrorism
The construction site of a nuclear bomb shelter built by Northwest Shelter Systems . Source: Northwest Shelter Systems via Bloomberg
“I myself am not a believer in doomsday scenarios,” Andreyev, 31, whose Spetsgeoproekt company is completing 15 bunkers at hidden locations across Russia, said at his office in central Moscow. “But when you start hearing clients talking about the end of the world, it gets you thinking.”
While Russia has been a target for terrorists, with 37 people dying in a blast at Moscow’s busiest airport in January, more people are looking to protect themselves from what Andreyev calls a “global cataclysm” in 2012 based on predictions such as interpretations of the ancient Mayan calendar.
Northwest Shelter Systems, a company based in Sandpoint, Idaho, that specializes in nuclear bomb shelters, has seen the number of inquiries from potential customers rise as much as 60 percent since the March tsunami and earthquake in Japan, Allen Thompson, vice president, said by e-mail.
The Vivos Group, a California-based bunker builder with a website that features a meteor striking Earth, said requests for a shelter in one of its facilities jumped by 10 times since the disaster, which left about 25,000 people dead or missing.
Be Prepared
“Hundreds of applications” come from Russia and other former Soviet states, Vivos founder Robert Vicino said by e- mail. The nearest Vivos shelter is at an unidentified location in central Europe, he said. It costs about $25,000 per person.
“Every person has a different belief or sense of what may be ahead for all of us,” Vicino said. “Vivos is not about 2012, but having a life assurance solution for our families for whenever disaster strikes.”
Vivos is building facilities in the U.S. and elsewhere. It said in January it was considering buying a two-story bunker constructed for the U.K. government in 1990 in rural Scotland.
Spetsgeoproekt, which stands for Special Geological Projects, plans to open a showroom in the affluent Moscow neighborhood of Rublevka this year and is expanding into Russia’s regions, Andreyev said.
The company’s bunkers range from 35 to 90 square meters (377 to 969 square feet). Maintaining the unit, including the air system, runs about $2,500 a year, he said.
Avoiding Floods
Altai, the mountainous southern Siberian region that borders China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan, is of particular interest because it’s believed to be “flood proof,” Andreyev said. Spetsgeoproekt started building an 80 square-meter, $350,000 bunker in Altai.
“They all say the same thing: Next year there’ll be a polar shift or something and most of Russia will be flooded except for Altai and a few other regions,” Andreyev said.
Alexei, 35, one of Andreyev’s clients, said distress over the coming apocalypse prompted him in February to order the construction of a $150,000 bunker big enough to shelter eight people outside of Moscow. He declined to give his full name to keep it secret that he ordered a bunker.
Something catastrophic will certainly happen next year, Alexei said in a telephone interview.
“It all points to some shake-up on Dec. 21, 2012,” Alexei said, citing his interpretations of the doomsday predictions of 16th century French apothecary Nostradamus, the blind Bulgarian mystic Baba Vanga and the Mayan calendar.
Soviet Designs
Andreyev said his bunkers are based on Soviet military designs from the 1970s and modified with modern technologies. The walls resemble those used in nuclear power stations and the air systems are akin to those used in spaceships and submarines. The doors are similar to those in Swiss bank vaults, he said.
Russia has a history of bunker building, particularly during the Cold War amid fears of a nuclear attack.
Several previously secret facilities in and around Moscow opened to the public since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, including a 7,000 square-meter compound 60 meters below Taganka Square in central Moscow that’s been turned into a Cold War museum. It can be rented for parties and weddings.
It may be a sign of the times that Yevgeny Ubiyko, a former Red Army engineer who served in what was once Czechoslovakia, feels the need to start producing floating bunkers. Ubiyko, 45, built his own 32 square-meter “mobile safe” that he now advertises on his website, offering to replicate it for anyone willing to pay at least $80,000. He has four orders so far.
“With seismic activity increasing and abnormal weather events becoming more frequent, it’s clear the trend is such that soon the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan will seem like a minor event,” Ubiyko said by telephone. “People are starting to think about shelters, like Noah and his ark.”

@Hyperion @jaibi @Jaanbaz @INDIC @Pakistani Exile @W.11 @Alpha1 @Srinivas @Fattyacids @vostok @arzamas_16

Jaibi,why are rich and elite people becoming paranoid increasingly ?Is it threat of economic collapse or fear of war??

Americans are building a nuclear proof embassy in Pakistan?

Edit International - The Rich Are Rushing To Build End Of World Bunkers

Rich buying bunkers in hordes.
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@jaibi, at one time no rich person in his sane mind would have invested in bunker ...why suddenly they want bunkers like lemmings hordes running a cliff ... Is it fear of economic collapse or war?

There is also lot of construction activities going on in countries like Israel, where underground cities are being built to escape from nuclear disaster, just in case.

people are paranoid because of the fear of nuclear war scenario.

Israel doesn't have underground cities. It has underground bunkers for 50-60% population ,but many of them do not have NBC capabilities.

These people are afraid of Giant Hornet attack.

Strange , because recently there was a massive underground shelter built in Shanghai capable of accomodating 200,000 people.
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In the '50s people did, post 9/11 same thing happened. I suppose, it's the American economic situation that has them worried now.

@jaibi, at one time no rich person in his sane mind would have invested in bunker ...why suddenly they want bunkers like lemmings hordes running a cliff ... Is it fear of economic collapse or war?

Israel doesn't have underground cities. It has underground bunkers for 50-60% population ,but many of them do not have NBC capabilities.

Strange , because recently there was a massive underground shelter built in Shanghai capable of accomodating 200,000 people.
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In the '50s people did, post 9/11 same thing happened. I suppose, it's the American economic situation that has them worried now.

yes I agree on this.But looking at overall pattern that rich and govt are building bunkers enmasse could you elaborate more?
Is it chaos,anarchy they fear or big war?
It's human nature of the unknown. Probable adverse effects are true, with enough power and resources it makes sense to have a safety net.

yes I agree on this.But looking at overall pattern that rich and govt are building bunkers enmasse could you elaborate more?
Is it chaos,anarchy they fear or big war?
Go through this link mate, latest fashion is underground cities where they can accommodate thousands of people and supplies.

@jaibi, at one time no rich person in his sane mind would have invested in bunker ...why suddenly they want bunkers like lemmings hordes running a cliff ... Is it fear of economic collapse or war?

Israel doesn't have underground cities. It has underground bunkers for 50-60% population ,but many of them do not have NBC capabilities.

Strange , because recently there was a massive underground shelter built in Shanghai capable of accomodating 200,000 people.
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Not Just A Shelter, But A Year-Round Resort!
This massive underground complex encompasses over 2 million square feet of existing shelter area. Now being outfitted, the Vivos Survival Shelter & Resort will accommodate approximately 5,000 people for a minimum of one year of autonomous survival, without the need to return to the surface. Located nearly 130 feet below the mountain surface, carved out of solid limestone, and having a strength 6 times stronger than concrete, this massive structure will resist virtually any predictable disaster or catastrophic event.

This Vivos complex will also be a year-round resort offering its co-owner members the opportunity to visit the shelter anytime they desire, 24/7. With a host of survival, educational and recreational activities and amenities, the Vivos Survival Shelter & Resort will be an attraction for the entire family, both above and below ground. As a year-round resort members will meet and get to know each other, creating bonds and a true sense of community.

At full capacity, the underground complex will save the lives of nearly 1 in every 1 million people on Earth, along with precious museum artifacts and treasures, the DNA and gamete cells of thousands within a series of cryovaults, volumes of data, books, and more.

This shelter is a virtual fortress with full-time security and protection devices, drive-thru blast doors that can withstand a nuclear blast from mere miles away, filtration systems for nuclear radiation and fallout, biological pathogens and chemical war gases.

Perhaps the most unique feature of the shelter is that members can drive a full size recreational trailer or motor home directly inside, with space for more than 1,000 vehicles. Like an underground RV park, each family will enjoy the privacy of their own vehicle, meeting their particular needs and comfort standards.

Members without an RV can purchase a fully furnished, private Vivos suite, constructed within the shelter. Like the RV's each suite is nestled within the shelter in a comfortable arrangement, creating a sense of community with the neighbors.

Due to the economies of scale of this mega complex, the effective cost per person for access is now reduced to about 10% of the other smaller Vivos shelters. For example, a 20' RV with 4 people registered to occupy it, would cost only $20,000 (= $1,000 per foot of length). In this example the cost would be unbelievably low at just $5,000 per person! See Pricing

The ongoing resort and recreational benefits are well worth the price of co-ownership, not to mention the ability to protect your family from virtually every foreseeable future catastrophe. We are confident this shelter will become your resort vacation destination, year after year, and will hopefully never be needed for its purpose as a survival shelter. But, if it is necessary, you will have a real solution and accommodation, while nearly 7 billion people on the planet will undoubtedly, scramble for a last minute solution.

Vivos - Kansas Survival Shelter and Resort

Terrorism can be good for bunker builders. An apocalypse can be even better for business.
Danila Andreyev started building “panic rooms” three years ago, when fears of terrorist attacks and commercial disputes turning violent created demand in Russia. Now he’s selling “survival bunkers” for as much as $400,000 each to capitalize on angst over theories the world will end next year.
Enlarge image Apocalypse Angst Trumps Terrorism
An artist's rendering shows a view of an underground shelter of Vivos Group's Upper Dome Level Plan. Source: Terravivos.com via Bloomberg
Enlarge image Apocalypse Angst Trumps Terrorism
The construction site of a nuclear bomb shelter built by Northwest Shelter Systems . Source: Northwest Shelter Systems via Bloomberg
“I myself am not a believer in doomsday scenarios,” Andreyev, 31, whose Spetsgeoproekt company is completing 15 bunkers at hidden locations across Russia, said at his office in central Moscow. “But when you start hearing clients talking about the end of the world, it gets you thinking.”
While Russia has been a target for terrorists, with 37 people dying in a blast at Moscow’s busiest airport in January, more people are looking to protect themselves from what Andreyev calls a “global cataclysm” in 2012 based on predictions such as interpretations of the ancient Mayan calendar.
Northwest Shelter Systems, a company based in Sandpoint, Idaho, that specializes in nuclear bomb shelters, has seen the number of inquiries from potential customers rise as much as 60 percent since the March tsunami and earthquake in Japan, Allen Thompson, vice president, said by e-mail.
The Vivos Group, a California-based bunker builder with a website that features a meteor striking Earth, said requests for a shelter in one of its facilities jumped by 10 times since the disaster, which left about 25,000 people dead or missing.
Be Prepared
“Hundreds of applications” come from Russia and other former Soviet states, Vivos founder Robert Vicino said by e- mail. The nearest Vivos shelter is at an unidentified location in central Europe, he said. It costs about $25,000 per person.
“Every person has a different belief or sense of what may be ahead for all of us,” Vicino said. “Vivos is not about 2012, but having a life assurance solution for our families for whenever disaster strikes.”
Vivos is building facilities in the U.S. and elsewhere. It said in January it was considering buying a two-story bunker constructed for the U.K. government in 1990 in rural Scotland.
Spetsgeoproekt, which stands for Special Geological Projects, plans to open a showroom in the affluent Moscow neighborhood of Rublevka this year and is expanding into Russia’s regions, Andreyev said.
The company’s bunkers range from 35 to 90 square meters (377 to 969 square feet). Maintaining the unit, including the air system, runs about $2,500 a year, he said.
Avoiding Floods
Altai, the mountainous southern Siberian region that borders China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan, is of particular interest because it’s believed to be “flood proof,” Andreyev said. Spetsgeoproekt started building an 80 square-meter, $350,000 bunker in Altai.
“They all say the same thing: Next year there’ll be a polar shift or something and most of Russia will be flooded except for Altai and a few other regions,” Andreyev said.
Alexei, 35, one of Andreyev’s clients, said distress over the coming apocalypse prompted him in February to order the construction of a $150,000 bunker big enough to shelter eight people outside of Moscow. He declined to give his full name to keep it secret that he ordered a bunker.
Something catastrophic will certainly happen next year, Alexei said in a telephone interview.
“It all points to some shake-up on Dec. 21, 2012,” Alexei said, citing his interpretations of the doomsday predictions of 16th century French apothecary Nostradamus, the blind Bulgarian mystic Baba Vanga and the Mayan calendar.
Soviet Designs
Andreyev said his bunkers are based on Soviet military designs from the 1970s and modified with modern technologies. The walls resemble those used in nuclear power stations and the air systems are akin to those used in spaceships and submarines. The doors are similar to those in Swiss bank vaults, he said.
Russia has a history of bunker building, particularly during the Cold War amid fears of a nuclear attack.
Several previously secret facilities in and around Moscow opened to the public since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, including a 7,000 square-meter compound 60 meters below Taganka Square in central Moscow that’s been turned into a Cold War museum. It can be rented for parties and weddings.
It may be a sign of the times that Yevgeny Ubiyko, a former Red Army engineer who served in what was once Czechoslovakia, feels the need to start producing floating bunkers. Ubiyko, 45, built his own 32 square-meter “mobile safe” that he now advertises on his website, offering to replicate it for anyone willing to pay at least $80,000. He has four orders so far.
“With seismic activity increasing and abnormal weather events becoming more frequent, it’s clear the trend is such that soon the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan will seem like a minor event,” Ubiyko said by telephone. “People are starting to think about shelters, like Noah and his ark.”

@Hyperion @jaibi @Jaanbaz @INDIC @Pakistani Exile @W.11 @Alpha1 @Srinivas @Fattyacids @vostok @arzamas_16

Jaibi,why are rich and elite people becoming paranoid increasingly ?Is it threat of economic collapse or fear of war??

Americans are building a nuclear proof embassy in Pakistan?

Edit International - The Rich Are Rushing To Build End Of World Bunkers

Rich buying bunkers in hordes.

Lol I'd rather die in a nuclear strike then live through nuclear fallout for a year before dying of disease, hunger/thirst, desperation. It's just the rich that always thinks that they are above common man and so can avoid what it is increasingly becoming humanity's destiny. A nuclear holocaust. These rich can't even iron their shirts themselves lol, don't worry they won't survive long after the poor are gone.
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